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Pediatric emergency medicine trisk 1190

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clinical recognition, 1339
management, 1340
treatment goals, 1339
Femur fractures, 1199 –1200
Fenoldopam, 245
Fentanyl, 39 t
Fetor hepaticus, 338
Fever, 331 , 480 , 528 , 573 , 1016
disposition and discharge considerations, 204
evaluation and decision, 194 –203
algorithm for, 198 f
history and physical examination, 195 –196 , 199
infectious causes of, 195 t
infectious etiologies of, 197 t
joint pain and, 406 t
noninfectious causes of, 196 t
pathophysiology, 194
symptomatic treatment, 203 –204
without localizing signs, 201 t
Fevers of unknown origin (FUOs), 203
Fibroadenomas, 113
Fibrocystic breast disease, 112
Fibrosarcomas, 1417
Fick’s law, 141
Filariasis, 253 –254 , 851
Fingertip injuries
avulsion, 1167
nail bed lacerations, 1167 –1168
subungual hematoma, 1168
Fish odor syndrome, 337
Fistulous connection, of arteries, 1383

Fitz-Hugh-Curtis syndrome, 756
Fixed drug eruptions, 454
Flaccid paralysis, 891
Flail chest, 482 , 1283 –1284
Flank tenderness, 363
Flea (Pulex irritans) bites, 445

Flexion fractures, 1187
Fluid-refractory shock, 84
Fluid resuscitation, 30 , 57
Flumazenil, 39 , 124 , 1032 , 1078
Flutter, 424
Focal injury, 1257 –1258
Focused abdominal sonography for trauma (FAST), 1087 , 1134
Folic acid deficiency, 417
Folliculitis, 438 , 439 f
Follow-up of patients, 18 –19
Food protein–induced enterocolitis syndrome (FPIES), 87 , 218
Foods/fish toxicity, 1056 –1057
Footballer’s migraine, 191
Foot injuries, 1208 –1209
calcaneus fractures, 1208 f
hindfoot/midfoot fractures, 1208 –1209
Lisfranc fracture, 1209 f
metatarsal/phalangeal fractures, 1208
Foot, tarsometatarsal injuries, 1208
Forearm injuries, 1191
Foregut duplications, 1419
Forehead lacerations, 1165

Foreign bodies
approach to diagnosing foreign-body aspiration, 211 f
aspirated and ingested, 479 , 572
differential diagnosis, 206 –207
evaluation and decision, 207 –212
pathophysiologic considerations, 206
bronchial, 1119 f
button battery ingestion, 210 , 210 f
ear, 1112
of esophagus, 206
gastrointestinal, 206 –210
larynx and trachea trauma, 1118
of lower respiratory tract, 207 , 208 f, 211 –212
magnet ingestions, 210
management of, 209 f

nasal. See Nasal foreign body
odors from, 338
respiratory, 206 –207
sore throat and, 508
of stomach and lower GI tract, 206 , 209 –210
subungual, 1344
of unknown location, 207 , 208 f
in upper airway, 206 –207
vaginal, 530 , 543
wound repair, 1155
Fosphenytoin (Cerebyx), 497 , 885
Fractional excretion of sodium (FENa), 980
Fractures, 622 t, 627

avulsion, 1173
blow-out, 1268
carpal, 1151
clavicle, 1177 –1181
complications of, 1175 –1176
compression, 1210 –1211
dens, 1242 f–1243 f
distal tibial/fibular, 1205
facial, 1124
isolated distal fibular, 1206
jaw, 1110
knee, 1199 –1203
nondisplaced transverse, 1206 f
rib, 1283
Salter-Harris fractures, 1205 –1206
triplane, 1207 f
zygoma, 1126 –1127
Francisella tularensis , 1349
Freiberg disease, 302
5-French Foley catheter, 1116
Frictional keratosis, 352
Frictional lichenoid dermatitis, 435
Friction blisters, 450
Frontal bone fractures, 1127

Frostbite, 450 , 450 f
clinical presentation of, 695
of toes, 692 f
Frostbite injury, 694 –695

clinical presentation of, 695
treatment goals, 695
Full-thickness burns, 1097
Fumarylacetoacetase deficiency, 337
Functional hearing loss, 224
Functional hypovolemia, 74
Functional intestinal obstruction, 87
Functional obstruction, 87
Fundoscopy, 138
Fungal cystitis, 529
Fungal infections, 442 –444
Furocoumarins, 436 –437
Furunculosis, 438 , 439 f
Fusarium species, 444
Fusobacterium necrophorum, 322

Gait ataxia, 107
Galactoceles, 113
Galactorrhea, 112 , 342
Galeazzi fracture-dislocation, 1192 , 1194 , 1194 f
Gallbladder, rupture of, 1091
Galveston Shriners formula, 1099 , 1100 t
Ganglion, 1344 –1345 , 1345 f
Gardnerella vaginalis , 338 , 545
Gardner syndrome, 219
Gardner–Wells tongs, 1239 f
Garlic odor, 337
Gartland classification system, 1184 , 1186
Gartner duct cysts, 1339

Gastric emptying, 1036
Gastric lavage, 1036
Gastritis, 215
