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Pediatric emergency medicine trisk 1192

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Glenohumeral subluxation/dislocation, 1375
GlideScope, 38
Gliomas, 1346
in neurofibromatosis type 1, 187
Globin production, 419
Glomerular bleeding, 235
Glomerulonephritis, 164 , 980 , 982
Glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase (G6PD) deficiency, 80 , 294 , 420 ,
Glucose therapy, 56 t, 67
Glycogen storage disorders, 878
Glycols, 1053 –1054
Goiter, 1348
Goldenhar syndrome, 380
Gonorrhea, 312
Gonyaulax , 1058
Gorelick Scale, 155 f
Gottron sign, 560
Gower sign, 564
Gradenigo syndrome, 175 , 392
Graft-versus -host disease (GVHD), 932
Gram-negative folliculitis, 438
Gram stain diagnosis, 114 , 136 , 199 , 321 , 405 –406 , 411 , 438 , 444 –
445 , 450 , 458 , 495 , 500 , 959 , 1017
Grand mal seizures, 882
Granisetron (Kytril), 887
Granuloma annulare, 1353 –1354 , 1354 f
Granuloma inguinale, 254
Granulomatosis with polyangiitis, 134 , 166
Granulosa cell tumors, 1307
Graves disease, 1348

Greenstick fracture, 1173 f, 1195
Grisel syndrome, 328 –329 , 332
Group A streptococcal pharyngitis, 348
Guillain–Barré syndrome (GBS), 108 , 108 t, 305 , 330 , 558 , 562 , 564 ,
894 –895
Gunshot wounds, 1091 –1092

Guttate psoriasis, 468 , 470 f
Gynecology emergencies
abnormal uterine bleeding, 761 –763
adnexal torsion, 757 –758
bacterial vaginosis, 753
candidal vaginitis, 752
cervicitis, 754 –755
congenital vaginal obstruction, 764
disorders of menstruation, 759 –760
external genitourinary lesions diseases, 758 –759
intrauterine devices, 766 –767
labial adhesions, 764 –765
lichen sclerosis, 763 –764
nonspecific vaginitis, 753 –754
pelvic inflammatory disease (PID), 755 –757
shigella vaginitis, 752
streptococcal vaginitis, 752
subdermal hormonal implant, 766
trichomonal vaginitis, 750 –751
urethral prolapse, 765 –766
vaginitis, 749 –750
Gynecomastia, 111 , 113 –114

Haemophilus ducreyi , 254
Haemophilus influenzae
infection, 81 , 223 , 321 , 391 –392 , 479 , 543 , 946 , 1320 –1321 , 1349
, 1385 , 1414
type b, 478 , 510 , 513 , 1363
vaccines, 199 , 327 , 515
Haemophilus vaginitis , 338
Hair apposition technique (HAT), 1162
Hair tourniquet injury, 1344 , 1344 f
Halitosis, 338
Hallucinations, 1444
Hallucinogenic mushrooms, 1067
Hallucinogens, 1072 –1073
Halogenated hydrocarbons, 1079
Hand and foot lesions, 1342 –1345
eponychia, 1342 –1343
felon, 1343 –1344
ganglion, 1344 –1345 , 1345 f
hair tourniquet injury, 1344 , 1344 f
herpetic whitlow, 1343 , 1343 f
paronychia, 1342 –1343 , 1343 f
subungual foreign body, 1344
subungual hematoma, 1344
Hand, foot, and mouth disease, 348 , 511
Hand injuries/trauma, 1143
carpals, 1150 –1152
Bennett fracture, 1151 f

carpometacarpal dislocation, 1151 f
clinical recognition, 1151
initial assessment, 1151 –1152
management, 1151 –1152
perilunate dislocation, 1152 f
dislocations, 1148
initial assessment, 1148 –1150
management, 1148 –1150

emergency care, goals of, 1143
fingertip injuries
abnormal tenodesis, 1144 f
amputations, 1144
clinical recognition, 1143
distal fingertip amputation, 1145 f
initial assessment, 1143
isolated flexor digitorum profundus rupture, 1144 f
Jersey finger injury, 1148 f
lacerations, 1144
mallet finger injuries, 1146 , 1147 f
management, 1143 –1145
skin wrinkling, in median nerve distribution, 1146 f
subungual hematomas, 1145
hand lacerations, clinical recognition, 1145 –1146
metacarpals, 1150
clinical recognition, 1150
initial assessment, 1150
management, 1150

clinical recognition, 1146
flexor tendon injury, 1146 f
initial assessment, 1146 –1148
intra-articular fracture, 1149 f
management, 1146 –1148
metacarpal neck fracture, 1150 f
phalangeal neck fractures, 1149 f
proximal middle phalanx, 1148 f
Seymour fracture, 1147 f
thumb metacarpophalangeal joint, 1149 f
Hand-squeezed, self-inflating resuscitators, 50 , 50 f
Hangman’s fracture, 1241 –1242 , 1241 f
Hanks balanced salt solution, 1109
Hanks solution, 1109
Hantaviruses, 847
Hashimoto thyroiditis, 1348
