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Pediatric emergency medicine trisk 1193

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approach to diagnosis, 397 f
associated with muscle contractions, 395
associated with vascular changes, 394 –395
bad, 394
benign, 394
brain tumor, 398 t–399 t
dental abscess and, 396
differential diagnosis, 394 –396
evaluation and decision, 396 –400
history, 396 –398
laboratory and radiographic testing, 399 –400
physical examination, 398 –399
inflammatory conditions and, 395 –396
laboratory and radiographic testing, 399 –400
occipital, 396
pathophysiology, 394
of psychogenic origin, 396
signs and symptoms, 399 t
from traction and compression, 396
treatment and disposition, 400
Head and neck tumors
clinical assessment, 909 –910
clinical recognition, 909
evidences, 909
goals of treatment, 909
management, 910
Head injuries
approach to diagnosing complications, 272 –274 , 273 f
clinical assessment
history, 270 –271
neurologic examination encompasses, 271

physical examination, 271 –272
radiographic investigation, 272
criteria for discharge with home observation, 274 t
differential diagnosis, 268
evaluation and decision, 270
pathophysiology, 268

Head tilt, 329
Health care delivery, 7
Hearing loss
acquired sensorineural, 222 –224
common and life-threatening causes, 224 t
conductive, 222
congenital sensorineural, 222
differential diagnosis, 222 –224 , 223 t
evaluation and decision, 224 –226 , 225 f
functional, 224
pathophysiology, 222
Heart murmur
characteristics, 228 –229
ancillary diagnostic aids, 229 –230
“seven Ss” of innocent, 229 t
common, 233 t
differential diagnosis, 227 –230 , 228 t
due to congenital heart defects (CHDs), 227
evaluation and decision, 230 –234
of acyanotic infant, 230 , 232 f
cardiac murmur, 230
of cyanotic infant, 230 , 231 f

examination, 227 –230
general assessment, 227 –228
precordial examination, 228
functional murmurs, 232
history, 227
innocent vs. pathologic, 234 t
signs and symptoms, 229
Heart palpitations, 424
Heat exhaustion, 690
Heat stroke, 203 , 688 , 690
Heel padding, 1369
Heel walking, 564
Helicobacter pylori infection, 215
Hemangiomas, 317 , 320 –321 , 347 , 1352 , 1352 f
Hematemesis, 213 , 215 , 1419

Hematoceles, 411 –412 , 415
Hematochezia, 213 , 218 , 220
Hematologic abnormalities, 692
Hematologic dysfunction, definition, 77 t
Hematologic emergencies, 769
anemia, 769 –770
blood loss, 770 –773
decreased red blood cell production, 777
hemolytic anemia, 773 –776
hemophilia, 795 –797
heparin-induced thrombocytopenia, 790 –791 , 791 t
hypercoagulability, 798 –801
immune thrombocytopenia, 787 –790

methemoglobinemia, 776 –777
neonatal thrombocytopenia, 790
neutropenia, 785 –787
nonimmune thrombocytopenia, 791
sickle cell disease, 779 –783 , 781 t–782 t
transfusion reactions, 801
Hematoma, 1388
Hematometrocolpos, 130
Hematuria, 529
approach to, 238 f
common, 236 t
life-threatening, 236 t
principal, 236 t
differential diagnosis, 235
evaluation and decision, 235 –239
history, 237
pathophysiology, 235
physical examination, 237
Heme protoporphyrin, 294
Hemiatlas, 330
Hemodialysis, 694 , 876
Hemoglobin, 417 , 419 , 421
Hemoglobinopathies, 420

Hemolytic uremic syndrome (HUS), 152 –153 , 164 , 218 , 233 , 235 ,
237 , 420 , 731 –732 , 981 –982
Hemophagocytic lymphohistiocytosis (HLH), 906 , 1018 –1019 , 1019 t
Hemophilia, 352 , 795 –797

clinical indications for discharge/admission, 797
clinical recognition, 795 –797
hemostasis, X-linked disorders, 795
management/diagnostic testing
compartment syndrome, 797
emergent/major surgery, 797
hematuria, 797
iliopsoas/thigh hemorrhage, 797
patients with inhibitors, management, 795 –796
throat/neck swelling, 797
treatment, goals of, 795
triage, 795
Hemoptysis, 134 , 947 –948
Hemorrhage, 119 –120 , 1257 f, 1314
Hemorrhagic diathesis, 168
Hemorrhagic shock, 39
history and physical examination findings, 76
source control, 81
mortality following, 84
POCUS findings, 76
Hemorrhoids, 1356
Hemothorax, 1275 –1278 , 1277 f
bedside ultrasound, 1277
chest radiograph, 1277
chest tube, 1277 –1278
clinical assessment, 1276
clinical recognition, 1276
disposition, 1278
evidences, 1275 –1276

needle decompression, 1277
open, 1277
tension pneumothorax, 1276 –1277 , 1276 f
