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Pediatric emergency medicine trisk 1194

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thoracotomy, 1278
treatment goals, 1276
triage considerations, 1276
Hennebert sign, 159
Henoch–Schönlein purpura (HSP), 164 , 218 , 233 , 235 , 302 , 355 , 402 ,
406 , 412 , 415 , 732 , 983 –984 , 1296 , 1337
Heparin-induced thrombocytopenia (HIT), 790 –791
Hepatic dysfunction, definition, 77 t
Hepatitis B virus, 475
Hepatobiliary tree tumors, 912 –915
clinical assessment, 913 –914
clinical recognition, 913
evidences, 912
goals of treatment, 912
management, 914
Hepatoblastoma, 1309 f
Hepatocyte injury, 289
Hepatomas, 1309 , 1309 f
Hepatomegaly, 87 , 88 t, 89 –90 , 92 t
Hepatosplenomegaly (HSM), 1013
Hereditary angioedema, 583 –584
clinical recognition, 583
laboratory assessment, 583
management, 583 –584
pathophysiology, 583
treatment, goals of, 583 –584
triggers, 583
Hereditary diseases, 1177
Hereditary epidermolysis bullosa, 352
Hernias, 413 , 415
epigastric, 1310

incarcerated inguinal, 1299
incarcerated umbilical, 1299
Herniated disc, 305
Herpes gingivostomatitis, 347 , 348 f, 352
Herpes keratitis phlyctenule, 174
Herpes simplex encephalitis, 892 , 892 f

Herpes simplex virus (HSV), 81 , 119 , 125 , 173 , 254 , 347 , 438 , 1343 ,
1398 f
fluorescein staining pattern, 1399 f
nonneonatal, 852 –854
Herpes simplex virus-2 (HSV-2), 312
Herpes simplex virus type 1 (HSV-1), 1316
Herpes zoster infection, 157
Herpes zoster ophthalmicus, 173 , 1398 f
Herpetic corneal infection, 173
Herpetic gingivostomatitis, 312
Herpetic stomatitis, 508
Herpetic whitlow, 1343 , 1343 f
High-altitude illness
clinical recognition, 695
management and diagnostic studies, 696
physiologic changes, 695
prevention efforts, 696
recognition of, 695
treatment, goals of, 695
triage and initial assessment, 695
High-flow nasal cannulas (HFNC), 49
High-reliability organizations, 4 , 5 t

High-tension electrical injuries, 734
High-voltage injuries, 699
Hill–Sachs deformities, 1182 , 1182 f
Hip dislocations, 1198
clinical assessment, 1198
clinical recognition, 1198
dislocation, 1198
disposition, 1199
evidences, 1198
femoral neck fractures, 1199
intertrochanteric fractures, 1199
management, 1198 –1199
proximal femoral physeal fractures, 1198 –1199
radiographs, 1198 f
right femoral neck fracture, 1199 f

treatment of, 1197 –1198
triage considerations, 1198
Hip/proximal femur
clinical assessment, 1198
clinical recognition, 1198
dislocation, 1198
disposition, 1199
evidences, 1198
femoral neck fractures, 1199
intertrochanteric fractures, 1199
management, 1198 –1199
proximal femoral physeal fractures, 1198 –1199
Salter–Harris type I fracture, 1199 f

treatment goals, 1197
triage considerations, 1198
Hirschberg light reflex test, 177 , 177 f
Hirschsprung-associated enterocolitis (HAEC), 129 , 552
Hirschsprung disease, 87 , 129 , 153 , 358 , 552 , 1304 –1305 , 1304 f,
1304 t, 1307
anorectal manometry in, 1305
barium enema studies in, 1304 f, 1305
differential diagnosis of, 1304 t
Hirschsprung enterocolitis, 504
Histiocytic diseases, 906 –907
clinical assessment, 907
clinical recognition, 906 –907
evidences, 906
goal of treatment, 906
Histiocytic disorders, 312 , 314
Histiocytosis X, 318
Histoplasmosis, 444
Histotoxic hypoxia, 478
Hoagland sign, 163
Hodgkin lymphoma, 112 , 312 , 314 , 910
Hollow abdominal viscera injuries, 1091
Hopkins syndrome, 557
Hordeolums, 1401 –1402

Hormonal contraception, 538
Hormone-secreting tumors, 344
Horner syndrome, 183 f, 185 , 558
Household cleaning products, 1058 , 1058 f

caustics, 1058 –1061
hydrocarbons, 1061 –1062 , 1061 t
lead, 1062 –1064 , 1064 t
pesticides, 1065
rodenticides, 1065 , 1066 t
Housemaid’s knee, 1369
HSV-associated encephalitis, 891 –892
H-type fistulae, 1408 , 1409 f
Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infection, 153 , 196 , 309 , 315 ,
317 , 347 , 419
Humanism, 17
balance of professionalism and, 17
with colleagues and staff, 19
in ED, 18 t
via self-care, 19
Human metapneumovirus, 572
Human papilloma virus (HPV), 533
Humeral fractures, 1183 –1184 , 1184 f, 1185
Hutchinson teeth, 350
Hydralazine, 245
Hydration, 298
Hydrocarbons, 1061 –1062 , 1061 t, 1079
Hydroceles, 412 –413 , 413 f, 415
Hydrocephalus, 1385 , 1389 –1390
clinical pitfall, 1385
clinical recognition, 1385
diagnostic imaging, 1385
management, 1385 –1386
treatment goals, 1384 –1385

arterial infarcts, 1390
brain abscess, 1389
meningitis, 1389
