subdural empyema, 1389 –1390
venous infarcts, 1390
ventriculitis, 1389
Hydrochlorothiazide, 531
Hydrocortisone, for adrenal insufficiency, 84
Hydroxychloroquine, 1015
Hyperadrenalism, 560
Hyperammonemia, 126 , 482 , 872
Hyperbilirubinemia, 930
Hypercalcemia, 926
Hypercalciuria, 238 –239 , 531
Hypercapnia, 478
Hypercarbia, 120
Hyperchloremia, 80
Hypercoagulability, 798 –801
Hyperdynamic cardiac activity, 424
Hyperglycemia, 655 , 658 –660 , 1100
Hyperglycemic hyperosmolar nonketotic syndrome, 121
Hyperleukocytosis, 906
Hyperlipidemia, 366
Hypernatremia, 502
Hypernatremic dehydration, 1036
Hyperoxia, 49
Hyperparathyroid, 671 –673
Hyperparathyroidism, 130 , 560
Hyperpigmentation, 465 –466 , 570
Hyperprolactinemia, 342 , 344
Hyperpronation, 1374
diagnostic approach to, 242 f
differential diagnosis, 240 –241
evaluation and decision, 241 –242
management, 242 –243
pathophysiology, 240 –241
prevalence of, 240
specific therapy, 243 –246 , 244 t, 246 f
clevidipine, 245
clonidine, 246
enalaprilat, 245
esmolol, 245
fenoldopam, 245
hydralazine, 245
isradipine, 246
labetalol, 243 –244
nicardipine, 244 –245
nifedipine, 246
phentolamine, 245
sodium nitroprusside, 245
stages, 240
Hypertensive emergency, 240
Hypertensive encephalopathy, 120
Hypertensive urgency, 240
Hyperthermia, 120 , 124
Hyperthyroidism, 345 , 560
Hypertonic dehydration, 149
Hypertonic solutions, 57
Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy, 368
Hypertrophic obstructive cardiomyopathy (HOCM), 519 , 522
Hypertrophic pyloric stenosis (HPS), 552
Hypertrophic scar, 1354 , 1355 f
Hypertrophied breast tissue, 111
Hypertropia/hypotropia emergencies, 180 –181
Hypervitaminosis D, 130
Hyphema, 189 , 1270 –1271 , 1271 f
clinical recognition, 1271
evidences, 1271
management, 1271
treatment goals, 1271
triage considerations, 1271
Hypoadrenalism, 560
Hypoalbuminemia, 162
Hypocalcemia, 80 , 560
Hypochloremia, 560
Hypochromic anemia, 419
Hypoglycemia, 80 , 494 , 502 –503 , 520 , 660 –662 , 693 , 1031 , 1035
as apnea, 102
in neonate, 67
Hypokalemic periodic paralysis, 896
Hyponatremia, 560
Hyponatremic hypovolemia, 967
Hypoparathyroid, 673 –674
Hypoparathyroidism, 560
Hypopigmentation, 465
Hypopituitarism, 662 –663
Hypoplastic anemia, 418 –419
Hypoplastic left heart syndrome (HLHS), 501 –502 , 595
Hypopyon, 190
Hyposthenuria, 428
Hypotension, 124 , 341 , 485
Hypothalamic–pituitary axis disorders, 344 –345
Hypothalamic–pituitary–ovarian axis, 536
Hypothalamic tumors, 907
Hypothermia, 682 , 693
Hypothyroidism, 130 , 345 , 560
Hypotonia, 556
Hypotonic dehydration, 149
Hypovolemia, 1091 , 1099 , 1295
Hypovolemic shock
due to diarrhea, 84
history and physical examination findings, 76
source control, 81
POCUS findings, 76
Hypoxemia, 102 , 480 , 680
causes of, 29
management of, 44
respiratory support during, 35
Hypoxia, 478
Hypoxic coma, 120
Ibuprofen, 203 , 887 , 1014 t, 1025 –1026 , 1035
for pain control, 1316
Idiopathic intracranial hypertension (IIH), 190 , 330
clinical considerations, 888
clinical indications for discharge/admission, 888
evidences, 888
goals of treatment, 888
initial assessment, 888
management, 888
Idiopathic postasthmatic amyotrophy, 557
Idiopathic scrotal edema, 413
Idiopathic seizure, 881
Idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura (ITP), 233
Id reaction, 433 , 435 , 446 t
Ileus, 87 , 88 t, 89 –90 , 93
Iliac adenitis, 313
Iliotibial (IT) band syndrome, 279
Ill and injured children, general approach
background, 26
family presence, 30 –32
pediatric differences, 26
primary survey for, 28 –30 , 29 t
airway, 28 –29
breathing, 29
circulation, 29
disability, 29
exposure/environment, 30
fluid resuscitation, 30
IV access, 30 , 30 t
principles of critical, 26 –27
quality and competency, 32 –33
rapid assessment, 28
secondary survey for, 30
findings and implications, 31 t–32 t
team composition for, 27 –28
triage system, 26 –27
vital signs, 27 , 28 t