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Pediatric emergency medicine trisk 3122 3122

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FIGURE 102.11 Knee radiograph demonstrating increased calcium deposition at metaphysis—
the so-called “lead lines.” (Reprinted from Henretig FM. A toddler in status epilepticus. In:
Osterhoudt KC, Perrone J, DeRoos F, et al., eds. Toxicology Pearls . Philadelphia, PA: Hanley
& Belfus; 2004:S2–S5. Copyright © 2004 Elsevier. With permission.)

Asymptomatic children with BLL of 45 to 69 mcg/dL should have urgent
referral and treatment with oral DMSA (typically a 19-day course) or parenteral
CaNa2 EDTA for 5 days ( Table 102.15 ). If the BLL is higher than 69 mcg/dL,
