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Solutions to make black label brand personality strong

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International School of Business
-------------------------Student’s name: Chu Thi Thuy

Thesis: Solutions to make Black Label

brand personality strong

ID: 22140050

SUPERVISOR: Professor- Tran Ha Minh Quan

Ho Chi Minh City – Year 2017

Table of contents










Problem identification…………………………………………………


Problem definition…………………………………………………….. 9
Brand personality dimension of Black Label………………………….. 11
Problem existences


Cause of the problem and the validation………………………………


The effects of problem on brand/store performance………………….. 19
Cause and effect map………………………………………………….. 21
Some solutions to make brand personality strong…………………………


Solution map …………………………………………………………


Action Plan……………………………………………………………


Reference ……………………………………………………………………


Appendix……………………………………………………………………… 35

Haley-Davidson selected Vietnam market to launch the world’s first Black Label store
because Vietnam is an alluring market for international fashion brands with its young
population, an expanding middle class, and an emerging market.
However, recent five years, Vietnam fashion retail competes fiercely to gain market
shares and loyal customers. Those brands which can survive and success in Vietnam
market is brands understand customer’s needs and wants including styling, quality of
products, price, and accessibility.
After one year opening, Black Label store failed because it could not approach its right
target customers and less advantage competitive among other competitors


comparison with customer loyalty, product characteristics, price, positioning market.
Nowadays, consumers have multiple choices in many global fashion brands which meet
their customers’ needs and wants. Consequently, if Black Label brand don’t have strong
its characteristics to attract customers, it will disappear from Vietnam market in one

This study is to analyse characteristics of Black Label store in term of brand personality,
suggest some solutions to make this brand personality strong, and improve brand

Company background
William S. Harley and William A. Davidson1 founded Harley-Davidson in Milwaukee,
Wisconsin in 1903. Harley-Davidson Motor Company is the largest manufacturer of
heavyweight motorcycles in the world, and is one of the most identifiable brands in the
United States. Harley targets high-class customers, and represents success and high

social status. Harley-Davidson emphasizes that the company doesn't just produce
American motorcycles; it produces an American legend. Harley customers are
extremely loyal to the brand, and believe that Harley-Davidson makes the best
heavyweight motorcycles in the world. The price of H-D positioned as premium
because it stands for a legendary.
Harley-Davidson Motor Company offers a complete line of motorcycle parts,
accessories, apparel, and general merchandise.
February 2011, the all-new Black Label Collection of Harley-Davidson Motor Clothes
was launched, sporting street-inspired designs, a custom look and casual feel, and
evoking an authentic, rebel attitude. Black Label products include jacket, shirt, T-shirt,
jeans, and accessory. Black Label products are displaying and selling together with H-D
clothing in Harley-Davidson stores or/and showrooms.
According to Karen Davidson2, Harley-Davidson General Merchandise Creative
Director said that: “Black Label is born of the Dark Custom movement with an honest,
authentic style, and is for those whose allegiance to Harley-Davidson does not scream to
be heard. Black Label is inspired by customers and to satisfy the latest generation of
men and women riders”

Black Label retail store is a concept for apparel and accessories that extends from H-D
primary channels (Dealers, E-commerce, AROs) focused Black Label collections that
target young adult outreach consumers where they shop at mall or high traffic street
sites with stand-alone Black Label location.
October 2013, Al Naboodah international Vietnam became a distributor of HarleyDavidson (H-D) at Vietnam market. The company sells H-D motors, H-D part &
accessories, and H-D clothes for bikers.

The world’s first Black Label store opened on 19th April 2015 at Vivo City, district 7
Hochiminh City. This fashion retail store is considered as an experiment project of
Harley-Davidson and AL Naboodah Vietnam.

Situation Analysis
Current performance of Black Label store: after a year store opening, sales revenue of
Black Label has achieved 40% of target only; burdening losses every month.
From historical sale record: 50% of customers who bought Black Label are HarleyDavidson and the others are foreigners and Vivo SC’s visitor. 90% of them purchased
sale items with discount up to 50% despite its profit margin is lower than industry
average (Profit margin of black Label is 45%, industry average is 60%). Sales revenue
is generated from in-store promotions and customers pass by store; and the number of
repurchase is so modesty. Therefore, the customer patronage of store is unremarkable.
After reviewing sales performance, there are some symptoms as following:
Harley-Davidson targeted customers for Black Label products is younger generation
with age from 18 to 29 years old. Black Label store recorded that young people with age
under 30 years old visits to store just looking around and will get out when they see the
tag price of merchandise. A few of them tried on some items, but can’t afford to
purchase although they are really interested in those products because of unique and
According to historical sales record from the store, actual customers who purchased B/L
are over 30 years old, and contribute 80% of total sales. We can see that Black Label

has targeted wrong customer’s age.

Due to setting Black Label’s target customer is youngster, Harley-Davidson opened the
first Black Label store at VIVO SC which combines supermarket and shopping mall and
its target customers are youngster and families too.
The company organized two big events to appeal visitors coming to the store including:
+ The first one is cooperating with Anh Khoa, Rock singer, in his live concert by giving
away the concert’s ticket and gift voucher valued one million dong of purchasing any
item at B/L store to attract young audiences to visit B/L store. The target audiences are
RMIT students, current loyalty customers of H-D, and followers of H-D Facebook’s fan
page & Anh Khoa fans. The result is there was a few customers of H-D and no RMIT
student pass by the store to get gift vouchers, and this cooperation was under
expectation while the company sponsored 10,000 US dollar for this concert.
+ The second one is a night event organized at VIVO’s lobby, this event attracted huge
VIVO’s visitors but fail in sales.
The result is marketing activations was unsuccessful due to not approach right target
customers, and couldn’t take customers visiting the store.
Moreover, international fashion-shoppers has not been familiar with Black Label brand
even thought this brand is origin from USA. In US, almost Harley-Davidson clothing is
purchased by customers who own Harley-Davidson motors and Vietnam market as well.
Consumer brand experiment is too modest because only one thousand people own H-D
motors, so H-D is seen as a niche market or premium market in Vietnam fashion
In conclusion, characteristics of Black Label brand including products, location,
customers, marketing activities create a brand personality. Consequently, a main cause
of its failure is weak brand personality.

Problem identification

Because of unexpected result, Harley-Davidson of Asian –Pacific helped AL Naboodah
investigating why Black Label store performance is bad. The investigation is conducted
by TNS Vietnam (Please refer to Appendix 1 for more detail of TNS’s survey)
The survey with sampling of 300 visitors/customers is conducted by TNS Vietnam to
understand two main issues are

What is consumer awareness level and perceptions towards Black Label store.


How do VIVO’s visitors look like? Does it match with Black Label target

According to the result of TNS’s survey, the survey also showed that among nonshoppers, only 10% of total surveyed are aware of Black Label; among shoppers, 31%
of total surveyed are aware of Back Label and 96% of those claimed that they are aware
of Black Label because they passed by store before and 18% of those said that they
know Black Label through Harley-Davidson Marketing efforts.
For brand association, more than half of customers don’t know which brand Black
Label is associated with, only 9% of those surveys were able to associate Black Label
with H-D. 27% associated Black Label as a beverage brand.
The main reason for not making purchase is not having any specific need for any items.
Other reasons are “not matching my style” and “pricing”
This survey couldn’t describe how VIVO SC customers are.
From this secondary survey, a cause is arisen from B/L products (price and styling),
and from low customers’ perception.
In order to consolidate TNS’s result, during a week, 100 interviews are conducted in
Vivo SC (please see detail of Appendix 2). The questionnaires are designed to study

customers’ perception toward B/L and its competitive advantage toward the others
brands in VIVO SC, to find out a relation of Black Label and H-D. The results are 10%
are aware of Black Label brand; 84% are aware of Harley-Davidson Motor; only 2%
know B/L without knowing H-D; 43% of those who know H-D know B/L is a fashion
Brand of H-D; 84% of those who don’t know B/L belong to H-D acknowledge that
prices are expensive; 78% of those who know B/L is a fashion brand of H-D
acknowledge that its price is acceptable; Only 2% purchase Levi's and Diesel which are
B/L's competitors.
The results of this survey are to find out who are targeted customers of VIVO SC and a
relationship between awareness and price as following:
Firstly, the question is the target customer of Black Label is younger than H-D’s
customers, so would product categories of Black Label and its price meet right demand
of majority of young customers?
The survey revealed that 80% visitors or/and consumers visit Vivo SC are young adult
and teenagers, so will their income afford to buy Black Label products? The answer is
“no” because Black Label is positioned as premium price, those customers can’t afford
to buy even though they would like to experience with this brand. Almost Vietnam
teenagers are flowing up the trend of POP music. On the other hands, Black Label
presents for young adult with rebellious and street styles. “Not matching my style” and
“pricing” are two reasons effect on purchase decision.
Secondly, Customer’s perception toward B/L is at low level. This lead to customer’s
brand awareness is low meanwhile brand awareness is one of important factor affecting
on customer’s purchase intention and purchase decision. Consumers won’t be willing to
pay high price for what they evaluate not appropriate with their perceived.

From the primary survey, another cause is arisen from store location (VIVO SC), and
low customer’s awareness.
Following the TNS’s report, there was a meeting between Harley-Davidson of Asian
Pacific and H-D Vietnam to discuss and suggest some solutions to improve B/L

performance. Some issues are concerned as:
+ Traffic of Vivo City wasn’t high as expected, conversion rate of B/L is low
(achieved: 3%, target: at least from 8%). The question is how much percentage
of customers/visitors of Vivo SC is target customer of Black Label.
+ Store’s concept does not attract customers visit the store: mystery store makes
customer curious but not willing to get in.
Harley-Davidson of AP said that causes of B/L problems are visitors of Vivo SC and
store concept & store name.
In-depth interviews conclude:
Store manager and sale staffs: I often put questions to my staffs about customer as

How many people enter the store?

The footfall is low on weekday and increasing on
weekend ( 5 times to 10 times)

What did visitor experience in the

Just looking (70%)
Finding tag price
on (20%)
Purchase (3%)

What is customer’s age (average)

(customer who purchased)


How is visitor’s age
(Who just enter but not purchase)

Teenager : 80%
Family : 70%
Over 30 years old: not much.

The reason why customer did not
purchase any item?

The size doesn’t fit

Does customer like our products

a few like

Do you think what make customer
enter the store?


How did you serve customer?

Friendly, good consultant, and professional

Did you get customer's

We can get 90% of them

a. Visitors get in store and customers purchased:


What do you like our products?

Unique but the size is too big, and the
color is more suitable for young adult

Many products are made in USA, so are
you interested in?

Yes, I like them, but its price is still so

Black Label belongs to Harley-Davidson;
do you know H-D?

Yes, I know H-D. However, it is the
first time I see Black Label store
I know, let's me look around first

So its price wasn't high if you compare
with H-D's products and brand
We are selling T-shirts that you can select
the graphics; waiting for 5 minutes, you
will have a T-shirt with your style. Its
price is only 900,000VND

Sound great, I get ones (10%)

The reason why you purchase our

It is unique (5%)
Discount (almost)

The main reason that customer do not purchase is price and the size.

After considerable discussion, to improve sales performance, the end of May 2016,
Black Label store is renovated by changing the front of store (store concept) and brand
name. For now, the name of store is Harley-Davidson instead of Black Label. After one
month store renovation, the sales just increase slightly even though traffic’s store goes
up remarkably.
Sales of July increase three times compared with June’s because of sale season
promotion (store offered up to 50% off for all items). However, it has to effort much
more to meet sales target, and there is big gap between the plan and achieved.
Gathering all above causes include wrong target customer, wrong store location, the
price and styles do not fit with target consumer, low customer’s perception, a weak
brand association. I could determine that the failure of Black Label in Vietnam is caused

by weak personality of B/L brand because Brand personality will have a positive
influence on product evaluations, a significantly number of brand associations and
brand awareness.5 Building a strong brand personality is very crucial to improve brand
Defining brand personality of Black Label clearly will help Harley-Davidson of
Vietnam understanding customer’s perception and customer’s attitude toward to brand,
and the results are customers’ awareness will be increased and its sales performance
will be better for current Black Label in Vietnam.

Problem definition
Aaker3 stated that brand personality is defined as “the set of human characteristic
associated with the brand”. The brand personality concept describes a key measure for
understanding consumer perceptions of and attitudes toward brand in addition to serving

as a communication guideline for brand strategists to reference when engaging
Brand Personality Dimensions obtained a five-factor with many facets as below:

Azoulay et al.7 Brand personality is the set of human personality traits that are both
applicable to and relevant for brands’. Plummer8 argued that brand personality might be
crucial in understanding brand choice. Van et al.9 a strong brand identity and personality
are invaluable to build brand equity when customers consider about purchasing product
among competitors.
Eisend10 stated that the key driver of brand personality is communication with hedonic
benefit claim, branding activity, a brand’s country-of – origin, and consumer
personality. Singh12 suggest that a brand’s personality is created over time by the entire
marketing mix of the brand - its price, retail store locations, product formulation,
product personality, and packaging label, symbols used in all phases of brand
communication, sales promotions and media advertising.


Brand personality dimension of Black Label
Products of Black Label focus on street-inspired designs, a custom look and casual feel,
and evoking an authentic, rebel attitude for young adult, young rider, and women riders.
Basing on feature of B/L products, B/L brand is associated with brand personality
dimension excitement because this brand present for young customer, spirited & unique
style, and independent lifestyle.
Malär et al.11 stated that Harley Davidson scores high on singularity by focusing on the
brand personality dimension ruggedness that emphasis on masculinity, defiance, and
rugged individualism.
Problem existences
Purpose of surveys and researches is confirming the existence of problem brand
personality by analyzing brand personality that make low brand performance. Today,
Brands are like human personality, it is both distinctive and enduring. The list of
interview questions base on theory of brand personality developed by Aaker in order to
find out characteristics that create brand personality as following:
1. Questions about consumer personalities
+ What is consumer awareness level and perceptions towards Black Label store
(TNS’s survey)
+ What is customer’s aging (Sale staffs depth- interview)
+ The reason why customer did not purchase any item? (TNS’ survey & Sale
staffs depth- interview)
2. Questions about location characteristic and store concept

+ How do VIVO’s visitors look like? Does it match with Black Label target
customers? (writer’s survey and observation)
+ Do you think what make customer enter the store? (Sale staffs depthinterview)

+ What makes you impressed the most of Black Label store? (Inside and outside
of the store) (writer’s survey)
3. Questions about product personality- depth interview of Sale staffs and store
+ Do you like the style of Black Label clothes? Do you think it suit you?
+ Many products are made in USA, so are you interested in?
+ The reason why you purchase our products

Cause of the problem and the validation
From the results of survey, interviews, observation, research the market. In order to
validate the cause of the problem, I use theories literature to confirm that some causes
make brand personality of B/L weak in Vietnam market.
Firstly, inconsistent between B/L consumer personalities with B/L brand personality:
Keller13,14 defined as consumer is an individual with a distinctive personality. The term
"personality" refers to the unique psychological characteristics eliciting consistent and
lasting responses to one's own environment. Therefore, personality can be useful in
analyzing an individual consumer's responses to certain products or brands.24
AC Nelson15, Vietnam is very young and optimistic country with 57% of the population

under 35 years old. Deloitte16 found that characteristic of Vietnamese consumer is
savers and remaining to be highest globally (78%). While the last few years when

Vietnam economy bloomed, consumers was willing to pay a premium for branded
products, but recent 4 years, there has been changing this trend because of economic
recession and slowdown. The consumers continue tightening their budget on purchasing
especially new clothing items (61% consumer cut down on new clothes and
entertainment). In addition, they become more price-sensitive, preferring to purchase
reasonable priced products instead of premium items. So, pricing is the most crucial

decision-making determinant as purchasing. Majority of Vietnamese is low income, so
the demanding for premium products remains weak. The premium retail segment has
not been expected to flourish in present economic climate. Louken17 researched that, in
term of Vietnam income by age, there is a large group of people within the age of 20 –
30 that have significantly lower income than those in the 30 to 59 age range. Most of
the affluent are age 35 to 59 years old targeting for premium brands and products.
Black Label store was opened on April, 2014 at VIVO SC district 7, HCMC. Black
Label is marketed as a premium product of Harley-Davidson. Meanwhile, target
customer of B/L is young adult with aging from 18 to 29 years old. In the context of
Vietnam economic, there is a disadvantage for B/L brand due to very small target
customer of B/L can meet its market, so B/L brand is positioned at premium and niche
market. In this market, consumers want to social status and with reasonable disposable
Black Label’s consumer personality in Vietnam market: middle-age adult, high income,
extroversion, high demand for symbolic brand. There is an inconsistence between B/L
consumer personalities with B/L brand personality excitement dimension leading
negative impact on brand personality of B/L in Vietnam market.
Secondly, the cause of weak product personality

Product personality refers to the set of personality characteristics that people use to
describe a specific product and the characteristics of a product determine the target
market and price of a product18. Product personality is affected by user’s evaluation.
People prefer brands with which they share their personalities, so they can use those
brands to show their identity, status, and their social group.25
Components of product personality include core product, associated feature, the brand
name &logo, packing &label19
B/L’s Core products: T-shirt, shirt, leather jacket, jeans, boots/footwear, accessories
(hat, wallet, belt, etc.) for women and men

Associated feature of B/L actively contribute to the total product personality. Every
year, there are more 400 styles are designed to inspire customers who create their own
personal styles. B/L products look feel and fit, closer to body fit, brighten color.
However, as the result of the survey, 80% of H-D loyalty customers said that “B/L style
do not fit with them because of its size and color”, and almost customer who tried on
B/L products said that the forms seem bigger than their size. In the fact that product size
is one of factor make customers reluctant during buying decision.
Brand name and Logo of B/L: Black Label brand is a brand extension of HarleyDavidson clothing brand. Brand extension can be described as process in which the
core, essential part, associations and values of basic brand, are transmitted to their
Hence, Logo of B/L is H-D logo. All product categories of B/L have similar to H-D
products, and some B/L product features are customized for fitting with B/L target
customers. However, According to TNS report, in term of brand association, more than
half of customer does not know which brand B/L is associated with. Only 9% of those

were able to associated B/L with H-D, 27% associated B/L as a beverage brand
(Johnnie Walker).
Moreover, before opening the first store, Black Label merchandises are selling in
Harley-Davidson showrooms or stores, so almost consumers are not aware of
discrepancy between Harley-Davidson’s products and Black Label’s. In this case,
customer’s perception would think Black Label is a type of category of HarleyDavidson and used for bikers.
Gathering of all above analyses show that product personality of B/L has problems with
the size, colour, and its brand name.


Shirt - Low price


Black Label

Shirt - high

T-shirtlow price

high price

Jeans - low

Jeans high price



















Tommy Hilfiger



















Shirt Low price

Shirt high price

T-shirtlow price

T-shirt high

Jeans low price

Jeans high price

low price

Jacket -high

Black Label























Tommy Hilfiger






The existence of brands and store chain will effect on consumers’ perception.

No of store

Existing year


Black Label









Tommy Hilfiger












From these searches, Black Label has no advantage competitiveness against competitors
in term of store chains and the existence in Vietnam. Customer’s taste is familiar with
Levi’s styles or CK styles, even Diesel styles rather than Black Label’s.
Furthermore, Black Label product categories have no distinctive among competitors. In
term of price, B/L is less competitive than Levi’s, and regarding brand name, B/L is the

least of customer’s awareness so that its product personality could not appeal to
Thirdly, location of B/L store does not match with its band personality
Retail store location21,22,23 defined as “a holistic but independent perspective of
awareness, loyalty, association and quality for consumers.”. Various types of retail
locations possess unique characteristics and may attract different consumers for diverse
reasons. Consumers associate the location of brand stores with the market positioning of
a brand.
B/L store is located at ViVo SC district 7, HCMC. The landlord positioned this mall as
the complex of supermarket and massive brands for young people and the family. That
shows a disadvantage for B/L store which is positioned as premium market.
The Principal position Black Label’s competitors are Levi’s and Diesel.
Because there is only one B/L store in Vietnam, so three brands, Diesel, Levi’s and
Tommy Hilfiger, have similar with B/L street styles are selected to survey.

The result shows that there are different sales of Levi’s, Tommy Hilfiger and Diesel
among locations. Empirical evidences proved that those stores which are located at
district 1 are more favoured than other districts.
Moreover, the result of the observation was conducted to see what is happening in Vivo
SC during weekday and weekend.

The observation is concentrated on six stores which close to Black Label store are
international fashion brands, five of those are allocated at shopping malls district 1.
Wrong store location will impact negatively on brand personality. In customer’s mind,
B/L brand wasn’t considered as premium brand as it stands next to others massive
brands in Vivo SC.
Finally, ineffective branding (sale promotions, marketing activities and media
advertising): the brand personality scored high excitement dimension, on the other

hand, H-D scored high on ruggedness dimension. Almost sales promotions run in-store
or following ViVo’s activities at the main entrance. Other marketing activities are
considered as a part of promotions of Harley-Davidson of Vietnam even though they
have different target customers. For example, when B/L store have an in-store
promotions for customer, the company also use database customer’s H-D to send the
messages to approach H-D’s loyalty. The result is sales of BL store might increase, but
sales of H-D showroom will decrease because those customers will compare the prices
among similar product categories.
Besides, H-D of Vietnam has not spent budget on branding appropriately. They can
spend one billions dong for a night event instead of using less money for the event and
the left amount will spend to advertise its brand on fashion magazines or media like
Facebook, online PR for whole year.
Ineffective marketing activities and media advertising will drive customer’s awareness
low. Therefore, merchandising could not be sold out if customers are not aware of the
product in the first place.
Initial brand awareness comes from a variety of sources including: advertising, word-ofmouth, social media, direct recommendation.

The effects of problem on brand/store performance.
From the literature review, brand personality has influence on customer’s perception/
brand awareness and store loyalty of customer.
Firstly, weak brand personality will lead low brand awareness
Aaker26 stated that Brand awareness reflects the salience of the brand in the customers
There are levels of awareness including:
 Recognition (Have you ever heard about fashion Black Label brand?): Only
10% of surveyed are aware of Black Label.
 Recall (What brands did you purchase before?): Nobody refer buying Black
Label before
 Top-of-Mind (Could you list the first-named brand?): All brands that

surveyed are massive global brands.
 Brand Knowledge (Do you know what the brand stands for?): unspecific
 Brand Opinion (What kind of product that you interest): T-Shirt, Jacket.
For new or niche brands, recognition can be important. A question is how to increase
recognition brand.
The interview visitors at Vivo SC showed that only 10% of those are aware of Black
Label brand. Standing with many popular global brands in the shopping mall, Black
Label store could not attract visitors to pass by, hence store’s footfall is the lowest
among those brands (please see appendix 3). As the result of observation shows that the
conversion rate is the lowest among brand. There are hypothesises:

Customers can’t afford to buy B/L products

 The styles/ designs don’t meet customers’ desire or need.
 Customer wouldn’t be willing to pay for the brand that they have low
Secondly, weak brand personality will have less store customer loyalty and brand
loyalty. There is no distinctive brand personality of B/L with other brands; in addition,
B/L price is more expensive than brands while all those brands have similar benefits
(styles, functional, and symbolic) in Vivo SC. Therefore, consumers will switch to
purchase another brand easily. It is hard for the brand to drive customer repurchasing.
From the store’s record, only 2% customers come back for the next purchase.
For the niche market or premium market, database of client is key determinant to
improve sales performance. Less brand loyalty means less customer loyalty. Aaker


found that a loyal customer base represents a barrier to entry, a basis for a price
premium, time to respond to competitor innovations, and a bulwark against deleterious
price competition
Overall, from data analysis, inconsistent customer personality, weak product
personality, wrong retail store location, and ineffective branding created a weak brand
personality. These factors cause a bad store performance.


Some solutions to make the brand personality strong
Solution 1: The brand name should be “Black Label of Harley Davidson” rather
than “Harley-Davidson” In May 2016, the name of store “Black Label” was changed
to “Harley-Davidson”. From this change, there are some conflicts or inconsistencies in

