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Pediatric emergency medicine trisk 4322 4322

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FIGURE 130.2 External jugular venipuncture or cannulation.

Arterial puncture: Butterfly (23 to 25 gauge); 1- to 3-mL syringe or standard
blood sample collecting system; heparin flush (10 U/mL); antiseptic solution;
sterile gauze.
Arterial cannulation: Arm board; 1- and 2-in tape; 1% lidocaine solution in a 3mL syringe with a 25-gauge needle; antiseptic solution; gauze pads; catheter (20to 24-gauge over-the-needle catheter); T-connector, 5- or 10-mL syringe with
heparin flush solution (10 U/mL); transparent sterile dressing.
If Seldinger technique to be employed: 22-gauge introducer needle; thin guide
wire; 2.5Fr, 2.5-cm catheter (or intravenous catheter); T-connector, 5- or 10-mL
