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Pediatric emergency medicine trisk 3787 3787

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are younger than 1 year of age at the time of diagnosis and in whom the tumor is
still localized to the point of origin. In such favorable cases, the tumor can be
totally excised. When widespread dissemination occurs, complete resection is
unwarranted because of the risk to other vital structures.
CT with contrast enhancement demonstrates precise anatomy, as well as renal
function and organ vascularity. The CT characteristics of neuroblastoma include
irregular shape, irregular margins, lack of well-defined capsules, and mixed lowdensity center. Neuroblastoma often displaces surrounding organs and encases
vessels. Prevertebral midline extension is common. There are calcifications in at
least 75% ( Fig. 116.23 ). Ultrasonography has limitations in accurately
determining tumor margins or local extension.
