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arterial blood gas measurements, and continuous blood pressure monitoring.
Arterial catheterization is possible until approximately 1 week of age.

1. Embolization or thrombosis—inferior mesenteric, renal, or iliac arteries
2. Infection
3. Ischemia/infarction from vasospasm
4. Hemorrhage—from dislodgment of catheter or perforation of the vessel wall
5. Arrhythmias—from direct cardiac stimulation if the catheter enters the heart
6. Air embolism

FIGURE 130.7 Scalp vein catheterization.

3-0 or 4-0 silk suture on straight or curved needle; antiseptic solution
(povidoneiodine); sterile gauze pads; drapes and gloves; hemostats (four pairs),
curved nontoothed iris forceps (4 in) or metal dilator and iris scissors; needle
holder, sterile scalpel and no. 11 or 15 blade; 22-gauge needle; 10-mL syringe
filled with normal saline; T-connector (optional); three-way stopcock;
