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Factors influencing service innovative behavior evidence from vietnam

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International School of Business


Factors influencing service innovative
behavior: Evidence from Vietnam


Ho Chi Minh City – Year 2019

International School of Business


Factors influencing service innovative
behavior: Evidence from Vietnam



Ho Chi Minh City – Year 2019

Table of Contents

Table of Contents............................................................................................................... 1
List of Acronyms................................................................................................................ 3
List of Figures.................................................................................................................... 4
List of Tables...................................................................................................................... 5
Acknowledgement............................................................................................................. 6
Abstract.............................................................................................................................. 7
Introduction........................................................................................................................ 8
Literature review.............................................................................................................. 13
Ethical leadership......................................................................................................... 13
Service innovative behavior.......................................................................................... 14
Ethical leadership and leader member exchange relations........................................... 15
The positive relationship between LMX and service innovative behavior.....................17
The moderating role of intrinsic reward (IR) and extrinsic reward (ER) on LMX-SIB’s
relationship................................................................................................................... 18
Research methodology..................................................................................................... 20
Research design............................................................................................................ 20
Sample characteristics.................................................................................................. 23
Measures....................................................................................................................... 24
Data analysis and results.................................................................................................. 26
Cronbach’s alpha results............................................................................................... 27
Exploratory factor analysis (EFA)................................................................................ 28
Structural equation modeling (SEM) testing results..................................................... 30
Hypothesis testing results.............................................................................................. 31
Moderating testing results............................................................................................ 32
Discussion and implication.............................................................................................. 33
Discussion..................................................................................................................... 33
Implications.................................................................................................................. 35
Limitation and directions for future research................................................................... 36

Conclusion....................................................................................................................... 38
References........................................................................................................................ 39
Appendix 1: Guideline for pilot study.............................................................................. 49
Appendix 2: Vietnamese Questionnaire........................................................................... 50
Appendix 3: Descriptive statistics of samples.................................................................. 52
Appendix 4: The results of Cronbach’s Alpha coefficient of reliability...........................53
Appendix 5: Exploratory factor analysis-EFA.................................................................. 56
Appendix 6: Confirmatory factor analysis - CFA............................................................. 58
Appendix 7: Structural results for model......................................................................... 61
Appendix 8: Moderating testing results............................................................................ 63


List of Acronyms
3PL: Third Party Logistics
AGFI: Adjusted Goodness of Fit
Indices CFA: Confirmatory Factor
Analysis CFI: Comparative Fit Indices
CR: Cronbach’s alpha
DF: Degrees of Freedom
DV: Dependence Variable
EL: Ethical Leadership
ER: Extrinsic Rewards
EFA: Exploratory Factor Analysis
GFI: Goodness of Fit Indices
H: Hypothesis
HCM: Ho Chi Minh
IR: Intrinsic Rewards

LMX: Leader Member Exchange
NFI: Normed Fit Indices
PFI: Parsimony Fit Indices
SEM: Structural Equation for Model
SIB: Service Innovative Behavior
SME: Small & Medium-Sized Enterprise
SPSS: Statistical Package for the Social Sciences
RMSEA: Root Mean Square Error of Approximation

List of Figures





Research procedure……………………………………………………………20 Figure
3: Structural results of model…………………………………………………….30

List of Tables
Table 1: Demographic details………………………...………………………………….24
Table 2: KMO and Bartlett's Test………………………………………………………..28
Table 3: Factors loading…………………………………………………………….……29

Tables 4: CR & AVE…………………………………………………………………….30
Table 5: Regression Weights: (Group number 1 - Default model)………………………31
Table 6: Chi-Distribution………………………………………………………………...32

Honorably, I sincerely express my warmest thank you to my supervisor Prof. Nguyen Thi
Mai Trang for her attention, patience, encouragement, and professional knowledge. Her
direction and hardly support me to finish draft proposal, evaluated proposal and make
many corrections till I got the best version and She event help me to review the
questionnaire many times before I take pilot test, main survey and that lead me to write
final research of the master thesis.
Besides, I would also like to thank lecturers who instruct us in International School of
Business (ISB) during the master course with many interesting subjects. Not only the
knowledge I absorbed but also value experience they share that help us growth in real
like and doing better business. In addition, my grateful thanks for all respondents who
spend time to participated in my pilot study and help to answered main survey questions.
I also would like to thank all my classmate of MBUS 7 for useful conversation, for
weekend studying together before examinations, and for all interesting time we have
studied in the last two years. Finally, I am very glad to thank my company where gave
me time and experience to finish my master course that last for two years and all
employee help me for some part like review questionnaire or suggest some ideas about
survey schedule. Especially, I am happy to thank my family who motivated me to go
through all subjects and thank for their take care me to complete my thesis step by step.

This research thesis examined the effects of ethical leadership and its impacts on service
innovative behavior through leader member exchange at small and medium size logistics
companies in Vietnam, the proposed integrated research model was formed to enhance

the relationship between ethical leadership and service innovative behavior while
interacting through the mediator leader member exchange, the study also examines the
roles of intrinsic and extrinsic reward as moderators. By using empirical test of 339
respondents from SME logistics Companies in Vietnam indicated that there are positive
relationships among independent variables and dependent variables.
Furthermore, the new findings from this model showed that there are positive
relationships between moderator’s intrinsic reward and extrinsic reward with service
innovative behavior, these moderators generate creative environment and promoting
service innovative behavior of frontline employee working in SME logistics companies
in Vietnam, the leader member exchange also shows positive relationship as mediator.

Key words: Ethical, Leader, Ethical leadership, leader member exchange, intrinsic
reward, extrinsic reward, service innovative behavior

Due to the globalization process and international trade agreements have connected
business regions to each other and connected nations and nations, the global
organizations exchange their business frequently and the connections also affect every
product and service being offered on global market. Especially, that caused business
models being shifted from manufacturing to providing alternative services as new
strategies to develop their organizations (Thakur & Hale, 2013). Han, Kim, & Srivastava
(1998) and Im & Workman (2004) stated that innovative service is an essential
management feature to guarantee firm’s development, the quality of service is essential
for business sustainability and important to service industry where enterprises create
service competitive advantages (Oldham & Cummings, 1996). Therefore, creative service
plays an important role in every business unit influencing service innovative behavior
(Dhar, 2015) or cognitive ability (Khan, Bashir, Abrar, & Saqib, 2017).
Current reports showed that leader’s behaviors have forced organizations to reconsider
ethical behavior of their leaders (Shadnam & Lawrence, 2011), ethical leadership also

gained a lot of interest in company’s applications and in academics for research purposes
(Lu & Guy, 2014). A majority of researchers found that there are positive effects of
moral leadership on work satisfaction influencing staff’s performance (Hansen, Alge,
Brown, Jackson, & Dunford, 2013). However, there is a few studies have examined the
influences of ethical leadership at work place on innovative service behavior that
critically fosters employees to contribute their creativities for achieving company’s
sustainable development (Dhar, 2015).

Regarding to employee performance and service creativity that were synonymously
defined as complicated interaction process among parties (Dotzel, Shankar, & Berry,
2018). Because of that, the management are looking for effective methods to offer high
quality services in service business industry (Redman & Mathews, 2016). In addition, the
leaders bring out positive impacts that would motivate employees to provide quality
services to customers, as more favorable treatments employees receive from leaders as
higher service innovative behavior employees offer to clients (Chen & Kanfer, 2006), this
is correct for logistics market in Vietnam where small and medium sized logistics
companies facing with main challenge of strictly holding low price competitive rather
than improving service quality or innovative services (Koustab, 2014). Therefore, SMEs
need to improve relationships among leaders and followers that would direct more
innovative service performance of frontline employees who direct serve customer (Dhar,
Another remarkable point from this paper is an study of leader member exchange
(LMX) which was known as crucial factors interacting among leaders, supervisors,
managers and subordinators, LMX role actually is influencing the relationship between
ethical leadership and service innovative behavior (SIB) in work place (Chen, Lam, &
Zhong, 2012) and (Sears & Hackett, 2011), Previous studies proved that ethical leaders
are undertaking to foster positive relationships between LMX and service innovative
behavior (Hammond & Volmer, 2012). Hence, it is proposed that LMX and ethical

leaders are encouraging service innovative behavior among frontline employees
(Hammond, Neff, Farr, Schwall, & Zhao, 2011).
Although two research constructs such as SIB and LMX were considered as
complicated process in natural working condition (Dotzel, Shankar & Berry, 2013),
rewards are very important motivating functions to build constructive relationship
between ethical leadership and service innovative behavior and play significant roles to
establish work engagement which helps employees focus on their work to complete their
task responsibly (Chen et al., 2012; Malik, Butt, & Choi, 2015). Definitely employees
would use their experience, confidence and skills to deliver the best services to customers
rather than just rewards.
The previous studies showed that job autonomy is factor plays as moderating role
influencing relationship between ethical leadership and SIB (Dhar, 2016)) while very few
paper researches reveals that the ethical leadership and LMX are influencing SIB through
moderating of intrinsic and extrinsic reward (Dhar, 2016), whether rewards were used as
a medium by leaders to promote employee’s creativity at the workplace, there are
contradictory standpoints regard to the impacts of rewards on creativity. Deci, Koestner,
& Ryan (2001) mentioned that individuals perceive the environment expresses obstacles
to their self-determination or liberality, their intrinsic tasks interesting tends to lessen or
eliminate and resulting in poor creativity. Hence this study tries to expand the theory by
examining the role of LMX in influencing employee’s innovative service behavior and to
confirming intrinsic and extrinsic rewards as moderators.


Moreover, this study examines the impact of ethical leadership on service innovative
behavior of frontline employee from small and medium sized (SME) logistics companies,
those firms with under 50 employees was defined as small and they are called medium
companies if they own from 50 to under 100 employees (Government department, 2018).

These companies are offering main logistics services and those services are being
managed by department manager or leader directly and the services are being performed
by followers (Autry, 2003). Therefore, SME firms are suitable to do research about
service innovative behavior because frontline employees directly communicate with
customers and their managers.
Frontline employees in SME often interact directly with customer to handle their daily
work so that leaders use intrinsic rewards to encourage service quality like
accomplishment of task finished, respect and esteem (Russell, 2001). Beside that, these
SME’s logistics leaders also use extrinsic rewards like bonus, commission, party or gift
to motivate their following employees (Malik et al., 2015). As a result, their employees
generate more innovative behavior in logistics services that lead to higher service quality
performed and higher services competitive level for SME.
Furthermore, SME logistics companies in Vietnam provide their services such as sea
freight, air freight, inland trucking, customs clearance, warehousing and documentation
services to direct customer and the customers are being served by their frontline
employees like customer service, customs broker, consultant and salesman or leaders also
interact with customer directly if needed. Especially, third party logistics (3PL)


companies play an significant role in logistics market where increasing service-driven
economy is well recognized (Bolumole, 2003).
Consequently, this thesis examines the impact of ethical leadership on SIB of frontline
employees at small and medium sized logistics companies in Ho Chi Minh City (Ministry
of Trade, 2017), Vietnam. The SME logistics sector was selected because logistics field
in HCMC contributes to high economy income and owns the biggest sea port and airport
that attracts much investment which creates market competition and develops alternative
logistics services (Van Nam, 2016). Logistics cost accounts for 21% in 2017 in Vietnam
(Cam Tu, 2017). There are more than 1,800 logistics companies and SME logistics that

account for 35% of total number, SME logistics are performing their main functions such
as forwarding freight services by air and freight service by sea, shipping documents
services, customs brokerage, trucking services, oversea agency services and some SME
logistics may offer warehouse storage.
In summary, this paper examines the factors that influence service innovative behavior
with the following purposes:
 Examining the impact of ethical leadership influencing service innovative
behavior through LMX
 Testing the moderating effects of intrinsic reward and extrinsic reward
relationship between ethical leadership and service innovative behavior

on the

The organization of this thesis included: Introduction, literature review and
hypothesis, research methodology, data analysis and results; discussion and implication;
limitations and directions for future research; and conclusion in turn.
Literature review
Ethical leadership
Ethical leadership was defined as standard conduct behavior through individual deeds
and interpersonal relationships, there are such conducts to followers by two ways
conversation and work discussion (Brown, Treviño, & Harrison, 2005), ethical leaders
play very important role in business management. Especially for global leadership roles
(Graen, Liden, & Hoel, 1982), that’s why there are many leadership styles (Rose, 2015)
applying to manage employees in each suitable market, such as democratic style involves
a team guided by a leader where all members are inputs to make decision and members
see themselves in the process of making decision (Goleman, 2000) or autocratic
leadership style as Mohiuddin (2017) stated that all decision will be taken by leaders who
exercising complete power and allocating different tasks to each member of the group.
Therefore, ethical leaders are core resources leading employees to do right things and

make sure employees following organization principles of conduct (Thomas, 2001).
In addition, ethical leadership is alternative with other leadership-styles by possessing








encouragement, reciprocal respect, precise vision and convinced decision making
(Brown et al., 2005; Zhu, May, & Avolio, 2004). Furthermore, ethical leadership were

qualified as honest, responsible, talent, supportive, connective and innovative factors that
create good working environment where motivate employees perform positive behavior
at work (Hansen et al., 2013; Lu & Guy, 2014).
Service innovative behavior
Service innovative or service creativity are concerned as initiative from employees for
new processes, new solutions, new services, new market or combination of such into
company, hence service business model are being motivated in developing countries and
developed countries because they help to reduce their countries pollution and contribute

to global pollution reduction program (Campagnolo et al., 2016). Therefore, service plays
an important role in those industry (Goo, Kishore, Rao, & Nam, 2009) and there are
many kind of services that are being offering in hospitality, IT solution, financial
consultant, marketing, shipping or logistics service etc…, consistently those services are
being offered by frontline employees who directly interact with customers daily (Wilson,
Zeithaml, Bitner, & Gremler, 2012) through work supportive tools or in person, that’s
why their emotion is very important at work place and employee’s behavior decide how
good quality service could be performed (Ashforth & Humphrey, 1993).
However, synonymously the behavior at work place is creativity motivated (Scott &
Bruce, 1994) and it was mentioned that innovative behavior depends on many factors like
working environment where employees exist to generate their service innovative
behavior, (Amabile, Conti, Coon, Lazenby, & Herron, 1996) also expressed opinions that
environmental factors such as encouragement of creativity, job autonomy, good

resources, work pressures, and organizational limitations to creativity could affect service
There are many other factors also influence service innovative behavior like customer
participation that motivate frontline employees offer high quality service and operational
excellence (Li & Hsu, 2018). Scott & Bruce (1994) pointed out that “High-quality LMX
relationship (leadership style) enables employees to feel stronger support in innovation
management and in an overall organizational environment that supports innovative work
to encourage innovation”. Besides that, Åmo & Kolvereid (2005) mentioned that service
innovative behavior depends on many internal and external factors of enterprises.
Therefore, Leaders play an important role to decide how innovative behavior employees
take and deliver to their customers.
Finally, SME logistics companies in Vietnam provide a large range of service
activities to clients (Knemeyer, Corsi, & Murphy, 2003), Regarding to good quality
logistics services that could satisfy customer’s need, this requires frontline employee’s
performance must be qualified and innovated before companies deliver creative and

competitive services. Customer’s satisfaction is very important in logistics service as well
because innovative behavior employees create positive relationship between customer
satisfaction and service performances (Mentzer, Flint, & Kent, 1999).
Ethical leadership and leader member exchange relations
Besides the definition of ethical leadership formed as standard conduct behavior through
personal actions and interpersonal relationship (Brown, Treviño, & Harrison, 2005), other

paper also clarified more about LMX’s concepts and its relationship with EL (Garg &
Dhar, 2017). The quality of LMX shows the relationship between manager and inferiors
and it also indicates the degree they exchange their work resources together or support
each other effectively (Masterson, Lewis, Goldman, & Taylor, 2000). However, the LMX
head to have feeble effects on the performance of service employees with routine work
where the supports of direction and motivation from superiors is low (Dunegan, UhlBien, & Duchon, 2002). So that the LMX tends to affect innovative work behavior where
employees interact with ample work scenario differently, thus they could show their
flexible abilities and skills (Wang, Law, Hackett, Wang, & Chen, 2005).
However, ethical leaders know many solutions to reinforce the positive relationships
between leaders and their subordinators, the ethical leaders also know how to increase
their exchange value resources which helps employees perform job positively, because
ethical leaders own the characteristics of honest, trustworthy, responsible, fair, supportive
and oriented mind which help them aim to right things for employees and right things for
their organization (Hansen et al., 2013). Therefore, when leaders perform base on their
best interest of caring, motivating and supporting employees that form positive responses
and strengthen exchange value between leaders and followers which heading all
organizations to encourage their leaders become ethical leaders.
Hypothesis 1. There is positive relationship between ethical leadership and leader
member exchange.

The positive relationship between LMX and service innovative behavior

The research model shows the relationships between LMX and ethical leadership and it
also shows influences of LMX on service innovative behavior (Li, Lin, Wu, & Jin, 2016),
the findings of those research are significant due to the guide to the result that LMX play
a critical role in influencing service innovative behavior at the workplace (Olsson,
Hemlin, & Pousette, 2012). It could be stated that followers want to show their effective
performances when they feel connected and motivated supports from leaders (Garg &
Dhar, 2017). According to the norm of reciprocity and persuasion which mentioned that
employees tend to perform their work with innovative behavior when they receive
favorable treatment from their supervisor (Sepdiningtyas & Santoso, 2017).
Furthermore, LMX is a construct that influences relation between ethical leadership
and service innovative behavior by strengthen the ethical leader’s personality, greater
characteristics that build up more motivation to exchange with following employees and
encourage employees to perform their innovative behavior. Meanwhile, creative behavior
could bring out effective consequences and high quality services offered (Olsson et al.,
2012; Shunlong & Weiming, 2012). Hence, Ethical leadership affected to LMX and
LMX influent on service innovative behavior therefore it could exist a supportive
relationship between LMX and SIB.
Hypothesis 2. There is a positive relationship between leader member exchange and
service innovative behavior.

The moderating role of intrinsic reward (IR) and extrinsic reward (ER) on LMXSIB’s relationship
Intrinsic reward was defined as intrinsic motivation that employees expect to receive at
work place which creating excites on work activities and rewards are promoted to engage
benefits for personnel (Yoon, Sung & Choi, 2015) such as meaningful purpose, free of
choice, sense of competence and path of career that moderating the relationship between
LMX and SIB, it occurs by taking the degree of intrinsic rewards is low, middle or high
range then the moderating level will be adjusted parallel way (Thomas & Tymon, 2009).
Moreover, intrinsic rewards take a dominant part of business development in service
industry, when frontline employees have to interact with customer more frequency and

directly or when they complying with rules and procedures were paramount. Positively,
every evaluation was accompanied with each positive emotional responsibility; this
positive blame is admitted as intrinsic rewards that employees get from leaders to
perform innovative services innovative (Leander, Kay, Chartrand & Payne, 2017).
Therefore, intrinsic reward factor plays moderating role in relationship between LMX
and SIB.
Hypothesis 3. Intrinsic reward moderates the relationship between the LMX and SIB,
there is positive relationship with greater intrinsic rewards.
On the contrary, extrinsic rewards subject to the job such as wage, bonus, commission,
fringe-benefits, position promotions, and vacation or day off compensation (Malik et al.,
2015). The extrinsic rewards are easy to measure and compare that appear physically to

any employee which will be scaled base on their job position, task and key performance
index, they were offered rewards fairly before job taken and performed, in some case the
extra extrinsic rewards were given when employees performed their task excellently or
more than leader’s expectation, that also will drive employees become more innovative
or creativity in next coming tasks (Fairbank & Williams, 2001). Lastly, it is suggested
that the importance of alternative rewards may strengthen or weaken the influences of
reasonable rewards on employee creative performance and extrinsic reward play
moderating roles in relationship between LMX and SIB.
Hypothesis 4. Extrinsic reward moderates the relationship between LMX and SIB, there
is positive relationship with greater extrinsic rewards.




Leader member exchange

Service innovative behavior



Figure 1: Research model


Research methodology
Research design
The data were collected from hundred respondents who working in SME logistics in
HCM the designed procedure with three steps was applied in this thesis. Firstly, literature
was reviewed to list down antecedent outcomes, after that draft questionnaire was
designed to define needed items for measurement. Secondly, the draft questionnaire was
used to be taken in second step as pilot test step (qualitative research) and final step is
main survey (quantitative research). The research procedure’s detail showed as figure

Literature Reviews

Draf Questionaire

In-depth Interview 8 Respondents

Judmental sampling with 339 respondents

Final Questionaire

Revised Measurements


data analysis

Results and discussion

Figure 2: Research procedure


The pilot study (qualitative research) was undertaken after draft questionnaire be
converted into Vietnamese for in depth interview 8 frontline logistics employees from 4
different SME logistics companies in HCMC, two salesman from Khai Minh Global
Corporation, two customer service staffs of Air Sea Asian Joint Stock Company, one
sales manager from Global Alliance Logistics Corporation and three operation staffs of
Global Exim Trading Company, four companies were selected to minimize the rate of
general bias and diversify new comments for better questionnaire.
The pilot test results revealed that some questions were not clear enough for
respondents to understand totally. The ethical leadership design with 9 items and there is

one item was recommended to replace “want to talk” with “need to discuss” in EL1,
replacing “problems” with “works” in item LMX1 “My leader understands my needs and
problems” and the respondents also suggested to replace item SIB4 “I often plan new
ideas fit with finance status” with “I often plan suitable method to develop new services”.
However, the remained items of IR and ER were not suggested to change or replace
because all respondent understand and can answer the questions (See Appendix 1).
On the other hand, main survey (quantitative research) was deployed to collect enough
expected data , the main survey’s data were collected by quantitative questionnaire forms
(Schoonenboom & Johnson, 2017) from 700 samples that’s bigger than minimum 290
samples by formula n =50 +8*m (m = 30 independent variables) (Tabachnick & Fidell,
1996). The respondents were approached included male and female, age from 20 to over
40 years old to ensure they have at least 6 months experience, employees has more than 6


months experience understand the overall knowledge of logistics services and they are
already to interact with their managers or leaders. The employees and samples was
selected by using judgmental sampling method, the sample’s respondents are frontline
employees from SME logistics companies who taking their position as customer service
staffs, operation staffs, salesman and documentation employees, these employees are the
person in charge to offer companies’ logistics services to clients directly.
The questionnaire was designed to deliver to all respondent by Google form link, a
hyper link was sent to over 700 respondents that included 20 people in my company,
about 200 respondents are my friends in logistics filed, over 200 respondents are my
customers and my partners in the market who offering logistics services as well. The
remaining of 280 respondents are from Vietnam logistics club, HCM logistics club and
HCM forwarding forum, where estimated there are total thousand members.
Furthermore, the main survey form link also was sent to Facebook’s page of logistics
communities, Skype logistics group, email address, Zalo and Viber and to ensure enough

respondents amount for analysis, I also recorded time schedule to remind respondent two
days after share the survey link of questionnaire with thank you email. After 5 days of
main survey deployed, there were 48.4% respondents of total 700 respondents who have
more than 6 months experience answered and missing data recorded is 361 samples did
not answer. Therefore, 339 respondent’s data was used to analyze by SPSS and AMOS
software for final results.
