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IELTS Speaking Part 123(luyenthigovap)

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Humour &
21 Laughing
Key Vocabulary

comedian/comic actor stand-up comedy
sit-com/comedy film-show/comical video clip
hysterical/hilarious/side splitting/cracks me up
laugh my head off/burst out laughing/laugh out loud/giggle/chuckle
great way to socialize/hang out with friends/good night out
see the funny side/enjoy a good laugh/have a good time
good at telling jokes/a good joker teller/remember many jokes
help us to cope with difficult situations
laughter is therapeutic/the best medicine: good for blood circulation/lower
blood pressure/boost the immune system

reduce stress/depression/anger
informative/thought provoking
stimulate the imagination/inspire/motivate/uplift
relaxing/a good way to unwind

Vocabulary Builder
A. Match the words to a synonym, antonym, or idiom.
1. sit-com

thought provoking

2. comedian

comic actor

3. witty


4. cracks me up

burst out laughing

5. socialize


6. stimulate the imagination

comedy show

7. informative


8. lower blood pressure

hang out with friends

9. relax

boost the immune system

10. inspire


B. Circle the odd word/s out.
1. sit-com

comical video clip

comedy show

2. comical


comic actor

3. witty



4. hysterical


cracks me up

5. giggle

laugh my head off

burst out laughing

6. socialize

hang out with friends


7. unwind

best medicine

lower blood pressure

8. inspire



9. imagination



10. anger

side splitting


C. Fill in the gaps with the correct word from the key vocabulary above, circle the
correct word in bold, and then answer the questions, using the structure provided
but with information that is true for you.
1. What kinds of thing make you laugh?
While there are many/much, what often cracks me up are some
____________ films or stand up ____________ on TV, and, also, a lot of
YouTube video ____________ posted in/on Facebook can be quite
(contrast two short answers)

2. Do you like making other people laugh?
Yes, and even though I can’t ____________ many/much jokes, I think it’s
important to see the ____________side of things, which can make
____________ far more enjoyable.
(short answer + contrast two explanations)

3. Do you think it’s important for people to laugh?
No question since laughter is ____________, or as they say/said, it’s a/the
best ____________ given it can reduce ____________ and lower blood
(short answer + explanation)

4. Do you think laughing is the same as feeling happy?
No because there can be many/much different reasons why people laugh. They
may do so if they hear something really ____________, but also if they are
embarrass/embarrassed or nervous/nervousness.
(short answer + contrast two explanations)

Additional Vocabulary
• routine
• satire/ridicule/parody/slapstick/spoof/mimic/
caricature/black comedy/farce/sarcasm/irony
• jest
• pun
• nuance
• punchline
• one-liners

light hearted
share a funny moment
see the funny side of things/life
had me in stiches
make fun of/poke fun at

Humor &
22 Laughing

Part 2

State setting, describe topic, and tell 1-2 stories related to it.
One Minute Preparation - identify a story (problem) related to the topic
Write down:
1. main verb tense

2. uncommon words and ideas to describe the topic + story related to it.
Describe a film or television show that made you laugh.
Setting (where/when/who/what)


- When I was in the sixth grade,
- I remember when I was 12 years old,
- I remember the time when…
- Around six years ago,
- As far back as I can remember,

- appearance
- characteristics
- special qualities


Story 2

Story 1

- important events?
- solution?
- outcome/result?
- feelings

- important events?

- problem/difficulty/challenge?
- solution?
- outcome/result?
- feelings


• Story:
- What happened - important
events from start to finish?
- Problem/difficulty/challenge?
- Things done to solve problem?
- Solution?
- Outcome/result?
- Feelings?
- Lesson learnt?
• Earliest memory
• Highlights
• Disappointments
• Why particularly liked it
• What didn’t appeal

Ex. Friends/characters are a bit shallow/artificial

• stand-up comedy/sit-com/comedy filmshow/comical video clip
• comedian/comic actor
• witty/clever/humorous/amusing/comical
• hysterical/hilarious/side splitting
• laugh my head off/burst out laughing/laugh
out loud/giggle/chuckle/had me in stiches

• great way to socialize/hang out with
friends/good night out
• see the funny side/had a good laugh/a good
• good at telling jokes/a good joker
teller/remember many jokes
• help us to cope with difficult situations
• laughter is therapeutic/the best medicine:
good for blood circulation/lower blood
pressure/boost the immune system
• reduce stress/depression/anger


informative/thought provoking
stimulate the imagination/inspire/uplift
relaxing/a good way to unwind
comedy routine
mimic/caricature/black comedy/sarcasm/irony
light hearted
share a funny moment
see the funny side of things/life
make fun of/poke fun at

Humor &
22 Laughing

Part 3

Answer the questions, using the structures indicated below.
Children and laughter
1. What things do adults often laugh about?
By and large, while it is often at humorous things on TV, it is quite common for
them to laugh at their own errors as this is a way of reflecting on and getting
over them.

(while + two different answers + reasons)

2. What things do children often laugh about?
(while + two different answers + reasons)

3. Do you think parents laugh more easily than grandparents?
Probably not because I think older may be under less stress and pressure
than middle-aged parents, who are usually working and may not have time to see
the funnier side of life.
(short answer + reason + explanation)

4. Do you think children laugh more easily than adults?
(short answer + reason + explanation)

5. Can humour in a presentation help people to understand more?
Most definitely because it an get people’s attention and make them feel
more comfortable, so that they are probably more inclined to absorb the
information being put across to them
(short answer + reason + 2nd reason + explanation)

6. Can humour in the classroom help children to learn?
(short answer + reason + 2nd reason + explanation)
People and humour
1. Do you think that laughter is good for people’s health?
(short answer + reason + explanation)

2. Why are some people particularly good at telling jokes?
(apart from + one reason + 2nd reason)

3. Do you think a sense of humour is what makes a relationship successful?

(while + two different answers + reasons)
