Subject Index
commercial dealers, 29
criminal dealers, 29
cute factor, 23
farms, 18
microchip, 34
online purcahse, 25
rebranding the, 29
trade, 16, 22–23, 26, 31–33
Purity and Danger, 60
Questionnaire-based attitudinal
measures, 511
Rabies, 19–20, 29
Race Horse Death watch, 276
Racehorse Memorial, 277
Radioactive waste, 257
Radio collars, 240
Radio frequency identification tags, 240
Ranching system, 162
illegal killing of, 302
poisoning, 298–299
predation, 302
Rational choice theory, 26, 231,
233–234, 241
Recidivism, 78–79, 123, 209–210,
Recklessness, 204
Recreational culture, 204
Reduce harmful behaviours, 29–34
breeders, 29–31
consumers, 31–32
Reducing Emissions from
Deforestation and Forest
Degradation (REDD), 255
Referral pipeline, 509–510
Regulatory toxicology, 395–398
Rehoming, 15, 19, 31, 136, 238
Renaissance, 389
Repeat killers, 50
Reptile/combination cases, 462–463
Research-oriented intervention, 510
Resource extraction industries, 259
Responsibility avoidance, 218
Restaurant Revolution, 194
Righteous management of nature, 260
Ripping, 437
Rolling dogs on chains, 138
Royal Society for the Prevention of
Cruelty to Animals (RSPCA),
19–20, 22–23, 29–31, 66, 91,
93, 99, 132–135, 140,
148–150, 172, 338–340, 342,
344–345, 348, 349, 356–358
abandoned dog, 140
advocates the production of
‘freedom food’, 172
assurance, 172
complaints, 346
conviction, 346
dog fighting injuries, 140
dog fights, complaints and
conviction, 346
explaining harm, 141–145
Get Puppy Smart guidance, 31
several research projects, 149
Royal Society for the Protection of
Birds (RSPB), 208, 292
Rural peasantries, 162
Safari economy, 291
Sale of Goods Act (1979), 33
Sampling techniques, 69
Satellite imagery, 240
School shooters, 50
Scottish Society for the Prevention of
Cruelty to Animals (SSPCA), 91
Self-interested rational offenders, 233
Self-psychology, 114–115