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Colour Out of Space
The colour out of space is an unusual entity. Unlike

creatures specifically immune to curse effects), but

the other monsters presented in this book, the colour

all other intelligent living creatures (including native

is a truly alien presence more akin to a dangerous

outsiders) run the risk of falling victim to the curse as

environment than a creature the PCs can confront and

soon as they enter the blighted region.

kill. When a colour out of space arrives on a world,

Whenever a creature enters a colour-blighted

typically in the form of spores encased in meteorites,

region, it must make a successful Fortitude save to

it seeps slowly into the terrain itself. It concentrates

resist being colour-cursed. A creature that exits and

its presence in deep dark regions like caves, wells, or

re-enters a colour-blighted region must save again.

basements but doesn’t limit its influence to such areas. A

Likewise, every full 24 hours a creature spends in the

single colour spreads somewhat irregularly throughout

area it must make another successful Fortitude save

a region, but after the passage of a few weeks it can

to resist becoming colour-cursed. The initial saving

infuse an area of several square miles in size.

throw is a DC 10 Fortitude save, but each subsequent

A colour out of space presents several dangers to

saving throw against that same colour’s curse (be it due

those who dwell in or visit its blighted domain, as

to re-entry or the passage of 24 hours) increases by 1.

detailed below.

Spending 24 hours outside of an area that is blighted

Fouled Foodstuffs
Plants and smaller animals in the region (such as
rabbits, birds, moles, and the like) grow swiftly and
achieve sizes in excess of their norm. This doesn’t
appreciably modify these creatures’ combat statistics
(harmless animals remain harmless). Creatures that
feed upon plants or animals that have been fouled by
the colour’s presence must make a DC 15 Fortitude
save or become nauseated for 2d4 rounds and then
sickened for 24 hours. A successful save reduces the
effect to the sickened condition, which lasts for 2d6
minutes. Creatures who have become colour-cursed
(see below) can feed on these foodstuffs normally and
need not fear becoming sickened or nauseated. This is
a poison effect.



are immune to the effects of the colour’s curse (as are

by a colour out of space resets the saving throw DC to
its minimum (DC 10).
Once a creature fails this saving throw, all gear
it carries become colour-tainted (see below) and it
becomes colour-cursed, suffering the following effects.
Lassitude: A creature that becomes colour-cursed is
filled with a strange mental attachment to the blighted
landscape and will not willingly exit this area. If such

a creature is forcibly evacuated, it feels an irresistible
mental pull that prompts it to seek any means of return.
Treat this as a constant suggestion effect to return to
the blighted area. A creature that is prevented from
returning may resort to violence to have its way.
Madness: As the days wear on, the colour’s
influence weakens the cursed victim’s mind, even
if the cursed creature has left the blighted region.
Every 24 hours, the colour-cursed victim must make

Any living creature with an Intelligence score of 3 or

a successful DC 10 Will saving throw or it suffers 1

higher is in particular danger within a region blighted

point of Wisdom drain. Strong-minded individuals

by a colour out of space, for it is these creatures that

can resist this creeping madness longer, but as the

the colour prefers to feed upon. Unliving creatures

Wisdom drain accumulates, the spiral into madness

(like constructs or undead) and non-native outsiders

only quickens. This effect cannot drain a creature
