IX Mythos Bestiary
lower than 1 Wisdom, but once a creature’s Wisdom
can resist becoming colour-tainted by making a
score drops below 5, it becomes increasingly easy to
successful DC 10 Fortitude save every 24 hours, but
agitate and anger. This Wisdom drain cannot be cured
the DC of this save increases by 1 for every additional
as long as the creature remains colour-cursed.
24-hour period that passes.
Disintegration: Once a creature has been drained
A colour-tainted item functions normally, but a
to 1 Wisdom by the madness effect of the curse, the
creature that picks up a colour-tainted item must make
colour finally begins to feed actively on its body.
a successful Fortitude save (default DC 10 if the item
Once every 24 hours, the victim suffers 1 point of
is not magical, or the DC equals the DC at which the
Constitution drain. The colour may or may not seek
item failed its own Fortitude save to resist becoming
out a disintegrating victim to feed on directly (see “The
colour-tainted) to resist becoming colour-cursed. It
Colour Out of Space” below), but in most cases it merely
must save again each time it picks the item up, or after
lets the victim slowly succumb. As this Constitution
every 24-hour period if the item is being carried, with
damage accrues, the victim is slowly bleached of color
the save DC increasing by 1 for each successive saving
and turns increasingly gray: its body crumbles along
the edges and is shot through with deep, dry, bloodless
Colour-tainted is a curse effect, and remove curse,
fissures, almost as if its skin and flesh were turning
break enchantment, or similar effects can remove the
to hard-packed ash. A creature cannot be drained to
taint from an item.
less than 1 point of Constitution by this effect. Once
a victim reaches this point, there is nothing left to
nourish the colour, which cruelly leaves its victim alive
but in wracking pain. Once every 24 hours, the victim
must make a successful DC 15 Fortitude save: failure
indicates the victim simply crumbles into dust and
dies. Likewise, a victim reduced to 0 hit points while
suffering any Constitution damage from this curse
crumbles into ashes. This Constitution drain cannot
be cured as long as the creature remains colour-cursed.
Cure: As a curse, this effect can be removed by
remove curse, break enchantment, or a similar effect,
but remember that if the cure is performed in an area
where the colour’s presence still infuses the region, the
creature must immediately save again (starting at the
baseline save of DC 10) to resist becoming cursed once
Colour Out of Space
The colour itself, while not technically a creature, can
move about at will. Treat the malevolent intelligent
hue as if it had a fly speed of 40 feet (perfect) that
automatically succeeds on all Fly checks. The colour
itself fills a 10-foot-radius sphere, and illuminates an
area with its alien radiance as a 30-foot-radius spread.
Upon being exposed to this illumination or upon
starting a turn within the area of this illumination,
a creature must make a successful DC 15 Fortitude
save to resist becoming colour-cursed. If a creature is
exposed to the central 10-foot-radius nimbus that is the
colour itself, this increases to a DC 20 Fortitude save.
The saving throw to resist the effect increases by 1 each
time a new saving throw must be made. Spending 24
hours outside of an area that is blighted by a colour-outof-space resets the saving throw DC to its minimum.
If a colour-cursed creature ends its movement for
Any non-magical object that remains untended
the round within the central 10-foot-radius sphere,
in a colour-blighted area for more than 24 hours
it automatically suffers 1d4 points of Wisdom drain
automatically becomes colour-tainted. A magic item
if its current Wisdom is higher than 1, or 1d4 points