grow up with no knowledge of their true nature until
Type: The creature gains the deep one subtype, but
the change occurs. It has happened more than once
does not gain all deep one traits—only those mentioned
that a group of well-meaning do-gooders has swept into
below are gained by a deep one hybrid.
a port village, wiped out a band of cultists, and rescued
Senses: Deep one hybrids gain low-light vision.
infants and children, only for those youths to become
Weaknesses: All deep one hybrids gain the
monstrous over time and renew the cult’s activities.
The change itself is gradual, taking place over the
Sea Longing (Ex): Every 24 hours a deep one hybrid
course of decades. As it progresses, the hybrid grows
spends in an area more than 10 miles from the sea, it
more and more ichthyic in feature: hair progressively
must succeed at a DC 20 Will save or take 1 point of
falls out, eyes grow large and protrusive, webbing
Wisdom drain.
begins to grow between fingers or toes, scaly patches
Speed: Deep one hybrids move with a shuffling
appear on the skin, or thick deep wrinkles or folds of
gait. Their base speed is 10 feet less than the base
skin manifest on the flesh. As the change progresses
creature’s speed, to a minimum of 10 feet.
and the hybrid ages further, these physical changes
Ability Scores: Constitution +2, Dexterity –2.
increase. Heads change to become unnaturally elliptical
Deep one hybrids are generally heartier and more
in shape, lips widen and grow short fleshy tendrils or
solidly built than the base creature, but are slower and
feelers along the edges, teeth grow sharp and perhaps
more awkward in their motions.
serrated, and skin grows dry and painful when not
frequently exposed to water. Those who suffer from
this affliction find it increasingly painful to walk, and
do so with a stumbling or shuffling gait.
Creating a Deep One Hybrid
“Deep One Hybrid” is an inherited template that can
be added to any living, corporeal vertebrate creature
(referred to hereafter as the base creature) that is not
a deep one or a deep one scion. In the majority of
cases, deep one hybrids are humans or other humanoid
creatures, but dolphin and alligator hybrids are not
unheard of. Deep one hybrids of other creatures (such
as supernatural monsters) are possible but incredibly
rare. A creature that isn’t an adult does not gain any
of the benefits of this template, but manifests them
automatically within 1d4 weeks of achieving adulthood.
Skills: Deep one hybrids gain a +4 racial bonus to
Swim checks, and Swim is a class skill for them.
Special Qualities: As base creature, plus deep one
hybrids gain the following special qualities.
Final Change (Su): Within 1d4 weeks of a deep one
hybrid reaching old age, it undergoes its final, painful
metamorphosis and becomes a deep one scion, gaining
the deep one scion template (see below). A deep one
hybrid can sometimes spontaneously undergo the
change long before reaching old age—death by
drowning always causes the change to occur early,
as can prolonged periods of insanity or exposure to
eldritch energies or the presence of certain agents of
the Mythos at the GM’s discretion.
Hold Breath (Ex): A deep one hybrid can hold its
breath 10 times longer than a human can.
Hybrids younger than this are indistinguishable from
typical members of the base creature’s species. (At the
XP 3,200
Deep one scion cleric of Cthulhu 7
CE Medium humanoid (aquatic, deep one, human)
Init +2; Senses darkvision 60 ft., low-light vision;
Perception +13
GM’s discretion, certain magical divinations or rituals
or technological procedures can reveal the truth.)
following weakness.
Challenge Rating: Same as the base creature.
CR 7