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IX Mythos Bestiary
cold damage or is subjected to water or any blast of wind
of severe strength or greater (such as that created by a
gust of wind). It is also destroyed if it travels farther than
120 feet from its creator. Creating a fire mote or directing
its movement or attack does not cause an invisible fire
vampire to become visible.
Susceptible to Water (Ex) Water damages a fire vampire
in a manner similar to how acid damages a human’s flesh:
a single vial of any sort of water inflicts 1d6 points of
damage to a fire vampire, while total immersion inflicts
10d6 points per round.
Vampiric Flame (Su) Whenever a fire vampire inflicts fire
damage on a creature via its slam, burn, or fire motes,
the creature must make a successful DC 20 Will save
or take 1d4 points of damage to a mental ability score
(Intelligence, Wisdom, or Charisma). The score damaged
depends on the creature’s abilities. For a spellcasting
creature, this damage applies to whatever ability score
governs its spellcasting ability: if a creature uses multiple
mental ability scores for spellcasting, the damage applies
to one of its spellcasting ability scores chosen at random.
A non-spellcasting creature suffers damage to its
Charisma. Each time this occurs, the fire vampire heals 5
hit points of damage. This is a mind-affecting effect. The
save DC Is Charisma-based.

What You See
This huge flaming form is always
burning and falling apart, yet never
consumed. A face-like structure

constantly forms and vanishes within
the flames.
Nonmagical weapons do little harm to fire
vampires. Water can damage them, as can buckets
of sand or the use of other anti-flame techniques.
Counter-intuitively, simply depriving them of air does
not stop their burning, however, and they can survive
in space. Particularly old and clever fire vampires often
take levels in spellcasting classes.

Fire Vampires are intelligent gas or plasma creatures
originally from near the star Fomalhaut. They can be
summoned or easily travel elsewhere.
When these creatures manifest, they are entities of
living flame. A sort of ever-dissolving, ever-reforming
internal structure is visible, but the burning never
ceases. They can manifest in different sizes, ranging
from small hand-sized flares to enormous bonfirelike horrors (the standard preference for a typical fire
vampire). Weight does not have a real meaning for
these beings, which can float in the air or through
space. In theory, if one were to collect the plasma from
which they are formed, it would have weight, albeit a
small one of at most a few pounds.
Over many years, fire vampires grow and
become more formidable. The huge entities known
as Fthaggua and Cthugha could simply be the
result of fire vampires which have survived for
long eons of time and thus become immense in
power, intellect, and size.

