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Sandy petersens cthulhu mythos (1) 347

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Ghoul, Mythos
What You See
This humanoid creature has a semicanine head, hooved feet, and claws.
Its skin is pale and covered with
grave-mold. The stench of rot and
dust surrounds it but it doesn’t seem
to notice.

CR 1/2

XP 200
Mythos Ghoul fighter 1
CE Medium monstrous humanoid
Init +1; Senses darkvision 60 ft., death scent, low-light
vision, scent; Perception +2

AC 13, touch 12, flat-footed 11 (+1 Dex, +1 dodge, +1
hp 14 (1d10+4)
Fort +5, Ref +1, Will +1; +4 vs. supernatural diseases
Immune disease

Speed 30 ft., burrow 10 ft.
Melee bite +4 (1d4+2), 2 claws +3 (1d4+2)
Special Attacks feed on flesh

Lovecraft’s Mythos ghouls are immortal, but not

Str 14, Dex 13, Con 17, Int 12, Wis 12, Cha 6
Base Atk +1; CMB +3; CMD 15
Feats Dodge, Weapon Focus (claws)
Skills Knowledge (history) +2, Perception +2 (+6 to discover
hidden objects), Stealth +2; Racial Modifiers +4
Perception to discover hidden objects
Languages Common, Ghoul
SQ expert scrounger, warren digger

undead. In fact, they often feed on undead, treating


appearance and ghouls often swap them for those other

Environment any (graveyards)
Organization solitary, pair, gathering (3–6), or clan (7–30)
Treasure NPC gear


Expert Scrounger (Ex) Mythos ghouls are gifted at using
old, broken equipment. In a ghoul’s hands, an object
with the broken condition is treated as if it did not have
the broken condition. In addition, Mythos ghouls gain a
+4 racial bonus on Perception checks made to discover
objects that are hidden in rubble, undergrowth, buried,
or otherwise hidden from view.

Feed on Flesh (Su) When a Mythos ghoul feeds upon
the corpse of a humanoid creature, it absorbs some of
the lingering traces of memory and knowledge that
creature possessed in life. Strangely, the older a corpse is,
the more potent those memories become. Feeding on
a corpse that is less than 24 hours old typically provides
no benefit to a Mythos ghoul other than nourishment. If
a Mythos ghoul spends 1d4 minutes feeding on a corpse
that has at least some amount of flesh on its bones (even
dried flesh, as in the case of a mummy, is acceptable),
the Mythos ghoul absorbs a portion of knowledge
once possessed by the creature. This grants the Mythos
ghoul a +2 insight bonus to a skill of its choice, so long
as the skill in question was a class skill of the creature the
Mythos ghoul feasted upon. A Mythos ghoul can obtain
only one +2 insight bonus per corpse fed upon. A Mythos
ghoul can maintain a number of separate insight bonuses
to skills in this way equal to its Intelligence modifier
(minimum of 1). If a Mythos ghoul uses this ability when it
has already reached the maximum number of +2 insight
bonuses afforded by its Intelligence modifier, it must
forget one of the current +2 insight bonuses in order to
replace it with the new one.
Warren Digger (Ex) Mythos ghouls have a burrow speed
of 10 feet, but can only burrow through soil and dirt,
not stone.

Death Scent (Ex) Mythos ghouls have an incredible sense
of smell, particularly for carrion. A Mythos ghoul has the
scent ability to 30 feet, but when scenting undead (or

bodies suffering from decay or, at the GM’s discretion, the
stink of death) the range of their scent ability increases to
60 feet.

zombies or mummies as handy, portable meals. When
equipped to fight, they wield ancient rusty (though
sometimes magical) weapons taken from tombs.
Mythos ghouls connect with other sentient races in
several ways. Their babies are adaptable and neutral in
races. While this most frequently occurs with human
babies, ghouls can swap babies with elves, dwarfs, and
other species. The kidnapped infants are raised as
ghouls, eventually becoming ghouls themselves, while
the transplanted ghoul changeling becomes part of
human (or other) society. It adapts its appearance to
look like the host species, but often corrupts all around
