IX Mythos Bestiary
attempt to move it, including teleportation effects it
wishes to resist.
Immortality (Ex) A larval starspawn does not age, nor
does it need to eat or breathe. Only violence can bring
about the death of one of these creatures.
Overwhelming Mind (Ex) A larval starspawn’s mind is
overwhelming in its power and alien structure. The first
time a creature other than an outsider (excluding native
outsiders or aberration) makes mental contact with a
larval starspawn, it must succeed at a DC 26 Will save or
be stunned for 1 round. On a successful save, the creature
is merely staggered for 1 round. This effect can occur
whether the larval starspawn initiates mental contact
(such as by a spell-like ability like dream or sending or up
to once per round merely by telepathic communication
established with a single creature as a move action) or
another creature attempts to do so (such as by detect
thoughts or dominate monster). Once a creature is
exposed to a specific larval starspawn’s overwhelming
mind, it is immune to this effect from all larval starspawn
for 24 hours. This is a mind-affecting effect. The save DC
is Charisma-based.
Prodigious Reach (Ex) As a move action, a larval
starspawn can redistribute its mass to extend the reach of
a single melee attack. When it does so, its reach with that
attack becomes 100 feet. This extended reach lasts to the
start of its next turn.
Starspawn are a highly intelligent species from another
part of the universe, and many of their abilities derive
from the differing fundamental natural laws from
whence they come. They can change their proportional
more intelligent, because its sheer volume increases
its intelligence and abilities. Their minds are wholly
alien but are full of psionic and magic potential. Great
Cthulhu is, technically, just another starspawn, but his
enormous size reflects the fact that he is also the most
magical and powerful.
size and symmetry at will. For instance, a starspawn
Starspawn reproduce by budding or fission: a smaller
could push most of its mass into its wings to give it the
starspawn simply drops off a large one. The smaller
needed size to fly, or cause a single tentacle to grow to
entity retains a good portion of the parent’s wisdom
supreme length—as its body collapses in behind it—to
and knowledge, but has fewer or weaker spells and
reach a victim at a great distance. As needed, it could
psionics available, as its lesser size means it has a more
also sprout a sensory organ at the end of the tentacle
limited mental capacity.
or reach around a target to attack from more than
one direction.
In any case, even the smallest “larval” starspawn
possess a genius-level intellect by human standards,
In their standard state, they have four limbs and two
though this is difficult to measure due to the alien
wings, as well as a face composed of a mass of feelers.
nature of their minds. They typically exist on different
They can alter the proportions of this shape as they
planes of existence simultaneously and obey different
please but always adhere to the same basic structure.
natural laws than those common to humanity.
Starspawn do not have brains as humans understand
Starspawn are immortal and almost impossible to
them—instead, every part of their body is a sort of
kill. When sealed away by magic or physical effects,
nerve or brain cell. Thus, the larger a starspawn, the
they can sleep for centuries without difficulty.