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Jensens survey of the old testament adam 157

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his hand upon us both” (Job 9:33, KJV).
This was Job’s cry for rsthand contact with
God. In what ways is Jesus, as Mediator
between God and man (1 Tim 2:5), the
answer to man’s needs?
9. The balance of justice will come to rest
in eternity. To what extent does retribution
for sin fall in this life?
10. Some Christians experience trial over
such a long period of time that they begin to
wonder if God is even aware of their plight.
Where can they find help?
11. What does the book of Job teach
about the ministry of comforting others?
12. Why must God reveal Himself to man
if man is to know truly who He is? (Read
John 14:9.) In what sense is Jesus the
revelation of God the Father?
13. Read Job 23:14. In what ways is the
doctrine of the sovereignty of God

encouraging to Christians?
14. Bildad’s last words (Job 25) are
fatalistic, leaving man without hope. How
do God’s love and the cross of Calvary shed
light on such hopelessness?
15. What are some of the good fruits of
God’s chastening His children? (Cf. 33:1930.)
16. Many people deny the truth of 34:12,
and accuse God of injustice and coldness for

allowing such catastrophes as the drowning
of whole villages by a tidal wave. What are
your thoughts about this?
17. What is genuine confession of sin?
What is the place of such confession in the
heart of a Christian?
18. Apply Hebrews 11:6 to the trying
experience of su ering. Observe the
references to physical su ering in Hebrews

19. Why is revelation from God, such as
the Holy Scriptures, a necessary ingredient
of Christian counseling?
20. Read James 5:11 and 1:12 in the light
of the book of Job. What do the verses
1. Extend your study of the Bible’s
teachings about Satan by reading the various
passages listed in Unger’s Bible Handbook,
pages 520-21.
2. Read C. S. Lewis, The Problem of Pain.

Archer, Gleason L. A Survey of Old Testament
Introduction, pp. 418-23; 438-49.
Manley, G. T. The New Bible Handbook, pp.


Purkiser, W. T. Exploring the Old Testament,
pp. 209-14; 238-49.
Schultz, Samuel J. The Old Testament Speaks,
pp. 279-85.
Young, Edward J. Introduction to the Old
Testament, pp. 281-86; 309-21.

Delitzsch, F. The Book of Job, vols. 1, 2.
Heavenor, E. S. P. “Job.” In The New Bible
Kline, Meredith G. “Job.” In The Wycliffe
Bible Commentary.
Morgan, G. Campbell. “The Book of Job.” In
The Analyzed Bible.
Zoeckler, Otto. “Job.” In Lange’s
Commentary on the Holy Scriptures.

Blair, J. Allen. Living Patiently.
