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Jensens survey of the old testament adam 158

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Lewis, C. S. The Problem of Pain.
Morgan, G. Campbell. The Answers of Jesus to
Unger, Merrill F. Unger’s Bible Handbook.
2. In ancient times the Jews regarded Job,
Proverbs, and Psalms as the major poetical
names. They called them Books of ‘Emeth
(‘Truth”), the word ‘emeth representing the rst
letters of the names of each of the three books
‘iov (Job), meshallim (Proverbs), and tehillim
3. J. Sidlow Baxter, Explore the Book, 3:11.
4. W. T. Purkiser, Exploring the Old Testament,
pp. 213-14.
5. A few passages re ect something of rhyme
in Hebrew (e.g., Job 10:9-18; Psalm
6. A metaphor is a gure of speech in which a
word or phrase which ordinarily means one
thing is used of another thing in order to suggest

a likeness between the two (e.g., “Benjamin is a
ravenous wolf.” Gen 49:27). An antithesis is a
contrast of ideas (e.g., Psalm 1:6).
7. See Purkiser, pp. 211-13, for descriptions of
other types of parallelism.
8. The list is from Baxter, 3:10.
9. The middle list is from John Phillips,
Exploring the Scriptures, p. 98; the right-hand list
is from Baxter, 3:13. Used by permission.
10. If Job was a contemporary of Abraham, or

lived after him, then he was a believer outside
the covenant family of Israel (cf. Acts 14:17).
11. The “burnt o erings” of 1:5 are not
Levitical offerings, according to this view.
12. References to a Job as early as 2000 B.C.
appear in extrabiblical texts. The footnote of the
Berkeley Version at 42:16-17 reads, “His many
years [140] suggest the period of Abraham.”
13. This open question of human authorship
and date does not limit one’s study of this
remarkable book of the Old Testament.

14. Meredith G. Kline, Mob,” in The Wycli e
Bible Commentary, p. 460.
15. E. Heavenor, “Job,” in The New Bible
Commentary, rev. ed., p. 422.
16. This procedure is deductive in nature. If
one followed the inductive approach here, he
would arrive at character descriptions of the
men after he had completed studying the Bible
17. Some feel that Eliphaz was the oldest of
the three men, for which Oriental courtesy gave
him the right to speak rst in a group. than-thou
18. The format of such versions as the New
American Standard Bible is excellent for a study
of a book like Job. The prose (narrative) is
printed in the usual style, and the speeches,

which are dramatic poetry, are printed in
stanzas made up of single lines.
19. Heavenor, pp. 442-43.
20. See C. S. Lewis, The Problem of Pain, pp.

14 ff., for answers to this challenge.
