Drummond, R. J., and Morris, Leon. “1, 2, 3
John.” In The New Bible Commentary, pp.
1259-60; 1270-71.
Hiebert, D. Edmond. An Introduction to the
Non-Pauline Epistles. Pages 159-80 (Jude);
pp. 181-228 (1, 2, 3 John).
Ryrie, Charles C. “I, II, III John,” In The
Wycliffe Bible Commentary, pp. 1463-66.
Candlish, R. S. The First Epistle of John.
Coder, S. Maxwell. Jude: the Acts of the
Leaney, A.R.C. The Letters of Peter and Jude.
Plummer, A. The Epistles of St. John.
Findlay, G. C. Fellowship in the Life Eternal.
Ironside, H. A. Addresses on the Epistle of
Thomas, Robert L., ed. New American
Standard Exhaustive Concordance of the Bible.
Thomas, W. H. Gri th. Life and Writings of
the Apostle John.
Vincent, Marvin R. Word Studies in the New
Testament, vol. 2.
Wuest, Kenneth S. In These Last Days.
1. Merrill F. Unger, Unger’s Bible Dictionary,
p. 597.
2. Charles C. Ryrie, “I, II, III John,” in The
Wycliffe Bible Commentary, p. 1463.
3. Merrill C. Tenney, New Testament Survey,
rev. ed., p. 189.
4. Testimony is by such church Fathers as
Polycarp, Irenaeus, Clement of Alexandria,
and Tertullian.
5. Merrill C. Tenney, New Testament Survey,
p. 376.
6. W. Graham Scroggie, Know Your Bible,
Vol. 2, p. 346.
7. Tenney, New Testament Survey, p. 381.
8. F. W. Farrar, The Early Days of
Christianity, pp. 520-21.
9. Such variety is evidenced by these
possible breakdowns in the structure of the
Twofold: 1:5—2:27; 2:28—5:5
Threefold: 1:1—2:11; 2:12—4:6; 4:7—5:21
Fourfold: 1:5—2:11; 2:12-28; 2:29—3:22;
Fivefold: 1:5—2:11; 2:12-27; 2:28—3:24a;
3:246—4:21; 5:1-21
(Cf. James Mo att, An Introduction to the
Literature of the New Testament, p. 584.)
10. Such an outline by one author is: (1) A
Joyful Life, (2) A Victorious Life, (3) A
Guarded Life, (4) A Life of Knowledge.
(From Robert Lee, The Outlined Bible.)
11. The word antichrist is used only by John
in the New Testament, at these places: 1
John 2:18, 22; 4:3; 2 John 7. The pre x anti
of the Greek may be translated either
“against” or “instead of.” The Zondervan
Pictorial Bible Dictionary says, “The word
antichrist may mean either an enemy of
Christ or one who usurps Christ’s name and
rights,” p. 47.
12. Charles C. Ryrie, “I, II, III John,” The
Wycliffe Bible Commentary, p. 1483.
13. These are the two shortest books of the
Bible, 3 John being one line shorter than 2
John in the Greek text.
14. A. Plummer, The Epistles of St. John, p.
15. See Chart 1, page 20. If verses 17 and
18 refer to things Peter wrote in 2 Peter