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Jensens survey of the old testament adam 623

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until Revelation 11:15, in anticipation of the
bowls, the last series of judgments.
E. BOWLS OF JUDGMENT (15.1—16:21)
The bowls constitute the nal and most
awful of the three woes that are announced
to the inhabitants of the earth just before
the fth trumpet (8:13). And when the last
of the bowls is poured, heaven’s
pronouncement is terse, yet triumphant “It is
done” (16:17).
The seven bowl judgments are listed on
Chart 127. Refer to the chart as you read the
Bible text. Observe the spiritual impact of
these judgments upon the hearts of earth’s
inhabitants — men curse God.
Note on Chart 127 that chapters 17 and
18 are an elaboration of the bowl

REVELATION 19:1—20:15

F. FINAL JUDGMENTS (19:1—20:15)
These two chapters conclude the
judgment section of the book of Revelation
(chaps. 6-20). Five units of the passage are
identi ed by subject in the accompanying
The two battles and the great white throne
judgment are shown on the premillennial
timetable of Chart 128. What transpires

between the two battles?


What is the last phrase of judgment in the
biblical text? (20:15)
When John wrote Revelation he recorded
Christ’s clear words that He would return to
this earth. Among those references are: 2:25,
“Hold fast until I come;” 3:11, “I am coming
quickly;” 22:20 (after the visions end at
22:5), “Yes, I am coming quickly.”
There are references in Revelation that
show that Christ will be on this earth when

the particular vision being recorded is
ful lled. For example, in chapter 19, Christ
the “Faithful and True” (v. 11), is shown in
combat against the kings of the earth (v.
The premillennialist position sees two
phases of Christ’s second coming, as shown
on Chart 128.10 The rst is the rapture,
when Christ comes to the “air” (atmosphere)
above the earth to “catch up” deceased and
living saints (1 Thess. 4:14-17). The second
phase (sometimes known as the revelation)

is His coming to earth with the alreadyraptured saints, to conquer the hosts of
Satan at the end of the Great Tribulation and
to inaugurate His millennial reign. Normal
questions to ask here are, Can two phases of
Christ’s second coming be seen in
Revelation? If so, where?
Although the second coming of Christ is
