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Darwin, Charles xvii, xxi
Darwin, Erasmus xvi, 250
Botanic Garden 46, 202
medical views
criticized by Coleridge 210
on nostalgia 213
The Temple of Nature xvi, 202
Zoonomia xiv, 201, 203, 250
dashes, Lindley Murray’s advice on 94
David, Jacques-Louis, The Oath of the Horatii xiii
Davies, Edward, Celtic Researches 42
De Quincey, Thomas xiii, xx, 47, 244
Death, as sublime in Milton’s Paradise Lost 41
Defoe, Daniel, Robinson Crusoe 120
Della Cruscan circle 11, 167, 224
desire, in lyric poetry 223
Despair (satire on Byron) 17
Dibdin, Thomas 21
Dickens, Charles, birth xvii
Dilettanti Club 45