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crystals don’t pack together as compactly as
cubic crystals, so a given volume measure of
flake salt weighs less than the same measure
Kosher Salt Kosher salt is salt used for the
koshering process, the preparation of meats
according to Jewish dietary laws (p. 143). It
sprinkled on the freshly butchered meat for
meant to remove impurities, the salt itself is
not iodized. Many cooks like to use kosher
salt in general cooking for its relative purity
Unrefined Sea Salt Unrefined sea salts are
produced in the way that agricultural crops
are: their beds are managed and tended, the
salt is harvested when ready, and minimally
processed. The tending consists of a slow
the freshly harvested salt is washed of its
surface impurities before drying. Unrefined
versions are not systematically washed of
their coating of minor minerals, algae and a
few salt-tolerant bacteria. They therefore
carry traces of magnesium chloride and
sulfate and calcium sulfate, as well as