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On food and cooking the science and lore of the kitchen ( PDFDrive ) 773

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distinguished by its mixture of citrusy and
floral terpenes (citronellal and -ol, citral,
geraniol). Lemon balm is usually paired with
Marjoram Marjoram was once classified as
coming from a sister genus of oregano, but
now is officially a species of oregano itself,
Origanum majorana. Whatever the precise
family relationship, marjoram differs from
the oreganos in having a milder flavor, fresh
and green and floral, with little of their
one component in many herb blends and
Mints The true mints are mainly small
natives of damp habitats in Europe andAsia.
There are about 25 species in the genus
Mentha and some 600 varieties, though the
family tendency to hybridizing and chemical
variation confuses the picture. The mints of
most interest to the cook are spearmint

(Mentha spicata) and peppermint (M.
Basil Ocimumbasilicum
Bergamot Monardadidyma
Horehound Marrubiumvulgare
Hyssop Hyssopusofficinalis

Lavender Lavenduladentata,L.angustifolia
Lemonbalm Melissaofficinalis
Marjoram Origanummajorana
Mints Menthaspecies
Oregano Origanumspecies
Perilla Perillafrutescens
Rosemary Rosmarinusofficinalis
Sage Salviaofficinalis
Savory Saturejaspecies
