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Introduction to Modern Economic Growth
t = 1, i.e., solve the problem
max u (x (1)) + δ
β t−1 u (x (t))
subject to
x (t) ∈ [0, x¯]
G (x∗ (0) , ..., x (T )) ≤ 0.
Prove that the solution from t = 1 onwards, {x∗∗ (t)}Tt=1 is not necessarily
the same as {x∗ (t)}Tt=1 .
(4) Explain which standard axioms of preferences in basic general equilibrium
theory are violated by those in parts 2 and 3 of this exercise.
Exercise 5.2. This exercise asks you to work through an example that illustrates
the difference between the coefficient of relative risk aversion and the intertemporal elasticity of substitution. Consider a household with the following non-timeseparable preferences over consumption levels at two dates:
# 1
à 1
ả 1