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Introduction to Modern Economic Growth
(1) Rewrite the budget constraint of household h at time t, (5.17), including
these bonds.
(2) Prove an equivalent of Theorem 5.8 in this environment with the extended
set of bonds.
Exercise 5.11. Consider a two-period economy consisting of two types of households. NA households have the utility function
¡ ¢
¡ ¢
u ci1 + β A u ci2 ,
where ci1 and ci2 denotes the consumption of household i into two periods. The
remaining NB households have the utility function
¡ ¢
¡ ¢
u ci1 + β B u ci2 ,
with β B < β A . Each group, respectively, has income yA and yB at date 1, and can
save this to the second date at some exogenously given gross interest rate R. Show
that for general u (·), this economy does not admit a representative household.
Exercise 5.12. Consider an economy consisting of N households each with utility
function at time t = 0 given by
β t u ci (t) ,