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Introduction to Modern Economic Growth
Exercise 10.6. Modify the Ben Porath model studied in Section 10.3 as follows.
First, assume that the horizon is finite. Second, suppose that φ0 (0) < ∞. Finally,
suppose that limx→h(0) φ0 (x) > 0. Show that under these conditions the optimal
path of human capital accumulation will involve an interval of full-time schooling
with s (t) = 1, followed by another interval of on-the-job investment s (t) ∈ (0, 1),
and finally an interval of no human capital investment, s (t) = 0. How do the
earnings of the individual evolve over the life cycle?
Exercise 10.7. Prove that as long as Y (t) = F (K (t) , H (t)) satisfies Assumptions
1 and 2, the inequality in (10.29) holds.
Exercise 10.8. Show that equilibrium dynamics in Section 10.5 remain unchanged
if δ < 1.
Exercise 10.9. Prove that the current-value Hamiltonian in (10.23) is jointly concave in (k (t) , h (t) , ik (t) , ih (t)).
Exercise 10.10. Prove that (10.24) implies the existence of a relationship between
physical and human capital of the form h = ξ (k), where ξ (·) is uniquely defined,
strictly increasing and continuously differentiable.
Exercise 10.11. Prove 10.1. Show that the differential equation for consumption
growth could have alternatively been written as
c˙ (t)
[fh (k (t) , ξ (k (t))) − δh − ρ] .
c (t)
εu (c (t))
Exercise 10.12. Consider the neoclassical growth model with physical and human
capital discussed in Section 10.4.
(1) Specify the consumer maximization problem in this economy.
(2) Define a competitive equilibrium (specifying firm optimization and market
clearing conditions).