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CHAPTER 18 • Externalities and Public Goods 663
The price of steel is P1 at the intersection of the demand and supply curves
in Figure 18.1 (b). The MC curve in (a) gives a typical steel firm’s marginal cost
of production. The firm maximizes profit by producing output q1, at which
marginal cost is equal to price (which equals marginal revenue because the firm
takes price as given). As the firm’s output changes, however, the external cost
imposed on fishermen downstream also changes. This external cost is given
by the marginal external cost (MEC) curve in Figure 18.1 (a). It is intuitively
clear why total external cost increases with output—there is more pollution.
However, our analysis focuses on the marginal external cost, which measures
the added cost of the externality associated with each additional unit of output
produced. In practice, the MEC curve is upward sloping for most forms of pollution: As the firm produces additional output and dumps additional effluent,
the incremental harm to the fishing industry increases.
From a social point of view, the firm produces too much output. The efficient
level of output is the level at which the price of the product is equal to the marginal social cost (MSC) of production: the marginal cost of production plus the
marginal external cost of dumping effluent. In Figure 18.1 (a), the marginal social
cost curve is obtained by adding marginal cost and marginal external cost for each
level of output (i.e., MSC = MC + MEC). The marginal social cost curve MSC
intersects the price line at output q*. Because only one plant is dumping effluent
into the river, the market price of the product is unchanged. However, the firm is
producing too much output (q1 instead of q*) and generating too much effluent.
Now consider what happens when all steel plants dump their effluent into
rivers. In Figure 18.1 (b), the MCI curve is the industry supply curve. The marginal external cost associated with the industry output, MEC I, is obtained by
summing the marginal cost of every person harmed at each level of output. The
MSCI curve represents the sum of the marginal cost of production and the marginal external cost for all steel firms. As a result, MSCI = MCI + MECI.
Is industry output efficient when there are externalities? As Figure 18.1
(b) shows, the efficient industry output level is the level at which the marginal benefit of an additional unit of output is equal to the marginal social
cost. Because the demand curve measures the marginal benefit to consumers,
the efficient output is Q*, at the intersection of the marginal social cost MSCI
and demand D curves. The competitive industry output, however, is at Q1, the