ore bodies (continued)
Papua New Guinea 4:112
phosphate deposits 5:126, 5:127f
plate tectonics 1:440f
porphyry ore deposits 3:633/", 4:112,
4:120, 5:369
quartz (SiO2) 3:569-571
chalcedony 3:570, 5:35-36, 5:51,
chemical composition 3:569
cristobalite 1:368, 3:569, 3:570f9
general discussion 3:569
industrial uses 3:570
Meteor (Barringer) Crater, Arizona,
United States 3:571
silica 3:570, 3:S70f
structure 3:570
tridymite 3:540f9 3:569,
3:570f9 3:571
types 3:570
weathering 5:17
Russia 4:472f, 4:473
South-east Asia 1:195
sulphide minerals 3:574-586
arsenopyrite (FeAsS) 3:582-583,
crystal structure 3:574, 3:575t, 3:576f,
geobarometry 3:583
geothermometry 3:582-583
new deposit discovery 1:441 f
ore deposit types 3:584, 3:585t
phase relationships 3:581f
phase transformation diagram 3:580f
physical properties 3:576, 3:577t
plate tectonics 1:440f
sphalerite (Zn(Fe)S) 3:S84f
stability 3:578, 3:579f, 3:580f
sulphidation curves 3:582f
sulphur occurrences 3:554
tungstate minerals 3:586-588
vanadate minerals 3:588-590
See also economic geology; mineral
deposits; specific minerals
Oregon, United States 4:53, 5:476-477,
Orellan land mammal age 5:472, 5:473f
Oresound 2:150
Organization of Petroleum Exporting
Countries (OPEC) 4:333-334
Oriental mountain system 4:48
Orinoco River 5:2 9£
Orkhon arc 4:466
Orleanian mammalian age 5:479f
diagnostic characteristics 2:492f
general discussion 2:492
Neornithischia 2:493
Thyreophora 2:493
Ornithuromorpha 2:498f9 2:499, 2:501f
erogenic events 3:648
Acadian orogeny 4:72, 4:74f9 4:88,
4:90f9 4:91
Albany Eraser Orogeny 4:352
Alleghanian orogeny 4:72, 4:74f, 4:79,
4:88-89, 4:90f, 4:91
Alpine Orogeny 1:17, 2:113, 2:117,
Ancestral Rocky Mountains orogeny
Andean Orogen 1:238f
Antler orogeny 4:50
Arctic Shelf 4:464, 4:464f
Argentina l:156f
Albany Eraser Orogeny 1:209'/,
1:210-211, l:213f, l:214f, 1:219,
1:239f, 4:352
Barramundi Orogeny 1:211, 1:211 f,
Capricorn Orogeny 1:209f,
1:209-210, 9I:211f
1:239 f
Chewings Orogeny 1:212 f, 1:215
Delamerian Orogeny 1:239f, 1:240,
l:240t, 1:241 f, 1:245, 1:248 f
Edmundian Orogeny 1:214f
Ewamin Orogeny 1:213 f9 1:218-219
Glenburgh Orogeny 1:209, 1:21 Of
Hall's Creek Orogeny 1:21 If,
1:212-213, l:239f
Hooper Orogeny l:211f, 1:212
Isan Orogeny 1:213f, 1:218-219
Kararan Orogeny I:212f
Kimban Orogeny 1:209f, 1:21 If,
l:212f, 1:215-216
King Leopold Orogeny 1:211, l:215f,
1:239 f93:132f
Lachlan Orogeny. See Lachlan
New England Orogeny 1:239f, l:240t,
1:241 f, 1:242, 1:249 f, 1:250,
Olarian Orogeny 1:213 f, 1:218-219
Ophthalmian Orogeny 1:208-209,
Paterson Orogeny l:215f, 1:220,
1:239 f
Petermann Orogeny l:215f, 3:132f
Pine Creek Orogeny 1:209f, l:210f,
Pinjarra Orogeny l:209f, 1:210-211
Proterozoic 1:208
reactivation 1:214f9 1:219-220
Ross Orogeny 1:135, 1:238f, 1:245,
1:248 f
Sleafordian Orogeny l:210f, 4:352
Strangways Orogeny 1:211 f,
Tanami Orogeny 1:21 If, 1:213
Thomson Orogeny 1:239f, l:240t,
1:241 f9 1:242
Trans-Hudson Orogeny 1:211, 4:16,
4:19f, 4:352
Wickham Orogeny l:215f
Yapungku Orogeny 1:211 f, 1:214-215
Baikalide Orogeny 4:463, 4:464, 4:464f
Barramundi Orogeny 4:352
Brasiliano-Pan-African orogeny
1:307-308, 1:308 f
Neoproterozoic orogenic domains
Aracuai orogenic event l:313f,
Araguaia orogenic belt I:314f9
Borborema strike-slip system
I:307f9 I:315f9 1:323
Brasilia orogenic belt I:314f9 1:320
Dom Feliciano orogenic belt 1:318
general discussion 1:314
Mantiqueira orogenic system
I:307f9 I:313f9 1:315
Paraguay orogenic belt I:314f9
Ribeira orogenic belt 1:318
Tocantins orogenic system 1:307f,
l:314f, 1:319
Cadomian Orogeny 2:75-78, 3:133f9
3:648, 4:352
Caledonian Orogeny
Altai-Mongol domain 4:465, 4:466f
British Isles 2:56-63
Connemara terrane 2:60
Grampian terrane 2:59
granitic rocks 3:237t
Hebridean terrane 2:59
Lake District terrane 2:60
Midlands terrane 2:61
Midland Valley terrane 2:60
Monian terrane 2:60
Northern Highland terrane 2:59
palaeogeographic reconstruction
Silurian 4:191
Southern Uplands terrane 2:60
tectonic evolution 2:57f, 2:61
terranes 2:59
Welsh Basin terrane 2:60
China 1:349f, 1:351
Greenland 2:68, 2:69f, 3:239
palaeogeographic reconstruction 2:56
Scandinavia 2:64-74
Arctic Caledonides 2:71f, 2:72f
background information 2:64
Baltica continental margin 2:65f,
2:67, 3:648
Barents Shelf 2:50f9 2:64, 2:64f9
eastern Greenland 2:68, 2:69f, 2:71 f
geographic location 2:3 5 f
Koli Nappe Complex 2:6Sf, 2:67
Laurentian continental margin
2:65/", 2:67
Lower Allochthon 2:65f, 2:66
Middle Allochthon 2:65f9 2:66
Nordaustlandet Terrane 2:70-71
Scandian collision 2:68
Seve Nappe Complex 2:65f, 2:67
Silurian 4:191
Svalbard 2:70, 2:70f9 2:71 f
tectonic evolution 2:73, 2:73f
tectonic features 2:72f