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Celiac Disease – From Pathophysiology to Advanced Therapies Edited by Peter Kruzliak and Govind Bhagat pdf

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Celiac Disease – From Pathophysiology to Advanced Therapies
Edited by Peter Kruzliak and Govind Bhagat

Published by InTech
Janeza Trdine 9, 51000 Rijeka, Croatia

Copyright © 2012 InTech
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First published July, 2012
Printed in Croatia

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Celiac Disease – From Pathophysiology to Advanced Therapies,
Edited by Peter Kruzliak and Govind Bhagat
p. cm.
ISBN 978-953-51-0684-5


Preface IX
Section 1 New Insights on Pathophysiology of Celiac Disease 1
Chapter 1 Mucosal Expression of Claudins in Celiac Disease 3
Dorottya Nagy-Szakál, Hajnalka Győrffy, Katalin Eszter Müller,
Kriszta Molnár, Ádám Vannay, Erna Sziksz, Beáta Szebeni,
Mária Papp, András Arató and Gábor Veres
Chapter 2 Antioxidant Status of the Celiac Mucosa:
Implications for Disease Pathogenesis 17
Vesna Stojiljković, Jelena Kasapović, Snežana Pejić,
Ljubica Gavrilović, Nedeljko Radlović, Zorica S. Saičić
and Snežana B. Pajović
Chapter 3 Heat Shock Proteins in Coeliac Disease 37
Erna Sziksz, Leonóra Himer, Gábor Veres, Beáta Szebeni,
András Arató, Tivadar Tulassay and Ádám Vannay
Section 2 Clinical Manifestations
and Complications of Celiac Disease 69
Chapter 4 Celiac Disease and Diabetes Mellitus Type 1 71
Mieczysław Szalecki, Piotr Albrecht and Stefan Kluzek
Chapter 5 Hematologic Manifestations of Celiac Disease 83
Peter Kruzliak
Chapter 6 Multiple Sclerosis and Celiac Disease 101
Carlos Hernández-Lahoz and Luis Rodrigo
Section 3 Detection of Cereal Toxic Peptides

Based on New Laboratory Methods 113
Chapter 7 Sensitive Detection of Cereal Fractions that
Are Toxic to Coeliac Disease Patients, Using Monoclonal
Antibodies to a Main Immunogenic Gluten Peptide 115
Carolina Sousa, Ana Real, Mª de Lourdes Moreno
and Isabel Comino
VI Contents

Section 4 Advanced Therapies in Celiac Disease 137
Chapter 8 Enzyme Therapy
for Coeliac Disease: Is it Ready for Prime Time? 139
Hugh J. Cornell and Teodor Stelmasiak
Section 5 Follow-up of Patients with Celiac Disease 165
Chapter 9 Principles and Strategies
for Monitoring Individuals with Celiac Disease 167
Mohsin Rashid
Chapter 10 On Treatment Outcomes
in Coeliac Disease Diagnosed in Adulthood 179
Claes Hallert and Susanne Roos


characterized by inflammation in the small intestine of genetically predisposed
some of our common grains (wheat, rye and barley). The toxicity of gluten
manifestedbytheautoimmune actionofT‐lymphocytesonmucosalcellsinthesmall
nutrients from food. Epidemiological studies conducted during the past decade
revealed that CD is one of the most common lifelong disorders worldwide. CD can
manifest with a previouslyunsuspected range of clinical presentations,includingthe
typical malabsorption syndrome and a spectrum of symptoms potentially affecting
any organ system. Since CD is oftenatypical or even silent on clinical ground, many
casesremainundiagnosed andexposedtotheriskoflongtermcomplications,suchas
anemia and other hematological complications,
osteoporosis, neurological
in the clinical presentation of CD, changes that seem to be associated with a delayed
introduction of gluten coupled with its reduced amount in the complications in the
and the immune response to these grains suggest that individuals affected by CD
should be treated,irrespective of the presence or absence of symptoms and/or
Researchintoglutensensitivityhasneverb eenmorepopularnormoreexciting.With
regard to gluten sensitivity we

 are in a period of great change occasioned by the
applicationof new methods toidentify glutensequences as T‐cellantigens, thestudy
ofgenetic andmollecularpathophysiology,theuseofimmunohistocytochemicaland
Thisbookcovers mostof theaforementioned controversialandyet unresolved topics
by including the contributions of experts in CD. What the reader will surely find
X Preface

stimulating about this book is not only its exhaustive coverage of our current
knowledge of CD, but also provocative new concepts in disease pathogenesis and
hasalsobeennecessary forthem to masterthe uniquechapter‐writing skills required
It has been a privilege to put together „Celiac Disease‐From Pathophysiology to
Advanced Therapies“ that is offered in the hope that its pages will contain the
necessary information for researches, gastroenterologists, physicians, and others who
Even if
 I do not give you any big answers inthis book, I am still proud that you are
holding it in your hands. It is because I learned, during my time as an editor and
authorofthis book,that even if wedonot reach theendpoint ofour
journey,we can


Section 1
New Insights on Pathophysiology
of Celiac Disease
