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Created by Marcia Joy Miller
Trigon is a triangular sculpture that may be displayed on
a table or used as a hanging ornament. It is a modular
design made from only three units. You can make each
unit during a coffee break and connect them during
another coffee break.
PAPER: Create the model from the three sheets of
designated folding paper included in the back of the
book on pages 115-120. You can also use three 6-inch
squares of origami paper or medium weight paperbacked foil. After you are experienced with the model,
you can also fold it from 3-inch squares of origami paper
or medium weight paper-backed foil.
1 Start with a completed
2 Squash fold the right flap.
Preliminary Base. (If you are
using the included folding
paper, begin the Preliminary
Base with the solid-color side
facing you.) Mountain fold
the bottom of the flap into
the model. Repeat behind.
4 Turn the model over from
side to side.