Kashtiliash IV, 34, 42
Kassites, 34, 42, 128
Kathavatthu, 57
Katsuragi clan, 436
Kautilya, xxxviii, 236–237, 263, 264
Kavadh I, 237, 414–415
Kavad II, 59, 416
Kawus, 415
Kazantzakis, Nikos, 204
Ke (K’o), 271
Kennewick Man, 149, 150
Kenyanthropus platyopsa, 326
Kepler, 266
Kertanagara, 453–454
Khafra, 317, 351–352, 373, 374
Khamudi, 208
Khatun, 438
Khazars, 59, 416
Khirbet Qumran, 379
Khoi tribe, 408–409
Khonsu, 458
Khosrow I (Anushirvan), 207, 237,
Khosrow II, 59, 416
Khosrow III (Parwiz), 416
Khosrow IV, 416
Khotan, 504
Khufu, 316, 317, 351, 373, 374
Kija, 77, 237–238
Kimmei, 436, 445
Kimon, 322
Kindattu, 128
Kingdom of God, 221, 238–239, 488
Kings, book of, 23, 24, 227
King’s Highway and Way of the Sea,
kinships, 495
Kir, 23
Kirdir, 413
Kirman, 412
Kirta epic, 473
Kiumarth, 347, 348
Klamath, 297
Knights of Malta, 102
Kofun period, 495, 498
Kogugwon, 77
Koguryo kingdom, 464–465, 496
Koi, 465
Koken, 154
Komyo, 154
Kong Fuzi (K’ung-fu-tzu). See
Koran. See Qur’an
Korea, xxxvi, 76, 77, 237, 251–252,
486, 496. See also Choson
Three Kingdoms of, 464–465
Korfmann, Manfred, 471
Kossina, G., 212
Kothar wa-Hasis, 473
Kotosh, 15
Krishna, 49–50, 257
Kumaragupta I, 177
Kura, 124
Kurigalzu I, 42, 476
Kush, 5, 206, 208, 235, 236, 240, 240,
272, 311
Kushan Empire, 45, 177, 235, 240,
312, 389, 412, 437, 438, 501
Kutir-Nahhunte, 128
Kwanggaet’o, 464
Kyrion II, 160
Labbaeus, 20
Labienus, 470, 481
Lactantius, 262, 282
Laenas, Publius Popillis, 163
Lakhmid, 22
Lamakhos, 448
Lamentations, 370
Lamian War, 115
languages, xxxiv, xxxv, 8, 21, 201, 210,
280, 329–330
Laomedon, 471
Laozi (Lao Tzu), 39, 55, 106, 107,
Laozi (Lao Tzu), 106–107, 241–242
Lares, 139, 395
Lascaux Cave, 72, 386
Lasus, 254
lateralization, 328
Lateran Council, 264
Latin Church, xxxiv, 21, 48, 51, 52,
83, 103, 166, 244, 246, 247,
306, 320, 336, 449, 472, 474
Lattimore, Richmond, 202, 203
Law Code of Gortyn, 283
Law of Twelve Tables, 401
Lawrence, T. E., 203
League of Defense, 346
Leakey, Louis, 136, 326
Leakey, Louise, 326
Leakey, Mary, 326
Leakey, Meave, 326
Leakey, Richard, 136, 326–327
Leclant, Jean, 137
Leda, 189
Legalism, xxxii, 95, 184, 205, 245,
377, 378, 379, 494, 506
legionaries, 245–246
LeJeune, Father, 297
Lentulus, 444
Leochares, 86
Leo I (emperor), 166
Leo III, 385
Leo XIII, 103, 322
Leonidas, 246–247, 347, 489
Leo the Great (Pope Leo I), 129, 206,
Leovigild, 483
Lepidus, 61, 62, 64, 65, 84, 338, 387,
391, 470
LeQuire, Allen, 333
Leucippus, 367
Levant, 146, 147, 299, 300, 356,
Levin, M., 151
Leviticus, book of, 466
Libanius, 82, 231, 404
libraries, ancient, xxxiv, 13, 247–249,
Libya, 249–250, 316
Licinian-Sextian Laws, 401
Licinius, 282
Li Guangli (Li-Kuang-li), 185, 186
Li Jing (Li Ching), 91–92, 93
Lin, 499
Linear A and B, 250, 283, 289–290
lingua franca, 13, 23, 42, 101, 293
Li Si (Li Ssu), 245, 272, 377, 378, 491,
literature, Alexandrian, 12–13
Liu Bang (Liu Pang), 164, 183, 184,
250–251, 252, 257, 258, 471,
491, 492, 504
Liu Bei, 464
Liu Ji (Liu Chi), 250
Liu Yuan, 132
Livy, 139, 155, 339, 375, 391, 393,
394, 443
llamas, xxx
logic, study of, 28
logograms, 123, 198
logographs, 265, 425
logos (reason), 40, 193, 355, 444–445
Logos (divine wisdom), 36, 90, 129,
160, 193, 303, 355
Lo-lang, 251–252, 464
Lombards, 49, 175, 234, 242, 243,
323–324, 384, 474
Long Count, 265, 269
Longmen caves, 254, 466
Longshan culture, 490
Lot, 239
Louis the Pious, 49
Lu, 183, 185, 251, 252, 257–258, 506
Lu Buwei (Lu Pu-wei), 377
Lucan, 349, 390, 392, 398