Sushma Jolly
Presented to the Faculty of
The Graduate College at the University of Nebraska
In Partial Fulfillment of Requirements
For the Degree of Masters of Arts
Major: Curriculum & Instruction
Under the Supervision of Professor David W. Brooks
Lincoln, Nebraska.
December 2003
Sushma Jolly, M.A.
University of Nebraska, 2003
Adviser: David W. Brooks
This study evaluates the degree to which computer animation contributes toward
learning. With the increasing usability of computers, and everyday usage in life, it is
important to know how computers can develop children’s interest in discovering the
created knowledge through animated simulations in computer-based environments.
This is an “experimental” study with the primary purpose of exploring the
effectiveness of animations-with-text compared to graphics-with-text in comprehending
scientific knowledge on fourth, fifth and sixth grade students. This study attempts to
capture the difference in the amount of information that was learned by a participant by
quizzing them on the information presented to them. The subjects were fourth, fifth and
sixth grade students visiting the Butterfly Pavilion at the Folsom Children’s Zoo Lincoln,
The instructional topic used for both the treatments was the Life Cycle of a
Monarch Butterfly. The content of the animation-with-text group was delivered in
electronic media in form of animations embedded with text, and the content of the
graphics-with-text group was delivered in paper-based format in the form of graphics-
with-text. In both groups each student received a pretest and posttest, which identified the
differences in recall, inference and comprehension levels of the scientific concept taught
through the two different treatments.
It was hypothesized that there would be significant
learning gains in the animation-with-text group as compared with the graphics-with-text
The results were analyzed using ANOVA. In the animation-with-text group, pre
and posttest scores show a statistically significant difference with the mean values of 5.5
and 7.1 respectively.
In the graphic-with-text group pre and post scores show a statistically significant
difference with means of 5.1 and 7.1 respectively.
The above implies that there was a significant difference in the measure of pre-
treatment knowledge level to post-treatment knowledge level.
The means of posttest of animation-with text as compared to graphics-with-text
group posttest scores were 7.1 and 7.1 respectively. Therefore no significant differences
in the performance level of the students in two groups were reported.
I wish to express my gratitude to all the people who helped guide me through my
program. I would like to first thank the members of my masters committee: Thank you all
for your helpful advice and wise counsel. Special thanks to my advisor Dr. David Brooks,
for his firm support, guidance, valuable suggestions, helpful discussions and for creating
the motivation for all the students who participated in the study. Thank you for arranging
the study at the Zoo and the train ride tickets. I am grateful to Dr. Tiffany Heng-Moss for
giving me an expert advice on the instructional material for the study and for generously
giving her time and talent. My deepest regards and thanks are also extended to Dr.
Margaret Latta for consenting to serve on my thesis committee.
I am grateful to Mimi Wickless, Education Director of the Folsom Childrens’
Zoo, for permitting us to conduct the study at the Zoo. Thank you for making my
research possible.
I owe all the volunteers Deana Namuth, Leah Sandall, Marjorie Bisbee, Patricia
Hein, Sydney Brown, and Tom Gardner who graciously took their time on a Labor Day
weekend and helped me collect the data at the Zoo.
Finally, I wish to thank my husband, Ashu, who has encouraged and supported
me through out my degree program. I would also like to thank my parents, Santosh and
Parduman, who always have motivated and instilled persistence to go ahead for higher
Context of Study 1
Effects of combining visuals with text 3
Cognitive processes involved in learning 6
Purpose of the Study 7
Significance of the Study 8
Statement of Problem 9
Research Questions 9
Definition of Terms 10
What are Visual Representations? 11
Previous Research on Visual Representations 12
Effect of Visual Representation on Human Cognitive System 26
Mayer’s Principles 32
Research on Dual Modality 33
Research on Computer Based Instruction 34
General Overview 37
Hypotheses 39
Variables and Measures 39
Population & Sample 40
Treatment 43
Limitations 44
Experimental Site Description 45
Tools and Technology Used 45
Instructional Material Development Process 48
Analysis 69
Hypothesis 70
Analysis Summary 72
Explanation of Results 73
APPENDIX A UNL IRB Approval Letter 86
APPENDIX B Consent Forms 88
APPENDIX C Pretest & Posttest 92
APPENDIX D Paper-Base Instruction 97
APPENDIX E Computer-Base Instruction (Animation Printout) 103
APPENDIX F Animation Storyboard 134
Table 2.1 Mayer’s three views of multimedia 16
Table 2.2 Graphics method for teaching content types 18
Figure 2.1 Use of a screen capture for procedure lesson 19
Figure 2.2 Use of mouse over to illustrate the URL 20
Figure 2.3 Screen capture of animation illustrating
regeneration of plants from tissue culture 21
Figure 2.4 Principle of herbicide intake by leaf 22
Figure 2.5 Graphics as topic organizers 23
Figure 2.6 Animation of chlorophyll molecule capturing light energy 24
Figure 2.7 Animated graphical interface 25
Figure 2.8 Intrinsic and extraneous cognitive load 28
Figure 2.9 A dual code model of multimedia learning 31
Figure 3.1 Participant group age distribution 41
Figure 3.2 Participant population distribution 41
Figure 3.3 Participant population distribution 42
Table 3.1 Participants demographics 42
Table 3.2 Treatment groups 43
Figure3.4 The experiment 43
Figure3.5 A picture of a drawing tablet 46
Table 3.3 The characteristics of organisms 50
Table 3.4 Life cycle of organisms 51
Table 3.5 Organisms and their environment 52
Table 3.6 Content specifics and objectives for the instruction set 54
Table 3.7 Objectives of instruction set 55
Figure 3.6 Storyboard sketch (Finding a place to lay eggs) 56
Figure 3.7 Storyboard sketch (Metamorphosis) 57
Figure 3.8 Storyboard sketch (Eggs hatching) 58
Figure 3.9 Screen Capture of flash animation
(Finding a place to lay eggs) 59
Figure 3.10 Screen Capture of flash animation (Metamorphosis) 60
Figure 3.11 Screen Capture of flash animation (Eggs hatching) 61
Table 3.8 Important content topics and anticipated time 62
Figure3.12 Image scan of paper based instruction (Page 1) 64
Figure 3.13 Image scan of paper based instruction (Page 2) 65
Figure 3.14 Image scan of paper based instruction (Page 3) 66
Figure 4.1 Scatter plot for the pretest and posttest scores for
two groups 70
Figure 4.2 Means and Tukey plots for the pretest and posttest scores
for two groups 71
Figure 4.3 Box-and-Whisker plots for the pretest and posttest scores
for two groups 71
Table 4.1 Summary Statistics for Scores 72
Table 4.2 ANOVA Table for Scores by Group 72
Table 4.3 Multiple Range Tests for Scores by Group 72
Table 4.4 Multiple Range Tests for Scores by Group 73
Table 4.5 Variance Check 73
The success of computer assisted instruction (CAI) has been the subject of
continuing examination for over a decade (Fletcher-Flinn & Gravatt, 1995). The use of
CAI as delivery media is expanding, but our understanding of how students learn and
benefit from such computer-based instruction is disputable. Use of appropriate graphics
with text has been demonstrated to be effective in learning. However, computers can
make static graphics into dynamic animations. This study explores the potential of
combining animations with text in a computer assisted instructional environment.
With the advancement in educational technology, the delivery of still images has
evolved into animation. Animations can be used as a delivery media where learning can
be conducted as occurring (1) from technology, (2) with technology, (3) around
technology, (4) through technology, and (5) assisted through technology (Goldsworthy,
Animation refers to computerized simulation of processes using images to form a
synthetic motion picture. In the context of learning, Cooper, (1998) points out that the use
of the pictorial form of communication leads humans to improved comprehension and
retention. Animation appeals to the power of the human visual system (Rieber, 1990).
Animation assists learners to visualize a dynamic process, which, otherwise may be
difficult to visualize. Animation might thereby reduce the cognitive load (Rieber, 1990).
In Kehoe's (1996) review of studies on animation in education, visual aids are found to
have a positive effect on learning if certain conditions (“explanative text”, “sensitive
tests”, “explanative illustrations”, “inexperienced learners”) are met (Mayes 1989). Lee
and Boling, (p. 22, 1999) provide restrictive guidelines for using animations:
• Use animation sparingly (Rieber, 1990; Venezky & Osin, 1991). Small and
simple animation may be more effective than large, complex animation (Rivlin,
Lewis, & Davies-Copper, 1990).
• Use animation congruent to the learning task (Rieber, 1990, 1994).
• Use animation as a visual analogy or cognitive anchor for the instruction as a
visual analogy or cognitive anchor for the instruction of problem solving (Park,
1994; Park & Hopkins, 1993).
• Use animation to stimulate functional behaviors of mechanical or electronic
systems and to demonstrate troubleshooting procedures (Park, 1994; Park &
Hopkins, 1993).
• Use graphical animation to explicitly represent highly abstract and dynamic
concepts in science, including time-dependent process (Park, 1994; Park &
Hopkins, 1993; Rieber, 1990, 1994) (Authors call these guidelines restrictive
because they attempt to delineate the precise conditions under which animation
will be effective and to eliminate other conditions as appropriate for the use of
• Avoid unnecessary or gratuitous animations on the screen so as not to distract
(Strauss, 1991).
• Avoid extraneous sounds in the form of background music or unrelated
environmental sounds (Clark & Mayer, 2003).
Adding printed text, static graphics, charts, maps, dynamic graphics - animations
may increase the cost of the instructional material but these elements can make learning
an active process (Clark & Mayer, 2003). The psychological evidence in combining
“relevant graphics” with the instructional material can lead to learning gains (Clark &
Mayer, 2003). Presenting an instructional message in words and pictures engages people
in active learning by making mental connections between pictorial and verbal
representations. Due to a lack of integration between verbal and pictorial representations
as a unified structure, presenting words alone may engage learners in shallow learning
(Clark & Mayer, 2003). It should not be implied that by simply placing a graphic may
promise any benefits on learning (Peeck, 1987). Studies point to maintaining a balance in
the learner’s interaction and the illustration related activities. Too much stimulation can
hinder learning (Winn & Holliday, 1982). Providing relevant graphics with text can
promote learning. Levin (1981) has identified five different learning functions that
graphics can perform with text.
1. Decoration - The purpose of providing decorative images with text is to make the
instructional material look motivational and appealing for the readers. There is no
or little relevance of the images, which are prepared in the beginning and at the
back with the text description.
2. Representation - “When an image is used to illustrate new ideas and which are
used to represent people, tools, things and events they are classified as
representational.” Example: children’s book to illustrate poems, fairy tales, and
3. Organization - These images describe the features of an object a step-by-step
function, how-to pictures to provide a framework for text. The images provide
more information than words associated with each picture.
4. Interpretation - Conveying abstract information through the help of images is
classified as interpretational. These images add comprehensibility to difficult or
abstract material.
5. Transformation - These images provide learners with a mnemonic aid and help
student recall an abstract idea.
It is interesting how different types of images with text have varying functions
and help create a “mental model” rather than simply receiving or absorbing knowledge
Resnick, (1989); Mayer, (2001); Clark & Mayer, (2003) advocate the use of the
following principles in combining pictures and words to the instructional message design:
A. Multimedia Effect: Evidence has supported the benefits of a “multimedia effect”
which states that people learn more, deeply from words and pictures than from
words alone (Mayer,1989; Mayer & Anderson, 1991, 1992; Mayer & Gallini,
1990). Mayer (1989) ; Mayer & Gallini, (1990) have advocated the following
approach under which multimedia presentations have a strong effect on learning:
• Explanation of cause and effect chain.
• Integration of verbal and visual descriptive labels describing the state when
students lack domain knowledge
• Transfer test followed by the instruction.
B. Contiguity Principle: Studies have determined the possible benefits of a
“contiguity principle”. Providing printed words and graphics close to one another
on the screen promotes making pictorial and verbal connections and imposes less
cognitive load (Mayer, 1989).
C. Coherence principle: that adding extraneous information in the form of:
• Background music and sounds added for motivation and exhaustive textual
description can harm learning process in the following ways:
i. Distraction – irrelevant material occupies the limited attention and
hinders learning.
ii. Disruption – superfluous pieces of information come in the way of
constructing appropriate links and prevent the learner from making
iii. Seduction – unsuitable presented knowledge that is used for
organizing the new material.
D. User Interaction: Mayer (2001) also talks about “user interaction” which refers to
the control of the pace over the words and pictures that are presented in a
multimedia presentation.
Researchers have divided memory processes into stages of acquisition, storage,
and retrieval (Bruning, Schraw & Ronning, 1998). The information-processing model
of human cognition is integrated into three modes, which is based on the modal
model (Cooper, 1998). This model classifies memory into sensory memory, working
memory (also known as short-term memory), and long-term memory. Sensory
memory deals with incoming stimuli such as sight, sound, smell, taste, and touch.
Sensory memory has very short extinguishing time (about half a second for visual
information; about three seconds for auditory information). If meaning is not assigned
to the incoming information within those extinguishing times, the information is lost
forever. Research on the sensory registers suggests:
• A limitation to the amount of information that can be processed at one time.
• Developmental differences in cognition suggest the increase in the size of the
sensory registers increases with the age, especially with early elementary age
children (Bruning, Schraw & Ronning, 1998). Therefore, information presented
should be age appropriate.
• Human memory has a limited capacity for processing information. When the total
number of digits to be remembered is ten or more, the task is difficult for most
people (Cooper, 1998). Therefore, strategies like chunking the digits help in better
recall (Bruning, Schraw & Ronning, 1998). When large amounts of elements are
divided into small sets of groups it is referred to as chunking information. For
example - phone numbers are commonly chunked in small sets of numbers, which
helps to recall better (Cooper, 1998). Therefore, instructional material should be
designed so as they are compatible with human learning processes for effective
encoding and retrieval (Clark & Mayer, 2003).
• Learning occurs by active processing in the memory system. New knowledge and
skills must be retrieved from long-term memory for transfer to the job (Bruning,
Schraw & Ronning, 1998).
• Cognitive load could be reduced if learners have prior knowledge (Mayer, 2001)
• Importance should be placed upon key content which is of extreme relevance
(Clark & Mayer, 2003).
• Rehearsal is an efficient way to process information from working memory to
long-term memory (Clark & Mayer, 2003).
Multimedia products in different combinations of text, still images, animation,
video and sound, are available. Few research studies identify the principles by which we
can combine these media effectively within instructional materials to their full potential
for learning (Large & Beheshti, 1995).
The effective use of animation and its positive results on instructional message
design is evident by other research (Clark & Mayer, 2003; Mayer & Anderson, 1992;
Ford, Chandler & Sweller, 1997) . Animation has shown different effects on cognitive
activities through the “Dual-Modality” (Clark & Pavio, 1991), “Contiguity Effect”
(Mayer & Sims, 1992), “Element Interactivity Effect” (Ford, Chandler & Sweller, 1997),
“Coherence Principle” (Clark & Mayer, 2003) and “Multimedia Effect” (Mayer &
Anderson, 1991). Rieber (1990) states that, in , case of children, animations may have an
effect under certain conditions such as when dealing with materials that are neither too
simple nor too difficult. This relationship between animations and the user’s age needs to
be investigated. Mayer (2001) has reported positive results of visually based instruction
as a medium for promoting students’ understanding of scientific material for college
students. Such evidence is strong on claims for students 19 and above but, so far,
relatively very little evidence from studies support claim for fourth, fifth and sixth
With the increasing usability of computers, it is also important to know in greater
detail how different visual treatments can affect the process of learning on fourth, fifth
and sixth grade students. This study assesses the degree to which computer animation
contributes toward learning. The results obtained from this research will be helpful for
designing instruction for fourth, fifth and sixth grade students so that the processing of
the information is simplified. Instructors of grades fourth, fifth and sixth can apply
animation technology to develop aids to coursework. Furthermore results of this study
can be helpful for graphic designers to develop better and more effective animations by
focusing their time and attention upon incorporating features that contribute towards
simplifying scientific knowledge and enhancing learning.
The primary purpose of this study is to explore the effectiveness of animations
and graphics with text on students’ learning. Therefore, the study examined whether the
animations-with-text created in Macromedia
Flash™ were effective for fourth, fifth and
sixth grade students. These objectives were compared to the graphics-with-text treatment
for student learning. The text was designed with the help of a subject matter expert. The
National Science Education standards were used as the foundation for the topic selected.
RQ1. Does using animation-with-text instruction increase learning?
RQ2. Does using the graphics-with-text instruction increase learning?
RQ3. What is the effectiveness of animations-with-text instruction as compared with
graphics-with-text instruction in recall, inference and comprehension levels?
According to Park & Gittleman (1992), animation can be defined as series of
graphics that change over time and/or space.
Lih-Juan (1994) describes graphics as the use of images such as pictures,
illustrations, diagrams, charts, tables, maps and similar visual representations in
conjunction with written prose for the specific purpose of aiding understanding.
According to Cooper (1998), learning may be defined as the encoding (storage) of
knowledge and/or skills into long-term memory in such a way that the knowledge and
skills may be recalled and applied at a later time on demand.
Cognitive Load
Cognitive load refers to the total amount of mental activity imposed on working
memory at an instant in time (Cooper, 1998).
Multimedia means any presentation that contains both words and pictures (Clark
& Mayer, 2003).
Mental models
Mental models are refer to the “mental representations consisting of parts and
causal relations among the parts in which a change in the state in one part is related to
change in the state of another part” (Mayer & Clark, 2001).
Visual representations are maps, charts, diagrams, static graphics, computer
animations, hypertext and multimedia that are incorporated into instruction. Visual
representations relate to the components of the subject matter (Goodman, 1968). They
show a spatial relation and may refer to the concrete objects and real-world relations, or,
by analogy, to abstract concepts and conceptual relations (Winn, 1989). Maps are an
example of the former, which refers to the real-world relations. The real territory, such as
buildings, mountains and lakes, describes them. For useful navigation, they are reduced
in scale and correspond to the virtual distances among the features of the territory
(Schlichtmann, 1985). Diagrams often illustrate abstract domains of reference (Winn,
1989). Charts represent the procedural steps and exclude physical objects. The joining
lines help create a sequence of the steps. Animation refers to a series of computer screens
that illustrate movement (Hannafin & Rieber, 1989). Animation provides visual and
spatial information. Hypermedia, characterized as “a generic term covering hypertext,
multimedia, and related applications, involves the chunking of information into nodes
that could be selected dynamically” (Dillon & Gabbard, 1998). Multimedia corresponds
to using more than one sense modality (Mayer & Sims, 1994). Multimedia learning
occurs when students utilize information presented in two or more modalities – such as
visually presented animation and verbally presented narration to construct knowledge
(Mayer & Sims, 1994).
Generally people understand the information presented by the visuals better; it is
well said "a picture is worth a thousand words.” Understanding occurs when a visual
interacts with the psychological process active in the person who receives it (Salomon,
1979). It requires that perceptual and cognitive processes act on the representative
elements of visuals and become influenced by them (Winn, 1991).
Static Graphics
Graphics have played key roles in scientific textbooks for centuries (Brooks,
Nolan & Gallagher, 2001). They have been used to stimulate interest in students and
increase their involvement for instructional purposes. There has been a considerable
amount of research on the process of knowledge acquisition by means of text and
graphics (Anglin, Towers, & Levie, 1981; Levie & Lentz, 1982; and Willows &
Houghton, 1987). There is a general consent on the beneficial contribution of graphics
with the related text information for the readers (Morrison, Ross, & Kemp, 2001).
Graphics are a good source of visual communication and can deliver the textual message
effectively (Levie & Lentz, 1982). Graphics capture the attention of the learner by
arranging the components spatially and they thereby use particular capacities of human
visual system for perception of spatial configurations (Schnotz, 1993). Instructional
material consists of written texts and graphics such as maps, charts, graphs, diagrams, etc
(Schnotz, 1993). The purpose of graphical displays in text is not a mere accessory to texts
or to decorate the text and thus appeal the readers. Rather, graphics to illustrate abstract
concepts, organize complex sets of information, integrate new knowledge into existing
knowledge structures, facilitate retention of information, and foster the process as of
thinking and problem solving which are effective aids for learning (Schnotz, 1993).
Comprehension of abstract subject matter with the aid of graphics is helpful; graphics
explain the spatial relationships described in the text (Peeck, 1987). For example, in a
text describing the relationship between the position of the moon relative to earth and sun
during a lunar eclipse, an image of these spatial relations would benefit the reader
(Morrison, Ross & Kemp, 2001).
Research in various subject areas has shown that graphics can play a beneficial
role in instruction, particularly if the emphasis is given on the explanatory role in
presentation (Levie & Lentz, 1982; Winn, 1987). Graphics are used to engage learners
and are an integral part of many subject areas. Although learners prefer to process
instructional materials with illustrations and graphics, they are not aware of the benefits
of visualizations and, accordingly pay only little attention to graphics included in texts
(Schnotz, 1993).
Comprehension of graphics is a process of constructing meaning, which learners
acquire within an active processing framework and the prior experience with the stimuli
(Schnotz & Kulhavy, 1994). Task expectations and ability make a difference in how the
individuals learn (Schnotz & Kulhavy, 1994). Graphics can serve various functions like
depicting data, explaining complex relationships, organizing information, improving
memory for facts, and influencing problem solving. These functions are not inherent in
graphics, however, but result from the way in which such graphics are processed
cognitively (Schnotz & Kulhavy, 1994).
Diagrams and Illustrations
In science instruction, diagrams are often used to present the information (Lowe,
1993). Larkin & Simon (1987) have supported the effect of diagrams on learning with the
empirical studies emphasizing the advantages of constructing a mental representation and
cognitive processing because of diagrams (Glenberg & Langston, 1992; Winn, Li, &
Schill, 1991; Dwyer's, 1970, 1972). An analysis on the effectiveness of different types of
illustrations (realistic drawings, simple line drawings, and photographs) concluded that, if
the time available is appropriate and sufficient simple line drawings tend to be most
effective. If the learning environment is self-paced, then the learner takes more advantage
in the realistic pictures.
There are several instructional opportunities that can be explored with the change
in the representation form from static graphics to graphical computer simulations.
Animation is one of those components (Rieber, 1990). In several studies involving
scientific subject areas, Mayer (2001) has pointed to the importance of animation.
Animation facilitates descriptive and procedural learning (Rieber, 1990; Lih-Juan
ChanLin, 2000; Mayer, 2001). Animation is an important component in designing
interactive multimedia which creates a visual interest and makes scientific learning more
appealing and enjoyable for learners (Lih-Juan ChanLin, 2000). Furthermore, animation
is one such component which can be part of computer based instruction and which cannot
be combined with any other media (Rieber,1990). Animation adds two unique
components as compared to the static graphic – motion and trajectory (Klien, 1987).
Animated visuals explain the visual and spatial information when these two components
are used effectively. The pace of animations, when controlled by the learners, allows the
users to view the motion and replay as many times as desired. This series of actions
allows students to explore the different strings of actions (Klein, 1985). Through
computer-based instruction, a student constantly creates, manipulates, and interacts
within a dynamic conversation of his own creation. S/he constructs mental models (Klein,
1985). Other information delivery media have important similarities and distinctions that
may make a difference for the learner. Animations are created symbols which
differentiate the real life events but create an opportunity for the learner to interact and
move from being a passive information receiver to an active interactor (Klein, 1985)
Animation and simulation features have been used in engineering (Wozny, 1978),
physics (diSessa, 1982) and mathematics (Hooper, 1982; Wegman, 1974). These have
made effective contribution to instruction by conveying the information through the help
of its interactivity and special effects (Hellet, 1999). There are many variables which can
affect learning with the aid of animations. Practice and rehearsal is one of them (Bruning,
Schraw & Ronning, 1998).
“Wyzt’s Playground,” a multimedia tool, was created for animation research in
fourth grade mathematics. This tool emulates and simulates the real-life scenario of
building a playground, and creates an environment that engages the students in active
learning (Johnson & Neil-Jones, 1999). This study used interactive videodiscs to discover
the nature and proportion of the different learning activities exhibited by group 12-13
year old student to ascertain that the repeated use of disc improved their problem solving