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Factors affecting EFL teachers english for specific purposes a case study at ba ria vung tau college of technology master of TESOL

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Student’s name: PHẠM THỊ NHÂN
Student’s code: 18110047
Supervisor’s name: TRAN QUOC THAO, Ph.D.




Submitted to the
in partial fulfillment of the Master’s degree in TESOL
Course code:
Supervised by


TECHNOLOGY was successfully defended and approved on ……….…. …at Ba Ria
Vung Tau University

Academic supervisor : Dr. TRAN QUOC THAO

Examination Committee



Reader 1


Reader 2




Secretary Member

On behalf of the Examination Committee
(full name, title, signature)



Ba Ria Vung Tau, December 2021
Student’s name: PHAM THI NHAN

Sex: Female

Date of birth: July 21st 1989

Place of birth : Hai Phong city

Major: TESOL

Student’s code: 18110047

II-Objectives and contents:
The aim of this study is to explore the factors that affect EFL teachers’ teaching ESP in the

context of Ba Ria- Vung Tau College of Technology in Ba Ria- Vung Tau province. The
specific objectives of the research are as follows:

To explore the ESP teaching practices of EFL teachers at Ba Ria Vung Tau College
of Technology;

To find out factors that affect EFL teachers’ teaching ESP to non-English majors at
Ba Ria Vung Tau College of Technology.

This study was carried out at Ba Ria- Vung Tau College of Technology in Ba Ria- Vung
Tau province. Participants were 6 EFL teachers of the basic theory department at BCTECH.
The mixed-methods research and the two instruments, namely questionnaire and semistructured interview were used to collect the data. In terms of data analysis, the author
utilized the physical manipulating data and content analysis to analyze the data.


III- Starting date: (as stated in the Decision issued by the University )
IV- Completing date:
V- Academic supervisor: (full name, title)

((full name, signature)


((full name, signature)



I certify my authorship of the Master’s Thesis submitted today entitled:
In terms of the statement of requirements for Theses in Master’s programs issued by the
Higher Degree Committee of Postgraduate Institute, Ba Ria Vung Tau University

Ba Ria Vung Tau, August 2021




I hereby state that I, PHAM THI NHAN, being a candidate for the degree of TESOL accept
the requirements of the University relating to the retention and use of Master’s Theses
deposited in the library.
In terms of these conditions, I agree that the original of my Master’s Thesis deposited in
the library should be accessible for purposes of study and research, in accordance with the
normal conditions established by the Librarian for the care, loan, and reproduction for

Ba Ria Vung Tau, December 2021
Signature …………………………….



My heartfelt gratitude goes out to everyone who assisted me to finish my thesis.
First and foremost, I would like to express my profound gratitude to Dr. Tran Quoc Thao,
my supervisor, for his insightful remarks and ideas throughout the research process. His
vigor, excitement, vision, and patience have all left a lasting impression on me. This thesis
would not have been finished if it had not been for his help and guidance.
Secondly, I am very grateful to the school management board and my dean of department
who have supported me much time to implement this thesis.
My sincere thanks also go to Ms. Truong Le Minh, my head teacher, has given me
encouragement to enroll this M.A course and all her help and advices. I would like to thank
the research participants who have contributed to this study.
Last but not least, I warmly thank my family including my husband, my sister, my daughters
for their countless support, greatest sympathy and unconditional love.


ESP has appeared in the daily lives of a majority of workers in international workshops and
it has become a part of vocational education programmes in Vietnam. However, rarely has
anything been done about the structure of an ESP lesson and how it is being taught after

putting ESP subjects into a training programme, and exploring factors affecting the current
ESP teaching practices at vocational schools in Vietnam. This study aims to investigate the
current ESP teaching practices of EFL teachers and factors affecting their teaching process
at the one vocational school in the South of Vietnam. Data was gathered by the open-ended
questions and semi-structured interview from six EFL teachers who are teaching the
different majors at Ba Ria- VungTau College of Technology. The results showed that the
ESP lessons are divided into three stages: opening, sequencing and closure stages which
combine three types of activities: sub-activities, main activities and post activities.
Nevertheless, the four of teachers applied to all the above stages, the two teachers could not
because of the limited class time. The types of activities are similar to the stages of the
lesson of which the post activities are regarded as homework and teachers will check in the
next sessions. Furthermore, the positive factors are: facilities and teaching experience that
support EFL teachers during the teaching process, and the students’ English level and
motivation are two negative factors that are difficulties they are facing. The findings of this
study could help EFL teachers and managers realize the real problems in teaching ESP for
students, and find solutions to improve them in the vocational schools in Vietnam.
Keywords: English for Specific Purposes, ESP teaching practices, stages of the lesson,
activities in ESP lessons, factors



CERTIFICATE OF ORIGINALITY .................................................................... vi
RETENTION AND USE OF THE THESIS ........................................................vii
ACKNOWEDGEMENTS ...................................................................................viii
ABSTRACT ........................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined.
APPENDICES ........................................................ Error! Bookmark not defined.
LIST OF TABLES ................................................. Error! Bookmark not defined.

LIST OF FIGURES ................................................ Error! Bookmark not defined.
LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS AND SYMBOLS ... Error! Bookmark not defined.
CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION ............................ Error! Bookmark not defined.
1.1. Background to the study ........................... Error! Bookmark not defined.
1.2. Statement of the problem............................................................................ 3
1.3. Aim and objectives of the study ................................................................. 5
1.4. Research questions ..................................................................................... 5
1.5. Scope of the study ...................................................................................... 5
1.6. Significance of the study ............................................................................ 6
1.7. Definitions of the Terms……………………………….…………...........7
1.8 Organization of the thesis ……………….………………………………..7
CHAPTER 2 LITERATURE REVIEW................................................................ 8
2.1 Introduction ................................................................................................... 8
2.2 English for Specific Purposes ....................................................................... 8
2.2.1 Definition of ESP .................................................................................... 8
2.2.2 Classification of ESP ............................................................................. 9
2.2.3 Characteristics of ESP ........................ Error! Bookmark not defined.2
2.3 ESP teaching ............................................. Error! Bookmark not defined.3
2.3.1 Overview of ESP teaching .................. Error! Bookmark not defined.3
2.3.2 Roles of ESP teachers ......................... Error! Bookmark not defined.4
2.3.3 Roles of context in teaching ESP........ Error! Bookmark not defined.7
2.3.4 ESP teaching methodologies .............. Error! Bookmark not defined.7

2.4 ESP teaching practices .............................. Error! Bookmark not defined.8
2.5 Affecting factors in teaching ESP ............ Error! Bookmark not defined.1
2.5.1 Teacher related factors ........................ Error! Bookmark not defined.1
2.5.2 Student related factors ....................... Error! Bookmark not defined.3
2.5.3 Teaching context-related factors………….……………………….. 24

a. Teaching materials………………………………………………....24
b. Facilities…………………………………………………………... 25
c. Admin arrangement ………………………………………………. 26
2.6 Previous studies on teaching ESP ............. Error! Bookmark not defined.7
2.7 Conceptual Framework…………………….………………………………30
2.8 Summary ................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined.1
CHAPTER 3. METHODOLOGY ........................ Error! Bookmark not defined.2
3.1 Introduction ............................................ Error! Bookmark not defined.2
3.2 Research design ...................................... Error! Bookmark not defined.2
3.3 Research site ........................................... Error! Bookmark not defined.2
3.4 Descriptions of ESP subject at BCTECH………………………………….33
3.5 Sample and sampling procedures ........... Error! Bookmark not defined.3
3.6 Research instruments .............................. Error! Bookmark not defined.6
3.6.1 The opened-ended questionnaire ........ Error! Bookmark not defined.6
3.6.2 Semi-structured interview ..................................................................... 37
3.7 Data collection procedures ................... Error! Bookmark not defined.38
3.8 Data analysis procedures ...................... Error! Bookmark not defined.38
3.9 Validity of qualitative research …………………………………………..39
3.10 Reliability of qualitative research………………………………………..39
3.11 Summary............................................... Error! Bookmark not defined.40
CHAPTER 4 RESULTS AND DISCUSSION .... Error! Bookmark not defined.1
4.1 Introduction ............................................... Error! Bookmark not defined.2
4.2 Results ....................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined.2
4.2.1 Stages of lesson................................... Error! Bookmark not defined.2
a. Opening stage……………………………………………………….43

b. Sequencing stage …………………………………………….……. 44
c. Closure stage ………………………………………….……………44


Activities in lesson ......................... Error! Bookmark not defined.5
a. Sub-activities………………………………………………………. 45
b. Main activities …………………………..………………………….46
c. Post activities……………………………………………………….. 47

 Testing & consolidating activities……………………………………….47
 Reality activity…………………………………………………..………47
4.2.3 Affecting factors in teaching ESP of EFL teachers at BCTECH……..48
a. Positive factors………………………….……………………………....49
 Facility………..………………………………………………….………49
 Teaching experience ……………………………………………….…....49
b. Negative factors ………………………..……………………………. ..50
 Level of students………………………………………………………....50
 Motivation of students…………………………………………………...51
4.3 Discussions .............................................................. Error! Bookmark not
4.3.1 ESP teaching practcies of EFL teachers at BCTECHError! Bookmark not
4.3.2 Affecting factors in EFL teacher’s teaching ESP to non-major students at
BCTECH .................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined.54
4.4. Summary………………………………………………...………………..55
CHAPTER 5 CONCLUSION ................... Error! Bookmark not defined.……..57
5.1 Summary of the main findings of the thesisError! Bookmark not defined.57
5.2 Pedagogical implications ............................................................................ 58
5.3 Limitations and Recommendations for the further researchError! Bookmark not
REFERENCES ................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined.60
APPENDICES A ................................................ Error! Bookmark not defined.62

APPENDICES B ................................................ Error! Bookmark not defined.70

APPENDICCES C.............................................. Error! Bookmark not defined.72
APPENDICES D ................................................ Error! Bookmark not defined.73
APPENDICES E …………………………………………………………………. 77

Appendix A: Questionnaire for Survey
Appendix B: Interview Protocol
Appendix C: Themes Emerged in the Study
Appendix D: Sample Coding
Appendix E: Sample of interview data analysis


Table 3.1 Information of participants
Table 3.2 ESP Majors of participants
Table: 3.3 Overview of the Survey
Table 4.1. Themes and Codes emerged in relation to the Portrait of the Case
Table 4.2: The sub-themes in relation to ESP teaching practices
Table 4.3. Codes in stages of lesson
Table 4.4. Codes in activities in lesson
Table 4.5 Code of post activities in lesson
Table 4.6 Coded in affecting factors
Table 4.7 Coded in negative factors



Figure 2.1: ESP Classification by experience
Figure 2.2: Types of ESP (Hutchinson and Waters, 1987, p.16)
Figure 2.3: ESP Classification by professional area
Figure 2.4: Roles of the ESP Practitioner
Figure 2.5: Conceptual framework of the ESP practices and the factors affecting in
teaching ESP of EFL teachers




Ba Ria- Vung Tau College of Technology


English for Academic Purposes


English as a Foreign Language


English for Occupational Purposes


English for Petroleum Engineering


English for Specific Purposes


Information and Technology


General English


Project-based Learning


1.1 Background to the study
In the new global economy, learning English is no longer for its own justification but using

the language in a different context with specific purposes is necessary with learners. ESP
(English for specific purposes) subject, which has been associated with majors’ knowledge
to support learners to meet the needs of employers, has become a vital subject in educational
programs. With the worldwide growth in demand for English, the number of colleges and
universities advertising ESP subjects are on the rise these days to meet the ever expanding
particular needs of students who have a place to diverse areas. Hutchinson and Waters (1987,
p.8) support the view that “tell me what you need English for and I will tell you the English
that you need”.
To respond to the demanding high levels of English communication for specific purposes in
English, ESP is one of the necessary subjects which universities and colleges have chosen to
train for their students to help them communicate in specific English contexts.
Nowadays, the current Vietnamese government highlights the goal that education at colleges
and universities should help students gain profound knowledge and practical skills in their
jobs with the ability to work independently and creatively as well as solve problems in the
field of study (National Assembly of Vietnam, 2005, p.16). In the line of this direction, ESP
is selected in their training professional programs of vocational education schools and
colleges. The vocational schools and colleges have to keep serious eyes on the situation and
focus on job–oriented training because vocational education has to change from supplydriven to demand-driven model to keep in step with the development of global industries
which have an increasing awareness of technicians about ESP skills. Currently, the General
Department of Vocational Training (Ministry of War Invalids and Social Affair) is really
interested in specialized English programs for colleges and vocational schools. According to
decision no. 899/ QD- TTg of the Prime Minister on June 20, 2017, the targets of programs
for vocational education employment and labor safety were approved in the 2016 -2020
period. The director of vocational education has established twelve appraisal boards that

evaluated ESP programs for level 3 and level 4 of key international occupations including:
Biotechnology, Information Technology (software application), Engineering electrical
installation and industrial control, Computer network administration, Graphic design,

Mechatronics, Air-conditioning and air-conditioning engineering, Industrial electronics,
Resort management, Restaurant management, Travel guide, Tour operator.
As a matter of fact, the role of ESP is getting more and more attention in all field’s education.
However, there are some existing factors that directly affect the effectiveness of ESP such
as: students, teachers, teaching methodology, materials and others in which learners are
considered as the nucleus of all activities in teaching ESP. Evans and John (1998) suggest
ESP is a learner –centered approach. ESP subjects are planned for the learners who need
English for their occupation in a post-academic setting or for the the ones who need it for
scholarly purposes in a pre-occupational setting. However, in recent years, teachers are
confronted with a lot of issues such as students’ poor proficiency, their low interest and
motivation in learning and passive performance in class. Furthermore, their knowledge of
reality is still limited. They are standing on theoretical papers without real knowledge about
their majors. In addition, ESP have used the traditional methods such as grammar translation,
direct method or structural method. Those methods have focused only on skills and areas of
knowledge in isolation which actually meant that the content of the course was limited to
specific vocabulary and grammar of the chosen field. For this reason, students become
passive. Hence, the role of teachers and their methodologies play a great influence in
improving this problem. In spite of the similarity to General English (GE) in employing the
techniques and methods, ESP teaching practices have its peculiar features which lies in the
knowledge of the content to be taught. Moreover, teachers who not only provide linguistic
and strategic competencies which support learners improve their academic competence
independently, but they also concentrate on goals and objectives, then select and develop
effectives materials, plan appropriate courses and evaluate the learner’s patterns of
development. Besides, methodologies are chosen carefully to teach for students at different
levels. According to Widdowson (1983, p.130) appropriate teaching methodology is located
“at the very heart of the operation with course design at servicing its requirements”, and to
address their specific needs. Similarly, Hutchinson (1998) claims that the importance of

considering the methodological aspects of teaching ESP to supply for the needs of ESP
learners. Shortly, a teacher plays as a conductor in an orchestra and his teaching method is
the way that he guides to get wonderful music.
The other factors relate to teaching and learning context where teachers and students rehearse
their activities. That is also the significant place in which teachers meet and exchange the
duties with their colleagues or where students associated with each other and with the
teachers in and outside the classroom. The structure of the space and the courses of furniture
also express the expectations of teachers and students in their school. Earthman (2004, p.18
cited in Farida, 2015, p.99) indicated that the building where students spend a good deal of
their time learning passes on in truth influences how well they learn. What is more, Bunting
(2004) and Siegel (1999) inquired that the positive attitudes of students and teachers were
promoted by an appealing building. With these characteristics, the educational environment,
where knowledge is valued, successfully built and effectively recovered and uttilized., is
necessary in the teaching and learning process. The other facet relates to admin-arrangement
whose duties are to inspect the process of teaching and learning, and to supervise the final
test for assessing the outcomes of students. The last one is course designing or relevant
materials. Ellis and Johnson (1994) conclude that subject – specific materials focus on a
particular job or industry. When selecting materials carefully, they will equip the learners
with necessary skills and knowledge especially with subject – specific materials which cater
for ESP learners’ specific needs better. So if ESP teachers consider what is essential, decide
units from the number of course books adapting learners’ needs or even write a number of
extra units to reference, learners will get learning objectives.
In view of those factors, ESP teaching and learning is still an urgent issue in vocational
schools, colleges and universities. Thus, “ESP teaching” matters will be explored more in
this thesis.
1.2. Statement of the problem
In this globalization era, with its hopes, ESP will bring “a brave new world, a revolution in
linguistics and a new focus on the learner” (Hutchinson & Waters, 1987, p.6). Teaching and
learning have become a trend and a reality in the world. It should be directed to the specific
purposes that are related to its major. Through the ESP subject, students are hoping to gain


specialized knowledge so that they can use them to apply in their field in English. In the
Vietnam context, after the Open–door policy issued by the Government in 1990, the
developing economy has created a demand for a resource of professionals who are able to
communicate in a professional environment. So, ESP plays a vital role in Vietnamese higher
education institutions since “science, a key economic priory, is taught through English”
(Nguyen, 2013, p.26). However, in fact, teaching and learning English for specific purposes
in Vietnam are still less effective and do not meet society needs. Although the efforts moving
toward the quality of instructing ESP in Vietnam, globalization and the diversity of English
has remarkably challenged English language learning and teaching of Vietnamese EFL
teachers and EFL teachers of BCTECH are among them.
With modern teaching equipment, BCTECH learners could learn specific vocabularies
through real imaginations on smart televisions or watch videos relating to precise situations
on YouTube channels. Moreover, the curriculum is also selected and evaluated carefully
before being taught. Most textbooks are published in famous presses. For example: Flash on
English for mechanics, electronics and technical assistance is chosen for mechanic and
engineering majors. It is in the ESP series of Sabina Cedraro and Sereva Poverino from Italy.
Infotech – English for computer users (fourth edition) is for IT students published by
Cambridge Press. Those factors could be regarded as non- human elements which affect
directly subjects. On the other hand, the other human elements like students, teachers and
teaching methodology have a great prestige on subjects. In fact, ESP teaching and learning
quality has still been far from satisfactory. Students have low proficiency of English and lack
of real knowledge, self-learning ability and group work’s abilities while most EFL teachers
have not attended training courses regularly. With only six EFL teachers, most of ESP
teachers are General English (GE) teachers whose duties are both teaching GE and ESP.
Therefore, they do not spend more time updating new methods to encourage students in class.
Traditional methods are often used in both GE and ESP such as grammar translation, direct
method or structural method. Those are methods that have just focused on skills and areas of

knowledge in isolation which actually meant that the content of the course was limited to
specific vocabulary and grammar of the chosen field. For this reason, students become


passive in learning process. They could not discover lessons throughout their abilities like
critical thinking, group work, pair work or self – work.
In the fact of ESP teaching with non- human and human elements at BCTECH, this thesis
aims to explore the current ESP teaching practices of EFL teachers, then find out the most
positive elements that encourage EFL teachers teaching ESP and negative ones that are
hindered EFL teachers teaching ESP through a contenting analysis of EFL teachers’
1.3. Aims and Objectives of the Study
This study aims at exploring the factors that affect EFL teachers’ teaching ESP to nonEnglish majors at the context of Ba Ria Vung Tau College of Technology. The specific
objectives of the research are as follows:

To explore the ESP teaching practices of EFL teachers at Ba Ria Vung Tau College
of Technology;

To find out factors that affect EFL teachers’ teaching ESP to non-English majors at
Ba Ria Vung Tau College of Technology.

1.4 Research questions
In order to achieve the aforementioned objectives, the following research questions must
be addressed:
1.What are the ESP teaching practices of EFL teachers at Ba Ria Vung Tau College of

2. What are the factors that affect EFL teachers’ teaching ESP to non-English majors at Ba
Ria Vung Tau College of Technology?
1.5 Scope of the study
This study was conducted at Ba Ria Vung Tau College of Technology, which is one of
three vocational colleges in Ba Ria – Vung tau province. BCTECH is one of vocational
school training according to international standards with modern facilities and equipment
that meet European standards and ensure good learning and practice of students in eighteen
fields of Electrical, Electronics and Mechanical, Information Technology, Food
Technology, Fashion, and Accounting. With the motto “Innovating always for the high5

quality human resources”, BCTECH has cooperated with enterprises and supported
students to find jobs or practice in Japan after graduating. Along with vocational training,
students also have the opportunity to study foreign languages like English or Japanese. ESP
is one of the elective subjects that has been included in the curriculum since 2012 to equip
learners with communicative skills in a specific discipline. Opportunely, EFL teachers have
had experiences in teaching ESP for different majors for eight years and they have
distinguished which elements are advantages and disadvantages in teaching ESP. The
participants of the study were the EFL teachers who were teaching ESP in all majors at
BCTECH. They were taken part in an interview that consisted of open-ended questions
relating to ESP teaching practices and factors affecting their teaching career. The qualitative
method was applied in order to gain the results. Two instruments were utilized: an openended survey and a semi-structured interview so as to gather information for data. After
that, the results of the interview would be analyzed by the content analysis method. From
that, a picture of ESP teaching practices with the positive and negative factors would be
1.6 Significance of the study
In the 21st century, the role and practice of English in the workplace is regarded as a key
to discovery in ESP courses. Recently, topics relating to ESP have been attracted to explore
more and more. To contribute to the recent developments in ESP issues, this research is

focused on probing the present ESP teaching practices, then finding the factors with hopes
to make some contributions to teaching ESP at Ba Ria -Vung Tau College of Technology.
First of all, this current research will be conducted to fill in the gap in the field of ESP
teaching to find out what stages of ESP lessons are presented in the ESP class of BCTECH.
The vocational college has trained learners, who are 16 – 18 years old, have limited use of
English level with meeting the needs about vocational skills rather than other skills.
Moreover, it also remarks a new facet for EFL teachers at BCTECH to explore ESP more.
Secondly, with the result of research, EFL teachers have realized factors which are
advantages to support teaching languages, especially ESP, and continue promoting to
achieve better teaching results. On the other aspect, factors that are still weak points that
will be given to find solutions to overcome and bring the effective quality of teaching ESP

as possible. Besides, if the learning and teaching quality is better, they will help learners
link to stakeholders easily. Good learners with master ESP knowledge who can
communicate with foreigners in professors fluently in English at a workshop or read and
research ESP documentaries… So, the relationship between vocational colleges and
stakeholders is more closely for the common goal of quality human.
In conclusion, ESP and other subjects are concentrated on getting the most effective results
possible. This paper is looking forward to making a small contribution to the training career
1.7 Definitions of the Terms
For the purpose of this study, many terms must be defined to provide a specific perspective
on the issues discussed.

EFL teacher refers to the teaching English to people for whom English is not the
first language.

ESP refers to the teaching of English for scientific, technical, etc. Purposes to people
whose first language is not English.

Negative factors refer to factors without any doubts that support ESP teaching to

Positive factors refer to factors with not good features that hinder the development
of ESP teaching.

1.8 Organization of the thesis
This thesis work has been carved out five chapters. This chapter is introductory. The second
chapter analyzes the related literature about ESP teaching practices and their affecting
factors. The third chapter presents and describes the methodology that was used to conduct
this study. It depicts the population of study, the research design, and procedures that have
been used while collecting and then analyzing the available data. The fourth chapter
attempts to analyze and illustrate data which have been collected with a view to answering
the research questions. Moreover, the findings of the research are presented at the end of
chapter. The last one acts as a concluding chapter in which the summary of the research
findings work while also making its implication and limitation explicit, and points to future


2.1 Introduction
This chapter provides a comprehensive review of the literature relevant to the present
investigation. In the first section, a theoretical overview of ESP where ESP will be defined,
classified, and characteristics are presented. Next, the numerous teaching ESP issues, such
as an overview of ESP teaching, roles of ESP teachers, roles of context in teaching ESP,
and ESP teaching methodologies are remarked on views of different authors in the second
section. In addition, the ESP teaching practices will be addressed in the third section, mainly
analysis that helps identify the main aim that EFL teachers apply in their lessons. The last
section explores affecting factors on teaching ESP consisting of factor’s definition, types,
and characteristics of each type. Lastly, some previous studies on teaching ESP are listed
and summarized to close the chapter.
2.2 English for Specific Purposes
2.2.1 Definition of ESP
ESP, which stands for “English for Specific Purposes”, was born since English became the
international language in many countries over the world. There are many reasons to study
English for which working or studying purposes is one of the most popular reasons.
Therefore, ESP has become a prosperous field explored by researchers. To understand the
definition of ESP correctly, ESP is defined in the following clarifications.
According to Dudley-Evans and St. Jones (1998), ESP is a kind of English for specific
purposes which is classified for specific purposes such as English for academic studies or
for vocational purposes. They mean that with different objects that ESP should be divided
into different purposes. With English for academic objects, any English teaching that
should relate to academic study needs. Whereas English for occupational ones should
involve work-related needs and training. Hence, the needs of learners are considered as a
final point to teach and learn English for any purpose.
Hutchinson and Waters (1987, p.19) also defined English for Specific Purposes (ESP) as a
dialect teaching approach in which the learners’ needs are the key points to select the

content and method in its. In their view, ESP must be seen as an approach, not as a product.
It is neither a specific language nor consisting of a particular type of material. Consequently,
teaching ESP does not mean teaching a special form of language. It is an approach to
language teaching, which is based on actual learners’ needs.
Strevens (1988) pointed out that ESP was a particular cause of the general category of
special-purpose language teaching. In Smoak’s definition of ESP (2003), ESP was English
instruction based on a real situation and based on the students' needs. ESP was needs-based
and task-oriented (p.27).
Munby (1978) offered that the syllabus and materials of ESP subjects should be designed
and determined based on prior English knowledge and communication needs of the learner.
Because of the different goals, the learner’s motivation and attitude will be affected during
learning and acquisition. Provided this problem, Đỗ and Cái (2010) stated that English
subjects should be based on survey results and needs analysis to clarify the specific
activities to help students get the final goal (p.60). Thus, ESP is an English subject in which
the textbooks and materials are adjusted to learners’ desires and purposes.
The above definitions stated that ESP seems quite a flexible field and different people have
defined it differently. However, the main goal is emphasized to help learners develop
English to demand particular needs and developments in the fields of linguistics and
educational psychology ((Hutchinson and Waters, 1987, p.19). In other words, any ESP
subject is designed to meet learners’ needs.
2.2.2 Classification of ESP
Types of ESP are classified in different ways. Rahman (2015) has been classified types of
ESP in terms of two different branches, which were English for Academic Purposes (EAP)
and English for Occupational Purposes (EOP) (p.25). Dudley-Evans and St John (1998)
described that English for Academic Purposes was considered as a new and innovative
discipline, dominating the field, whereas English for Occupational purposes lacked behind
(p.2). Further to this, Robinson (1991) shows the distinction between these two areas in the
following tree diagram.

