PowerPoint SmartArt Graphics
The complete ready-to-use collection
Overview of SmartArt graphics
A SmartArt graphic is a visual representation of your information and ideas. You can create SmartArt graphics by choosing from among many different layouts to quickly, easily, and effectively
communicate your message. SmartArt graphics, especially combined with other features such as themes, help you create designer-quality illustrations with only a few clicks of your mouse.
You can create a SmartArt graphic in Excel, PowerPoint, Word, or in an e-mail message in Outlook. Other Office programs do not enable SmartArt graphic creation, but you can copy and paste
SmartArt graphics as images into those programs.
You can change the look of your SmartArt graphic by changing the fill of its shape or text; by adding effects, such as shadows, reflections, glows, or soft edges; or by adding three-dimensional
(3-D) effects, such as bevels or rotations.
Because PowerPoint presentations often contain slides with bulleted lists, when you are working in PowerPoint, you can convert slide text to a SmartArt graphic. You can also quickly convert
pictures on a slide to a SmartArt graphic, using one of the new, photo-centric SmartArt graphic layouts. In addition, you can add animation to a SmartArt graphic in your PowerPoint
Source: PowerPoint Help
PowerPoint SmartArt Graphics - The complete ready-to-use collection
01 – List
04 – Hierarchy
02 - Process
05 – Relationship
07 – Pyramid
PowerPoint SmartArt Graphics - The complete ready-to-use collection
08 – Miscellaneous
03 – Cycle
06 – Matrix
- 01 -
PowerPoint SmartArt Graphics - The complete ready-to-use collection
List //
Basic Block List
Use to show nonsequential or grouped
blocks of information.
Maximizes both
horizontal and vertical
display space for
PowerPoint SmartArt Graphics - The complete ready-to-use collection
List //
Alternating Hexagons
Use to represent a
series of
interconnected ideas.
Level 1 text appears
inside the hexagons.
Level 2 text appears
outside the shapes.
PowerPoint SmartArt Graphics - The complete ready-to-use collection
List //
Picture Caption List
Use to show nonsequential or grouped
blocks of information.
The top shapes are
designed to contain
pictures and pictures
are emphasized over
text. Works well for
pictures with short text
PowerPoint SmartArt Graphics - The complete ready-to-use collection
List //
Lined List
Use to show large
amounts of text
divided into categories
and subcategories.
Works well with
multiple levels of text.
Text at the same level
is separated by lines.
PowerPoint SmartArt Graphics - The complete ready-to-use collection
List //
Vertical Bullet List
Use to show nonsequential or grouped
blocks of information.
Works well for lists with
long headings or top
level information.
PowerPoint SmartArt Graphics - The complete ready-to-use collection
List //
Vertical Box List
Use to show several
groups of information,
especially groups with
large amounts of Level
2 text. A good choice
for bulleted lists of
PowerPoint SmartArt Graphics - The complete ready-to-use collection
List //
Vertical Bracket List
Use to show grouped
blocks of information.
Works well with large
amounts of Level 2
PowerPoint SmartArt Graphics - The complete ready-to-use collection
List //
Varying Width List
Use for emphasizing
items of different
weights. Good for
large amounts of Level
1 text. The width of
each shape is
determined based on
its text.
PowerPoint SmartArt Graphics - The complete ready-to-use collection
List //
Tab List
Use to show nonsequential or grouped
blocks of information.
Works well for lists with
a small amount of
Level 1 text. The first
Level 2 displays next to
the Level 1 text and
the remaining Level 2
text appears beneath
the Level 1 text.
PowerPoint SmartArt Graphics - The complete ready-to-use collection
List //
Horizontal Bullet List
Use to show nonsequential or grouped
lists of information.
Works well with large
amounts of text. All
text has the same level
of emphasis, and
direction is not implied.
PowerPoint SmartArt Graphics - The complete ready-to-use collection
List //
Square Accent List
Use to show lists of
information divided
into categories. Level 2
text appears beside a
small square shape.
Works well with large
amounts of Level 2
PowerPoint SmartArt Graphics - The complete ready-to-use collection
List //
Picture Accent List
Use to show grouped
or related information.
The small shapes on
the upper corners are
designed to contain
pictures. Emphasizes
Level 2 text over Level
1 text, and is a good
choice for large
amounts of Level 2
PowerPoint SmartArt Graphics - The complete ready-to-use collection
List //
Bending Picture Accent List
Use to show nonsequential or grouped
blocks of information.
The small circular
shapes are designed to
contain pictures. Works
well for illustrating
both Level 1 and Level
2 text. Maximizes both
horizontal and vertical
display space for
PowerPoint SmartArt Graphics - The complete ready-to-use collection
List //
Stacked List
Use to show groups of
information or steps in
a task, process, or
workflow. Circular
shapes contain Level 1
text, and the
rectangles contain
Level 2 text. Works well
for numerous details
and minimal Level 1
PowerPoint SmartArt Graphics - The complete ready-to-use collection
List //
Grouped List
Use to show groups and subgroups of information, or
steps and sub-steps in a task,
process, or workflow. Level 1
text corresponds to the top
level horizontal shapes, and
Level 2 text corresponds to
vertical sub-steps under each
related top level shape.
Works well for emphasizing
sub-groups or sub-steps,
hierarchical information, or
multiple lists of information.
PowerPoint SmartArt Graphics - The complete ready-to-use collection
List //
Horizontal Picture List
Use to show nonsequential or grouped
information with an
emphasis on related
pictures. The top
shapes are designed to
contain pictures.
PowerPoint SmartArt Graphics - The complete ready-to-use collection
List //
Continuous Picture List
Use to show groups of
information. The
circular shapes are
designed to contain
PowerPoint SmartArt Graphics - The complete ready-to-use collection
List //
Picture Strips
Use to show a series of
pictures from top to
bottom with Level 1
text beside each.
PowerPoint SmartArt Graphics - The complete ready-to-use collection
List //
Vertical Picture List
Use to show nonsequential or grouped
blocks of information.
The small shapes on
the left are designed to
contain pictures.
PowerPoint SmartArt Graphics - The complete ready-to-use collection
List //
Alternating Picture Blocks
Use to show a series of
pictures from top to
bottom. Text appears
alternately on the right
or left of the picture.
PowerPoint SmartArt Graphics - The complete ready-to-use collection
List //
Vertical Picture Accent List
Use to show nonsequential or grouped
blocks of information.
The small circles are
designed to contain
PowerPoint SmartArt Graphics - The complete ready-to-use collection