Test 1: Some people say that people today have less free time than in the
past. What do you think about this statement?
(Một vài người nói rằng, con người khơng có th ời gian
rãnh như lúc trước nữa. Bạn nghĩ sao về phát biểu này)
Some people say that people today have less free time
than in the past. The causes for this statement have been debated for
a long time. One study did find that about one-third of people say
they do not have enough free time to do everything they want to do.
However, experts in the field had never seen such a large amount of
data before and found it unreliable. Other studies suggest that people
now have more free time than what they used to because technology
enables them to multitask on multiple devices simultaneously. Others
suggest that people now have more free time because of
improvements in the living conditions. It is true that machines do
take some of the workloads of people, but they also create new jobs
and provide opportunities for people to do what they enjoy.
Empirical data has now been collected from several
sources to determine whether there is a correlation between the
amount of free time and technological advances. The charts show that
as technology improves, so does the amount of free time a person
Test 2: Discuss the importance of punctuality (Thảo luận về sự quan
trọng của đúng giờ)
Punctuality is a very important part of the workplace. If a person is late to
work, they are not only hurting themselves but also their colleagues. If they
are late to an important event, it can have a negative impact on the event
itself. Punctuality is also important in other aspects of life, such as school
and sports.
Punctuality is an essential component in any workplace because people
who are punctual not only help themselves but also those around them.
Punctuality is crucial for events because if someone shows up late, it could
cause problems for the event itself. This includes being on time to school
and sporting events as well.
Test 3: What are the positive and negatives of zoos? (Mặt tích cực và tiêu
cực của sở thú)
The positive aspects of zoos are that they allow people to see animals in
their natural environment, which is a good educational experience for
children. They also allow people to see rare and endangered species that
would never be able to survive in the wild.
The negative aspects of zoos are that they can be detrimental to the
animals' health and psychological well-being. Animals can become stressed
out from being kept in captivity and not allowed to live as they would
Test 4: Nowadays, the internet has become popular, What are the
advantages and disadvantages?
The internet has become an integral part of our society. It has many
advantages, but it also comes with some disadvantages.
The internet is a great source of information and entertainment. You can
find anything you want on the internet and it’s all in the palm of your hand.
One advantage that the internet provides is that you don't have to go to a
library or bookstore to get information on a certain topic. All you need is an
internet connection and you can find any information that interests you.
The disadvantage is that people are spending more time on their phones
than they are interacting with other people which can lead to loneliness,
depression, anxiety, and stress for some people who are not able to interact
with other people as much as they would like too.
Test 5: Discuss the importance of reading newspaper
The importance of reading newspapers can be seen in the way it has been
used for centuries. It provides a balanced and informed opinion on current
events, with a variety of perspectives. This is why it is important to read
newspapers today.
It gives readers the opportunity to see how the world is shaped by
providing different perspectives from different people. Reading
newspapers can also be seen as an intellectual pursuit, as it requires you to
think critically about what you are reading and how it relates to the world
around us.
Test 6: Do you think universities prepare well enough for your future
Universities play a vital role in student’s education. There is a general belief
that university provides the required ammunition for the students to get on
with their career. However, it can also be argued that the university is
another business model and should provide knowledge for its benefit. I
think a university should service the society by creating better individuals
than being money making organisation. The essay will analyse the
individual and social benefits created by the university in support of its
service to society.
Firstly, personality development is of paramount importance to any
student. For instance, a student from a reputed university like the
University of Technology, Sydney has good exposure to interpersonal skills,
soft skills and theoretical knowledge. These skills are vital for students to
perform well at the workplace. Additionally, these skills will get campus
placements before they can complete their degree. Thus, colleges providing
appropriate environment and skill development will result in the
production of individuals with the required talent in the professional
Secondly, society benefits cannot be discounted in the context of university
education. Creating individuals with better skills create a healthy society.
For example, students completing their medicine degree with better
communication and people skills create a society in which all the
individuals who go to that doctor will be delighted. If all the people in the
community possess the right level of expertise, especially the working
professional with the college degree, then the country’s economy will have
a positive growth. As you can see, there is a direct correlation between
college infrastructure and the society health.
In conclusion, university providing quality knowledge and platform for allround development will aid the individuals and society to benefit out of it. I
believe that there will be an increase in the number of students who attend
a university that results in the better society.
Test 7: Do you think computers can totally replace human teachers in the
In the age of modern technology, there has been immense advances in
technology in most aspects of lives, particularly education. Many
people are of the opinion that one day teachers will be obsolete in the
classroom. I affirm that educator's position is irreplaceable in this
Some people hold a belief that the role of teacher in the classroom
starts to fade, giving place to computers for several reasons. First,
there are a number of fundamental subjects which are able to be
taught by computers. Pupils can do assignments and get answers
easily using computers in some areas such as maths and languages as
these subjects only require students to memorize the information
through a process of repetition. As a result, programmed-computers
can provide a multitude of questions and answers to students to
handle with. However, this hinders the interaction between students
and educators.
All things considered, teachers still play a pivotal role in the
classroom. Firstly, teacher can instruct and stretch students how to
analyze and synthetize information efficiently and then give them
appropriate feedbacks. Meanwhile, a computer is not adequate to
evaluate mistakes or provide expanded concepts which are essential
to enhance students' learning proficiency. Secondly, teachers can
support students to develop other vital skills. A prime example is that
through classroom activites designed and monitored by teachers,
students can foster their critical thinking skill, creativity and teamwork performance. Besides, teachers create motivations by honoring
the academic achievements of the students.
In conclusion, technology will not bring the best values into
education system if we marginalize the role of teachers. Education is
a crucial mission that machinery cannot dominate in any time. It
would be much more efficient for us to use a computer with the
teacher's guidance in the classroom.
Test 8: what are the advantages and disadvantages of online learning?
Advantage 1. Reduced costs
The most obvious advantage of online learning comes down to economics.
A half-day of classical training is equivalent to a one-hour e-learning course
[1]. E-learning increases productivity. In 2019, U.S. training expenses
amounted to $83 billion! Of that, $29.6 billion [2] was spent on travel,
training facilities, in-house training development, and equipment. Online
learning cuts many of these costs, including those associated with hiring an
instructor, booking a facility, printing materials, and travel.
Advantage 2. Increased convenience and flexibility
Employees often struggle to fit ongoing education into their busy and rigid
schedules. In a survey of 204 employees [3], 93 employees indicated that
time constraints contributed to why they were unable or unwilling to
complete a course in one attempt. Another 56 contributed it to work
interruptions. The average full-time employee only has 1% of their time to
devote to learning. That amounts to just 24 minutes a week! Online learning
allows your employees to learn on a personal schedule that suits them best.
It also takes much less time than face-to-face learning.
Advantage 3. Improved employee knowledge
Online learning allows people to learn in their own style and at their own
speed, which helps them absorb more information. If someone needs more
time with a particular topic, they can go through it as slowly and as many
times as they need. As you can imagine, this aspect of online learning
benefits knowledge retention. WR Hambrecht + Co found that online
learning increased the retention rates of the learning material by 25-60%!
Advantage 4. Increased revenue
The American Society for Training and Development (2011) surveyed 2,500
companies and found that companies that had comprehensive training
programs had 218% higher revenue per employee, and 24% higher profit
margins [4]. More research confirms that e-learners truly bring what they
learn into practice. 87% of 204 surveyed employees indicated that they had
put their newly acquired skills and knowledge to practice at work! This
translates to tangible benefits, whether it be increased sales, improved
processes, or satisfied customers.
Advantage 5. Ease of content update
In today’s world, information and knowledge change fast! With printed
materials, the only way to keep up with these changes is to reprint the
material, and if you did that it would be quite costly (not to mention the
poor trees �). Updating online courses not only allows you to keep up with
these changes without breaking the bank, but makes the process easy as
pie. The best part is that any change you make to your online content
becomes immediately available to your whole learning audience!
5 disadvantages of online learning
Disdvantage 1. Requires self-discipline and time management skills
41% of a sample of 204 employees indicated that self-motivation was a
barrier to participating in online learning. Why? While we can all agree that
self-discipline and time management are always at play when it comes to
learning, online learning involves less guidance from an instructor than
traditional learning. Typically, online learning also removes scheduled
meeting times and deadlines. As a result, your employees must put
themselves in the driver’s seat when it comes to their ongoing education.
Disdvantage 2. Diminished social interaction
When you imagine a traditional classroom, lively group discussion, and
students raising their hands to ask the instructor questions likely comes to
mind. Admittedly, these moments do not arise as naturally in online
learning. For some individuals, these face-to-face interactions are a must to
bring the material to life. Nevertheless, it is possible to bring more social
interaction to online learning through competition, scheduled Q&A sessions
with an instructor, and discussion channels.
Disdvantage 3. Not suitable for every topic
Which would you rather learn via online learning: how to fly a plane, or
government guidelines on disposing chemicals? Our choice and we imagine
your choice as well, is the latter. It is safe to say that you wouldn’t want to
be a passenger on a plane with a pilot who had only ever flown a plane in a
flight simulator. Complex topics, operative techniques, and practices that
require a physical environment are best conducted in person. Yet, more
repetitive topics in a high turnover environment lend themselves naturally
to online learning.
Disdvantage 4. Lack of practice-based learning
Online learning is often theory-based and lacks practice-based learning.
Theoretical knowledge refers to facts, theories, and reasoning whereas
practical knowledge is based on hands-on endeavors and tasks. For
example, online learning would be a great tool to learn the theory-based
side of football, like its history and the rules of the game. However, it cannot
be used to transfer practical knowledge like how to actually play the game.
Only getting out on the field can do that. Therefore, it is important to keep
in mind that e-learning cannot replace the knowledge that comes through
hands-on experience.
Disdvantage 5. Reliance on technology
Younger generations entering the workforce, and technology being adopted
broadly, has driven the popularity of e-learning. However, not everyone has
integrated technology into their daily routine. 26% of adults were found to
be computer illiterate by a 2016 study. Therefore, it is important to assess
whether your employees are computer-savvy and whether they have the
appropriate setup for online learning. Do your employees have convenient
access to electronic devices and the internet? Do they have working
speakers if there is video or audio in a course? If accessing online learning
becomes a burden, motivation might plummet.
Test 9 : What are the benefits of visiting museums?
Encourages a Love of History
Museums are the caretakers of history as much as they offer connections to
history that can easily be overlooked in traditional classrooms. Whether
you bring your child to a children’s museum, art gallery, or science museum,
history has made a huge impact on the innovation they are witnessing. As
parents we don’t have to be experts on subject matters, however reading
out the plaques in the exhibit and motivating your child to ask questions
will encourage a love of history.
Listening to Stories
While interning at the National Museum of the American Indian (NAMI), I
had the opportunity to visit dozens of museums the summer I graduated
from college. From the Museum of Modern Art to the Whitney to the Air
and Space Museum to Holocaust Memorial Museum, I was able to walk
through hundreds of exhibits and learn the importance of storytelling.
Museums are full of stories, and it is critical for our children to hear those
stories. Stories told at the Holocaust Memorial Museum in Washington D.C.
not only teach our children history but also encourage empathy.
Compare and Contrast
Museums offer opportunities for children to compare and contrast what is
important for them which leads to higher critical thinking skills. An art
museum will contain various types of artwork and as they stroll through an
exhibit there will be differences in the style, subject matter, and techniques
demonstrated in the artwork which can foster interesting conversations.
Encourages Questions
Visiting a museum opens the door for your child’s curiosity in the form of
questions. Some of these will be questions that have answers, questions
that should be encouraged, questions that make you think, and questions
that may not have answers. All of these questions should be encouraged,
and don’t worry if you don’t know the answers. Ask your child what they
believe the answer is and listen to their reasoning.
Boosts Language Development
At Mommy University, we always look for opportunities to boost language
development and it is no surprise that visiting a museum will assist in this
process for not only your child but you as well. Visiting the Rubik’s
Cube exhibit at Liberty Science Center last year, I was exposed to videos
about non-linear problem solving which has now weaved itself into my
vocabulary. For young children, boosting language development revolves
around identifying words while for older children the exposure to new
concepts and ideas will carry higher level vocabulary.
Encourages New Ideas
An interesting challenge we attempt each year is to visit a museum or
exhibit that doesn’t immediately captivate our interest. We actually will
walk through an exhibit that we lack prior knowledge. The purpose behind
this is to expose ourselves as well as our children to new ideas and
concepts. My husband and I will make a point to discuss what we see, how
we interpret it, and ask our children questions. We are modeling for them
how we interact with the exhibit and information but more importantly
that we are open to new things whether we are familiar with it or not.
Museums Inspire
When you walk into a museum that contains the skeleton of an animal that
is taller than your house and has not walked this planet in millions of years,
your mind begins to wonder. When you walk into a museum that has a
planetarium that provides light shows about the solar system, your mind
begins to dream of the night sky. Museums inspire us to wonder, imagine
and dream of possibilities that are beyond what we know.
Sparks Creativity
When visiting museums, we always stop off at the information desk for a
list of activities that are taking place that day and attempt to structure our
visit to include some of the scheduled programs. At Liberty Science Center,
we have been lucky to see animals up close and interacted in programs on
math in football. The Morris Museum incorporates stations at some of their
special day events, such as Dino Day, where children can make their own
fossils. The Philadelphia Museum of Art hosts Art Splash in the summer
where children can learn about what has inspired artists and through
activities can have a deeper appreciation of art. Through museum
programs and activities, children are exposed to opportunities that spark
creative moments.
Fosters Family Bonding
In addition to exhibits that might appeal to your family, some museums like
Montclair Art Museum have specific activities and days dedicated to
families. Museums don’t just want to appeal to the more mature visitor
because they know that children who enjoy museums will become adults
who will want to return. Visiting a museum as a family also gives everyone
on opportunity to get to know each other better and engage in meaningful
Creates Lifelong Learners
By encouraging your children to play and visit museums, it is creating
lifelong learners. While most careers require a specific type of education,
the reality in our changing world is that we need to be lifelong learners to
continue to grow as the demands change. Museums encourage curiosity
which is necessary for children to become lifelong learners. Museums seek
out unique links and relationships that are not always readily present
which offers us, the viewer, something new each time we visit. There is
always the possibility for an “ah ha” moment to occur.
Test 10: what are the benefits and drawbacks of living in a nuclear family?
Do you like living in that type of family?
Advantages and disadvantages of nuclear family số 1
Nowadays, the nuclear family consisting of the husband wife and their
unmarried children has become more popular. According the latest survey,
the young has a tendency to live in the nuclear family because of several
advantages. The first advantages is that it plays an essential role in the
development of personality of individuals. Children will have more chances
to be more close to the parents and have more free discussion about their
problems. Moreover, in nuclear families the condition of woman is better
than joint families. She gets time to plan and manage her house without
interference of elders. Another advantages is people have more freedom
and privacy. They are freer to express their expectations of each other.
However, sometimes you may face with problems related work-life
balances such as the child falling sick, working to meet a deadline, or
school/daycare declaring a holiday when it is a working day for the parents.
To sum up, I prefer living in the nuclear family.
Bài dịch
Ngày nay, gia đình hạt nhân bao gồm vợ và con của h ọ đã tr ở nên ph ổ bi ến
hơn. Theo khảo sát mới nhất, giới trẻ có xu hướng sống trong gia đình h ạt
nhân vì một số ưu điểm. Ưu điểm đầu tiên là nó đóng một vai trị thiết
yếu trong sự phát triển nhân cách của cá nhân. Trẻ em sẽ có nhiều c ơ h ội
gần gũi với cha mẹ hơn và có nhiều cuộc nói chuyện thoải mái h ơn về các
vấn đề của chúng. Hơn nữa, trong các gia đình h ạt nhân, đi ều ki ện c ủa
người phụ nữ tốt hơn khi ở các gia đình nhiều thế hệ. Người phụ n ữ có
thời gian để lên kế hoạch và quản lý ngơi nhà của mình mà không cần s ự
can thiệp của những người lớn tuổi. Một lợi thế khác là m ọi người có
nhiều tự do và riêng tư hơn. Họ được tự do hơn để bày tỏ nh ững mong
đợi, ước muốn của họ về nhau. Tuy nhiên, đơi khi bạn có th ể ph ải đ ối m ặt
với các vấn đề liên quan đến cân bằng cuộc sống và công vi ệc nh ư con cái
bị ốm, làm việc không kịp thời hạn, hoặc trường học / nhà trẻ tuyên bố
nghỉ mà khi đó là ngày làm việc của cha mẹ. Tóm lại, tơi thích s ống trong
gia đình hạt nhân hơn.
Advantages and disadvantages of extended family - Bài viết số 2
Extended families are families where three or more generations are living
in the same house. Usually, it means that the grandparents are living with
their children and grandchildren. Researches have shown that there are
several advantages of living in extended families. Extended families are very
common in countries where there is no social security net. Extended
families help prevent elderly people from becoming poor. Another
advantage is that the grandparents can look after the grandchildren when
their parents are busy at work. What's more, children living in big families
tend to be happier because they can play with cousins that are around their
ages. The elderly may also become more active when interacting with
younger generations. However, sometimes you have no privacy because
there are so many members. They can also cause conflicts and problems or
meddle in other family members' business. Any way, we still prefer living in
an extended family because we love our grandparents and want to live with
Bài dịch
Gia đình đa thế hệ là nơi ít nhất từ ba thế hệ trở lên sống trong m ột ngôi
nhà. Thông thường, điều đó có nghĩa là ơng bà đang sống với con cái và
cháu chắt. Nghiên cứu cho thấy có một số ưu điểm khi sống trong gia đình
đa thế hệ. Gia đình đa thế hệ rất phổ biến ở các n ước n ơi khơng có m ạng
lưới an sinh xã hội. Gia đình đa thế hệ giúp người cao tuổi tránh tr ở thành
người nghèo. Một lợi thế khác là ơng bà có thể chăm sóc cháu chắt khi cha
mẹ chúng bận rộn với công việc. Thêm nữa, trẻ em sống trong đ ại gia đình
thường có xu hướng vui vẻ hơn vì chúng có thể chơi đùa v ới anh ch ị em h ọ
chạc tuổi. Người già cũng có thể trở nên năng động hơn khi tiếp xúc v ới
những thế hệ trẻ hơn. Tuy nhiên, đơi khi bạn khơng có riêng t ư vì có quá
nhiều thành viên. Họ cũng có thể gây ra xung đột và vấn đề, hay can thi ệp
vào việc của các thành viên khác trong gia đình. Dù sao đi n ữa, chúng t ớ
vẫn thích sống trong đại gia đình vì chúng t ớ u ơng bà và mu ốn s ống
cùng với họ.
Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of living in different kinds of
family số 3
Nowadays, people have a tendency to live in individually or in elementary
families rather than extended ones. The first reason is that conflics and
misunderstanding will be redudced when the number of family members is
smaller. Next, children in a nuclear family to be more independent as they
have to take care themselves and their sibilings, because their parents are
occupied with work. The children can do everthing such as doing
housework, cooking and so on. Besides advantages, nuclear family also has
disadvantages. Children may not have a chance to comminucate with their
parents because their parents are always busy. Therefore, television and the
Internet might become the primary influences on children’s behaviour.
Next, without the help of other family members, working parents must rely
on babysitters or afterschool clubs to take care of young children, which
leads to raise the cost of childcare. To sum up, I would like to live in a
nuclear family.
Bài dịch
Ngày nay, mọi người có xu hướng sống riêng lẻ hoặc trong các gia đình h ạt
nhân hơn là những đại gia đình nhiều thế hệ. Lý do đầu tiên là nh ững mâu
thuẫn và hiểu lầm sẽ được giảm thiểu khi số lượng thành viên trong gia
đình ít hơn. Tiếp theo, những đứa trẻ trong một gia đình h ạt nhân phải tự
lập hơn vì chúng phải tự chăm sóc bản thân và việc chăm sóc c ủa mình, vì
bố mẹ chúng bận rộn với cơng việc. Bọn trẻ có thể làm mọi việc nh ư làm
việc nhà, nấu ăn, v.v. Bên cạnh những ưu điểm, gia đình hạt nhân cũng có
những nhược điểm. Con cái có thể khơng có cơ hội tương tác v ới cha m ẹ vì
cha mẹ chúng ln bận rộn. Do đó, truy ền hình và Internet có th ể tr ở
thành những yếu tố ảnh hưởng chính đến hành vi của trẻ em. Tiếp theo,
khơng có sự giúp đỡ của các thành viên khác trong gia đình, các b ậc cha m ẹ
đi làm phải nhờ đến người trông trẻ hoặc câu lạc bộ sau giờ h ọc đ ể chăm
sóc trẻ nhỏ, dẫn đến tăng chi phí trơng trẻ. Tóm lại, tơi muốn sống trong
một gia đình hạt nhân.