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Phu My High School




Compiled by: Ms Hang Vu

SCHOOL YEAR: 2022 - 2023


Phu My High School
1. Organization and presentation


2. Content


3. Use of language


o Step 1: Read the task carefully
o Step 2: Brainstorm ideas
o Step 3: Planning (Outlining)
o Step 4: Writing draft
o Step 5: Checking and Writing the final copy.
I. Introduction
General Statements
Thesis Statement

II. Body
Para A. Topic Sentence
1. Support
2. Support
3. Support
A. (Concluding
Topic Sentence
Para B. Topic
1. Support
2. Support
3. Support

Support Sentence)
(Concluding Sentence)
Para C. Topic Sentence
1. Support
2. Support
3. Support
(Concluding Sentence)
III. Conclusion
Restatement or summary of the main
points; give final comments.


Phu My High School

A well-written introductory paragraph perform several important roles:
1. It attracts the reader's interest, encouraging him or her to continue reading the essay.
2. It supplies any background information that may be needed to understand the essay.
3. It presents a thesis statement. This clear, direct statement of the main idea of the paper usually
appears near the end of the introductory paragraph.
4. It indicates a plan of development.
General Statements

Thesis Statement

Any person who has lived in the twentieth century has seen a lot of

changes taken place in almost all areas of human existence. Some
people are excited by the challenges that these changes offer; others
want to return to the simpler life-style of the past. The twentieth
century has certain advantages such as higher standard of living for
many, but it also has some disadvantages such as a polluted
environment, the depersonalization of human relationships and the
weakening of spiritual values.

General Statements:
 Introduce the topic of the essay.
 Give background information on the topic
» Opening with a Story (Anecdote)

Traveling at more than 100 mph, he feels as though he is not moving. He is engulfed in

complete silence. For a moment, it is as if he entered another dimension.
(This essay is about the exciting sport of skydiving.)
» Open with a Quotation
“To be or not to be, that’s the question.”
(This hook begins an essay on the topic about suicide)
» Open with an Interesting Statistic/ Observation
“Asian economists are not sleeping well these days.”
(This observation makes the reader want to know why Asian economists are not sleeping
well. To find out, he reads on.)
» Question Openings


Phu My High School
How many out there on the roads are driving carelessly?
(Most people won’t know the answer, but they’ll probably be hooked and want to find out
more about the topic)
Thesis Statement
 States the main topic
 The last sentence in the introductory paragraph
Underline and analyze general statements and thesis statement.
What is love? How do we know that we are really in love? When we meet that special person, how
can we tell that our feelings are genuine and not merely infatuation? And, if they are genuine, will
these feelings last? Love, as we all know, is difficult to define. But most people agree that true and
lasting love involves far more than mere physical attraction. Love involves mutual respect, the
desire to give rather than take, and the feeling of being wholly at ease.
1. Paragraph 1
Topic sentence – Supporting sentences (examples, facts, ...)
2. Paragraph 2
Topic sentence – Supporting sentences (examples, facts, ...)
3. Paragraph 3
Topic sentence – Supporting sentences (examples, facts, ...)

C. Concluding Paragraph
1. Summary Closing The concluding paragraph consists of
1. A summary of the main points, or a restatement of your thesis in different words
2. Your final comment on the subject, based on the information you have provided
Model: In short, although the twentieth century has indeed given some of us a lot of advantages by making
us richer, healthier, and freer to enjoy our lives, it has, in my opinion, not made us wiser. The twentieth
century has also made our earth dirtier, our people less humane, and our spiritual lives poorer. We wish to

continue to enjoy the benefits of technological advancement because they free us to pursue our other
interests and goals. However, we must make a concerted effort to preserve our natural environment for
future generations. Moreover, we should take time now to make our lives more meaningful on our
increasingly impersonal, mechanized world.
2. Close with a Logical Conclusion
This is a good closing for argumentative or opinion papers that present two or more sides of an issue.


Phu My High School
Model: “As a saying goes “there are two sides of the same coin”. For this aspect, I totally agree
that learning English abroad may be better or worse than learning in our own country. Therefore, it
depends on the facilities and ability of each person to choose a right way.”
3. Real or Rhetorical Question Closings
Rather than handing the conclusion over, you can leave the reader with a question that causes him or her to
draw his own conclusions.
Why, then, are schools for the deaf becoming a dying species?
4. Close with a Recommendation
A good conclusion is when the writer suggests that the reader do something in the way of support for a cause
or a plea for them to take action.
American Sign Language is a fast growing language in America. More and more universities and colleges
are offering it as part of their curriculum and some are even requiring it as part of their program. This writer
suggests that anyone who has a chance to learn this beautiful language should grab that opportunity.

Topic 1: Research shows that young people today are not as healthy as they are twenty years ago. Why is
this? And can we do anything about it?
 Solution Essay
Topic 2: Cars should be banned from the centers of all major cities.

 Opinion Essay
Topic 3: The advantages and disadvantages of learning English abroad compared to learning in your
own country
 For and Against Essay
About a controversial problem/ matter
No title
No contractions
No extreme word







Restate the topic

Restate the topic including State the problem, its causes


Phu My High School
(Do not give your opinion)

your own opinion

and effects

Main body

Main Body

Main body (2-3 para)

Argument for ( 1-2 para)

Viewpoints (1-2 para)

Solutions/ examples/ reasons

Reasons and examples

Reasons and examples

Connect the paragraphs with
linking phrases

Opposing viewpoints (1
Argument against ( 1-2 para) para)

Some people believe that…
Reasons and examples
Connect 2 sides with linking
words or phrases

At the end of the para, the
opposing viewpoint is




Balanced consideration and Summarize or restate your Summarize and give your
your own opinion

A. Example For and Against Essay: advantage and disadvantage of learning
English abroad or in our own country
Nowadays English is playing an important role in the success of young generations and becomes
keys to open new world. For this reason, many parents send their children to foreign countries to be better
equipped with English. Therefore, this is to discuss the advantages and disadvantages of learning English
abroad compared to learning in one’s own country.
The first and foremost advantage is the language environment. That is to say, when a student comes
to a new country, he or she is exposed to a new environment in which native people speak English,
exchange information in English and everything is in English too. So, as a natural instinct, one can get
used to using English in daily life, which is really helpful to his or her development. This leads to the

second reason that students living abroad can remain motivated because they are in close contact with
English speakers. They have a lot of chances to practice and they can also see their improvement day by
day. As a mater of fact, we can not see these favorable conditions in our own country.
On the other hand, living in foreign country is especially costly comparing to studying at one’s
home country. Besides high tuition fee, he or she must pay for living expenses, transport fees and leisure
activities. Moreover, for people who first live outside family may face a problem called culture shock.
They have difficulty communicating with people around, interpreting the culture and behaviors of those
in a foreign country. As a result, they feel deserted among a strange world without any family and friends.
Hence, they become unable to cope with their own life and probably return home with unfinished
As saying goes “there are two sides to the same coin”. For this aspect, I totally agree that learning
English abroad may be better or worse than learning at our own country. Therefore, it depends on the
facilities and ability of each people to choose the right way.


Phu My High School

B. Example for Opinion Essay. Cars should be banned from the centres of all
major cities
Many people strongly think that cars should be banned from the centres of all major cities for many
different reasons. I completely agree with this opinion.
First of all, it will help reduce the air pollution to the environment. No one can deny that fact that
the environment, for many interferences from human beings, is more and more seriously polluted and that
the smoke released from cars is one of the dangerous pollutants. So why don’t we protect ourselves just
simply by riding to work or travelling by bus everyday instead of driving cars?
Have you ever stuck in heavy traffic because there are so many vehicles on the street, especially
cars? If yes, you will perhaps recognize that using a car is not a very good choice. Actually catching a bus
to go to work on time must be much better than being on a car and getting angry of having to wait for a

too long time.
Some people don’t believe that banning cars in major cities is a good idea due to the conveniences
cars bring them such as their speed is much faster; sitting in a car is more comfortable and so on. Of
course, everyone wants to be pleasant or go to somewhere quickly, so do I. However, everything has it
own price, I don’t think the benefits you get from using car are more than the dangers you may do to
other people and yourself if you travel by a car.
In conclusion, I, one more time, recommend you to make a suitable choice of using transportation
means. Let’s encourage banning cars in major cities so that everyone many have a better life, smiling
everyday because we are contributing to environment protection instead of being criticized for using a

C. Example for Solution Essay: People today are not as healthy as they are 20
years ago.
Research shows that young people today are not as healthy as they were twenty years ago. Why is
this and can we do anything about that? In this essay, I am going to discuss this and see what we can do to
improve the health of young generation.
First of all, young people now are living in a more polluted environment the their counterpart
twenty years ago. They also eat unhealthy food that contains addictives and chemicals. Another reason is
that they do less physical activities. Instead of being involved in sports, they are in favour of gluing their
eyes on TV or on computer screen.
Scientists argue that the solution to the problem is obvious. The first one is to improve a healthy
diet for young people. For example, they should be provided with healthy food lists which points out the
group of food they need to eat more or less in their meal. The second solution is that there must be law
limiting the use of chemicals, addictives, and fertilizers on food products. Take vegetables as a case in
point, farmers are supposed to use a certain amount of fertilizer and pesticide on their products.
Last but not least, the local government should build more playgrounds where young children can
be included in more outdoor and physical activities. This is a good way to improve their health.


Phu My High School
To sum up, health is wealth as it always goes. We are here to do something that can do best for our
young generation either physically or mentally.

Words that show ORDER and DEGREE

First of all

To begin with

First and Foremost


The second solution is that






Last but not least


Above all




Indeed, … In fact, …

Words that ADD information

In addition

Similarly /Likewise/In the like manner

as well as


What’s more

Either…or…/neither...nor… Furthermore

Not only……but also





Another point to consider is


Words that show CONCLUSION
Finally/ Lastly

In conclusion

In sum

To conclude

To sum up


In summary

In brief

In short

All in all

It is clear that…

We can see that

The evidence suggests that…

These examples show that…

Words that REPEAT information
in fact

in other words

To put it simply

once again

to put it another way

The latter/ the former.


Although, though, even

in spite of/ despite



In contrast




On one hand, … On the other hand,


Rather than

In comparison

On the contrary


Another perspective holds…



Differ from, Different from,



Less than, More than,



Compared to

To introduce an example


Phu My High School
for example

for instance

A,B, C to name a few. = Namely,


such as

In other words

Take it as an example

To illustrate

To clarify, To paraphrase, To explain,

An example of this is…

in terms of

That is,

Words that show CAUSE (explain why)
Because/ since/ as

because of

Due to = Owing to

caused by

In fact/ indeed

Result from/ be the result of

Words that show EFFECT/RESULTS
As a result


as a consequence

for this/that reason

that is why





Result in

The reason for

The cause of

Have an effect on




conceding that

granted that

in fact


There is no doubt that

of course


without a doubt

It is obvious that

You can express your OPINION by using the following phrases:
In my opinion ..., To my mind ..., To my way of thinking ..., In my view ..., To me ..., From my point of view
..., It is my opinion that ..., I believe ..., I think ..., It seems to me that ..., It appears to me that ...,
These adverbials qualify your opinion, show HOW STRONGLY YOU FEEL about something:
seemingly, conceivably, possibly, perhaps, maybe, probably, presumably, certainly, almost, doubtless, No

doubt, definitely, ...
These adverbials make GENERAL statement about how you feel about something: All in all, All things
considered, As a rule, Altogether, Basically, Essentially, For the most part, Generally, In general, On the
whole, Overall, ...
These adverbials show an idea which is not completely true: Almost, In a way, More or less, Practically,
So to speak, For all interests and purposes, To some extend, Up to a point, ...

You can vary the types of sentences you use, the length of the sentences, the subject of the
sentences, and the voice of the sentences.
1. Simple sentence Ex: English grammar is easy
2. Compound sentence Ex: Grammar is easy, so I learnt it quickly.
3. Complex sentence
o Adverb clause Ex: Because grammar is easy, I learned it quickly.


Phu My High School
o ADJ clause Ex: One of my favourite film is Tangled, which is made by Walt Disney.
o Noun clause/ If, whether clause Ex: She doesn’t agree that grammar is easy.
4. Compound – complex sentence
Because grammar is easy, I learnt it quickly, but it took me several years to master writing.
1. Parallel Structures
Parallelism gives your essay rhythm. It makes it easier to read and understand. Your structures, however,
must be parallel. That is, the subjects, verbs, adjectives, adverbs, and gerunds must be parallel.
2. Rephrasing
We learned the words to use to introduce a statement that has been restated or rephrased for
emphasis. We can also rephrase words to provide coherence in the essay. Rephrasing gives the

reader a second chance to understand your thesis. Synonyms are one way to rephrase.
The countryside where I grew up is very isolated. You can drive for miles without seeing another
car. It seems in all directions you look at a breathtaking vista. The scenery near the ocean
especially dramatic, with giant dark cliffs rising out of the water.

Sentence fragments (Many young people who leave home at an early age.)
Choppy sentences (Wind is an enduring source of power. Water is also an unlimited energy source.
Dams produce hydraulic power. They have existed for a long time. Windmills are rather new)
Run – on sentence (Learning a new language is like learning to swim it takes a lot of practice)
Stringy sentence (Many students attend classes all morning, and then they work all afternoon, and
they also have to study at night, so they are usually exhausted by the weekend.


 Use various advanced vocabulary and grammar

 Shouldn’t use short form: can’t/ don’t/ isn’t

Eg: tend -> have a tendency to

 Avoid giving personal examples: in my school

Eg: Students should wear uniform -> Students are
supposed to wear uniform.

 Shouldn’t use too simple words and sentences
Eg: I think -> To my way of thinking

 Use passive voice
It is argued that

 Shouldn’t use too simple connectors such as and,

It is a common belief that

but, so. Use complex sentence or structure
both…and…/ not only…but also…/ those

He is said to be the wealthiest man alive
 Use linking words and phrases Eg: Furthermore,

 Avoid expressing your opinion or emotion too


seriously or harshly.

 Use complex sentences

Eg: I absolutely detest people who…

The government should build playing ground where


Phu My High School
children can be included in

 Shouldn’t generalize too much

 Use inversion

Eg: All politicians are…

Were it true, we would…

 Avoid giving not exact statistics

Never has this been more obvious…
Not only should he pay more attention to his study
but also put more effort into his work.
 Generalize
Eg: In most developed countries…
 Logical order
 Reference from different source
Eg: Experts have proved that….

1.A friend in need is a friend indeed
2.A greased mouth cannot say no
3.A little knowledge is a dangerous thing
4.Haste makes waste
5.All are equal in the eyes of the law
6.All is fair in love and war
7.An enemy's enemy is a friend

8.Beauty is only skin deep
9.Charity begins at home
10.Don't bite more than you can chew
11.Don't cry wolf once too often
12.Don't kill the goose that lays golden eggs
13.Obey the law or be damned
14.Give a dog a bad name and hang it
16.Now is the time to live
19.Impossible is often the untried
20.Kindness pays
21.Necessity is the mother of invention
22.Never a Quisling be
23.No army can fight on an empty stomach
24.It is never too late to learn


Phu My High School
25.He who has an art has everywhere apart
27.Silence is golden
28. The future is not ours to see
29.The grass looks greener on the other side
30.The poor are truly free when their needs are a few
31.Practice makes one perfect
32Self help is the best help
33.Slow and steady wins the race
35.Noone but the brave deserve the crown
36.kill two birds with one stone
37.Tit for tat

38.Truth always triumphs
39.Unity is strength
40.Wisdom is nothing but earthly common sense
41.Count not your chickens before they are hatched

1. Students attend college and university for different reasons. Why do you think people attend college
and university? Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.
2. Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Parents are the best teachers. Use specific
reasons and examples to support your answer.
3. Some people say that physical exercise should be a required part of every school day. Other people
believe that students should spend the whole schooldays on academic studies. Which opinion do you
agree with? Give reasons to support your answer.
4. Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Playing games is fun only when you win.
Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.
5. Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Books are not needed anymore because
people can read information on computers. Use specific reasons and details to explain your answer.
6. In the twentieth century, food has become easier to prepare. Has this change improved the way
people live? Use specific reasons and details to support your answer.
7. A company has announced that it wishes to build a large factory near your community. Discuss the
advantages and disadvantages of this new influence on your community. Do you support or oppose
the factory? Explain your position.
8. Some people prefer to live in a small town. Others prefer to live in a big city. Which place would you
prefer to live in? Use specific reasons and examples to support your opinion.
9. Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Cell phone has destroyed communication
among friends and family. Use specific reasons and examples to support your opinion.
10. Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? One should never judge a person by external
appearances. Use specific reasons and details to support your answer.


Phu My High School
11. Some people think the government should spend as much money as possible exploring outer space
(for example, traveling to the Moon and to other planets). Other people disagree and think the
government should spend this money for our basic needs on Earth. Which of these two opinions do
you agree with? Use specific reasons and details to support your answer.
12. If you were asked to send one thing representing your country to an international exhibition, what
would you choose? Why? Use specific reasons and details to explain your choice.
13. Zoos are sometimes seen as necessary but not poor alternatives to a natural environment. Discuss
some of the arguments for and/or against keeping animals in zoos.
14. Many parents give children a weekly or monthly allowance regardless of their behavior because they
believe an allowance teaches children to be financially responsible. Other parents only give children
an allowance as a reward for completing chores or when they have behaved properly. Explain what
you think parents should do and why.
15. Many people volunteer their time to help others, either through non-profit organizations, churches, or
other charitable venues. Write an essay convincing readers to find a charity and volunteer their time.
16. According to some people, elderly drivers should be required to reapply for their driving licenses
because with age comes diminished vision, hearing, and reaction time. How do you feel about this
issue? Explain what you think should be done and why.
17. Today, there are more and more reality shows on television. Do these shows make good television?
Why or why not? Explain your answer using specific reasons and examples.
18. Is reading fiction a waste of time? Why or why not? Explain your answer using specific reasons and
examples to support your position.
19. Many students complain about having to learn history. Why do we need knowledge of the past?
Write an essay convincing skeptics that learning about the past is important.
20. Thomas Edison, the renowned inventor, is famous for having said, “Genius is one percent
inspiration, ninety-nine percent perspiration.” Do you agree with this definition of genius? Why or
why not?
21. What is a very important skill a person should learn in order to be successful in the world today?

Choose one skill and use specific reasons and examples to support your choice.
22. In some countries, teenagers have jobs while they are still students. Do you think this is a good idea?
Support your opinion by using specific reasons and details.

