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Dyddiad y Cyfarfod/Date of Meeting
Teitl y Papur/Paper Title

Pwyllgor Ansawdd a Safonau Academaidd
Academic Quality and Standards Committee
QAA Review 2015

Pwrpas yr adroddiad hwn/Purpose of this report:
To provide AQSC with a preliminary report on arrangements for the first QAA Institutional Review o
of the transformed University.
The University has received notification from QAA that the first full Institutional Review of the
transformed University will take place in 2014/15. The briefing visit to the University will take
place in w/c 4 May 2015, followed by the main review visit in w/c 8 June 2015. The review will be
conducted in accordance with QAA’s new Higher Education Review Wales method (HER), the
details of which are yet to be published. In addition to the previous areas of scrutiny, it is
expected that the process will include specific consideration of the institution’s engagement with
the Future Directions enhancement themes and the UK Professional Standards Framework,
together with consideration of its approach to internationalisation
Staff and student representatives will attend a QAA briefing session on the HER method, to take
place at the University of South Wales on 11 April 2014. Following this session, a small working
group will be established to oversee the University’s preparations for the review and to report
regularly to AQSC.
At its November 2013 meeting, Senate requested that the Dean of Quality and Standards
produce a detailed analysis of progress against the action plans produced following the previous
reviews of the founding institutions. This report will be presented direct to Senate on 19 February

AQSC is asked to note the arrangements above and to advise on any additional actions required
at this stage.
The need to ensure that the University achieves an excellent outcome from the Review.
Goblygiadau cydraddoldeb ac amrywiaeth/Equality and diversity implications: None
Paratowyd gan/Prepared by:

19 December 2013

Sarah Clark, Dean of Quality and Standards

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