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__________________The Appeal Dance Team______________
(Organization’s Name)
The purpose of The Appeal Dance Team is to show the lifestyle and spirit of a majorette dancer. This
organization will allow students of all different types of backgrounds to step out of their comfort zone
and be apart of not only a dance team, but a family. We put the fire in Fire Up Chips!
This organization should be known as ____The Appeal Dance Team _____
(may not use “CMU” or Central Michigan in name)
Section A. Membership (An explanation of types of membership: active, honorary, associate, and
privileges of each.)
Section B.

Membership Qualification(s)
1. Membership in ___The Appeal Dance Team___ shall not be denied because of age,
color, disability, gender, familial status, height, marital status, national origin,
political persuasion, race, religion, sexual orientation, veteran status or weight.
2. At the time of initiation, each prospective member must be accepted into the

Section C. Selection of Members.
1. New members are selected in the beginning of the fall semester and club activities
are contingent on the number of current active members.
2. Membership is open to students of the CMU community. Central Michigan
University an AA/EO institution) is strongly and actively committed to increasing

diversity and providing equal opportunity within its community.
Section D. Voting Privileges – honorary, affiliated, etc.
1. All active members are entitled to vote on which issues; status of absentee ballots, and the
establishment of an executive board
Section E. Termination of Membership
1. Those who fail to pay membership dues and do not meet the required amount of participation
accreditation for one term have assumed inactive membership status, but are welcome to
rejoin/tryout at anytime.
2. Procedures for termination of membership: a majority of votes needed, usually larger
percentage required; notification of terminated member, written resignation, etc.
3. Notification of membership acceptance is consistent with payment of dues, participation in
meetings, practices, and events.

Section A. Elected Officers
• President:
- Calls and conducts all meetings – provides agenda to Secretary for communication
- Manages the general operations of the Team (run practices, study tables, and be present during
- Ensures all standards and bylaws are enforced and in effect
- Supervises and directs club officers – Vice Presidents, Treasurer, Secretary, SGA
Representative, Photographer
Vice President:
the President as needed in the general operations of the club
- Acts as the team leader in absence of the President
- Ensures all standards and bylaws of CYLC are enforced and in effect
-Has the ability to call meetings and enforce the constitution laws.
- Supports all Committee Head and Board members in completion of their tasks.

- Assists

• Secretary:
- Records each meeting and communicates to all Board members
- Coordinates and communicates all Board meetings and agendas
- Notifies Board members of votes, upcoming events and meeting dates and reminders
- Assists with updating information on the website related to meetings and communications
• Treasury:
- Keeps accurate and timely records of all financial transactions and accounts
- Ensures prompt deposits of all monies into bank accounts
- Prepares budget for each season

Social Media Chair


Maintains websites, and social media accounts for the team


Keeps communication and looks for opportunities through the media


Controls Team image through social media, and helps promote the team and also campus

Fundrasing Chair Committee

- work with the treasurer of the team to know how much to make for each semesters
- plan out at least 4 fundraiser events each semester

SGA Representative:

- Develop fund raising options during registration and throughout the year to provide opportunities for
dancers to offset expenses
- Work with fund raising committee to solicit options, select and execute choices and collect all
monies and give to Treasurer for deposit

Volunteer Chair Committee

- Responsible for identifying and organizing opportunities volunteer around campus or off campus.
Primary Responsibilities
-Assist in the planning of monthly volunteer events (2)
- Provide event details to Public Relations Chair, so it can be posted on the website and send event
specifics to teammates who are able to volunteers before the event. As well confirm dates and times
with the agency to prep anything if needed for the event. After the event is completed, send a thank you
letter or email.

Section B. Standing Committees
• President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasury, and SGA Representative should be selected by
majority of vote.

Section C. Qualifications for holding office
1. All active members that are on academic, social, or disciplinary probation are prohibited from
holding any office – elected or appointed.
2. Other stipulations: All those running for a position must have been an active member for one
semester and have a grade point average of 2.5/4.0 or better.
Section D. Selection of Officers
1. The elections take place on the 4th week of each spring semester.
2. Voting procedures: The President and Vice President are in charge of the elections and there will be a
ballot sheet provided for the members to vote.
3. The General time for everyone except the President and Vice President to be on E-board is every 3
semesters. If need be there will be a campaigns to vote in new candidates for positions.
Section E. Filling Vacancies
1. The president decides who fill in the vacancies with assistance from the vice president.
1. Within the E-board (Dance Formations differ)
Section F. Recall of Officers
1. Statements of condition of removal: failure to perform duties, excessive absence, bad gpa.
2. Voting procedure for impeachment: should be majority vote of the team and ebaord. Final action
should be detained until the next team meeting.

Section A. Statement of method of selection of advisors, responsibilities of advisors and term office –
all advisors must be faculty or staff members at CMU, or in accordance with University Regulations –
see Operational Guide.
Section A. Frequency of Team meetings
1. Team meetings once a week
2. E-board once a week (Emergency may be called if needed)
Section B. Special Meetings (Lemon Squeezes) vs. (Individual Meetings)
1. If there is a special meeting, the statement of reasons will be for lack of academic performance, too

many missed practices, or special performances coming up.
2. The special meetings are called only by the president/vice president
3. Members are notified of special meeting through text/ via email.
Section C. Quorum • Stipulations as to percentage of active members needed for quorum; larger
organizations should require approximately one-third; smaller organizations should have greater
percentage; three-quarters.
Section D. Parliamentary Authority • Roberts Rules of Order, or other procedure.
Section A. Budget Planning
1. The budget is created during the summer and it is presented during the 4th week of school.
Section B. Duties and Assessments, Initiation Fee(s)
1.Set Dues
Dues are set by e-board, based off performances, budgeting goals, and an estimated yearly cost
for team events
2. Types of assessments – Regular Dues for the whole year
Section C. Banking
1. Off-campus banking arrangements – Independent Bank
2. University Funding – Organizations receiving University funding must adhere to the S.B.A.C.
Section D. Disposition of Funds in the Event of Inactivation. Example: “All proceeds go to Gleanors
Food Bank in Detroit, Michigan”
ARTICLE VII Amendments
Section A. Constitution: Amendments and revisions (Procedure: Any member, at any regular meeting,
may propose a written amendment, final action on which will be delayed until the next team meeting.
An affirmative vote of two-thirds of the E-board shall be required for adoption of an amendment.)

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