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Tutoring plan English 8

School Year 2022-2023

Preparing date: 4/9/2022
Lesson 1:
1.Presẹnt Simple Tense : thì hiện tại đơn
a) Affirmative – Negative - Interrogative: thể khẳng định, thể phủ
định, thể nghi vấn

S + V (s / es)
S + do / does + not + V (bare-inf)
Do / Does + S + V (inf) …… ?
[ V (s/es) : dạng động từ giữ nguyên hoặc thêm S hoaëc ES ]
Ex: We live in a small house in the city . (live)
The Earth goes around the sun . (go)
They don’t often go swimming in the winter . (not go)
Ba doesn’t like movie . (not like)
Does she have any best friends ? (have)
 Note : Một số trạng từ hoặc cụm trạng từ thường đi kèm
với thì hiện tại đơn : always (luôn luôn); usually (thường
thường); often (thường xuyên); sometimes –occasionally
(thỉnh thoảng); every day / week / month … on Monday ……
once a week (1 laàn / tuaàn).
* Form:
S + am/ is/ are + Ving

* Use:
Ex: We are studying English now.
 Cues: now, at the present, at the moment.
Ex: I will go to Nhatrang next week.
She will stay at home tomorrow.
S + will/ shall +

* Cues: tomorrow, next …,

I went to Nha Trang last week
I was a student 10 years ago
was/were .....
S + V-ed /V2 ...
 Cues: ago , last ( week , month ....) ,yesterday...
EX1: – Choose the best option to complete each of the following sentences.
E.g.: She is a little_________in the way she dresses.


Tutoring plan English 8

School Year 2022-2023

A. weird
B. virtual
C. normal
D. real
Linda_________watching TV in her free time. It helps her relax after hard studying.
A. adores
B. admires
C. minds
D. hates
A lot of people nowadays have become_________ to the Internet.
A. hooked
B. addicted C. attached D. dependent
My children usually hang out with their friends whenever they have free time.
They_________staying indoors.
A. detest
B. don’t mind C. adore
. fancy
Carving egg shells is my hobby. I often do it when I have_________time.
A. working B. leisure
C. freedom D. recess
- Simon suggested that we should play football. -_________

A. It’s right up my street!
B. A piece of cake. C. When pigs fly.
D. It’s a small world.
6. I’ve________an aerobics class to keep fit and stay healthy.
A. participatedB. followed C. joined
D. added
When I get home from work, I like to_________with a newspaper.
A. calm
B. worry
C. laze
D. relax
He was not_________with the tape recorder, so he took it back to the store.
A. responsive B. friendly
C. satisfied D. annoyed
Although he works a lot, he still finds time to_________with friends.
A. mix
B. socialize C. join
D. link
EX2 - Complete the following sentences using the given words/ phrases in the box. There is one extra
word/ phrase.
people watching bracelets beach games window shopping hanging out
cultural events community centre communicate
E.g.: My brother is a real__DIY__enthusiast.
We can now_________instantly with people all over the world thanks to the Internet.

Nothing makes a beach trip more fun than some good_________.
She has some_________in her jewellery box that she never wears.
My sister is fascinated with traditional country_________.
They enjoyed_________with each other when they were kids.
Each seat has a view of the park across the street and is perfect for_________
To help students experience different indigenous cultures, a lot of_________
throughout the year.
When she was young, she loved going_________for hours, trying on new things even if she had
intention of buying.

Exercise 1 : Put the verbs in these sentences with the present simple
1/ You ( be) are at school.
2/ Lan sometimes ( visit) visits me.
3/ My parents ( want) want to go to Dalat on holidays.
4/ They always ( play) play soccer in the afternoon.
5/ Hai and I often ( go) go swimming.
Execise2 : Put the verbs in these sentences with the present progressive tense.
1/ You ( study) are studying at school now.

2/ Lan ( watch) is watching TV at the moment.
3/ My mum ( cook) is cooking lunch at the present.
4/ They ( play) are playing soccer at the stadium.
5/ She ( help) is helping her mum with cleaning the floor.
Execise3.Put the verbs in parentheses in the correct form:


Tutoring plan English 8

School Year 2022-2023

1/ They ( not be) farmers. They ( be) workers.
2/ She ( do) her homework now?
3/ Peter ( live) in London.
4/ Be careful! The children ( sleep).
5/ What you ( do) now? – We ( play) chess.
6/ Nam often ( come) to the park on weekends.
7/ A: Let’s go out.
B: Look, it ( snow) outside. It ( come) down quite hard.
* Answer keys:
1/ are not/ are
2/ Is she doing…?
3/ lives
4/ are sleeping
5/ are you doing…/ are playing… 6/ comes
7/ is snowing…/ is coming…
Execise4 :

1. Peter ……………………… a poscard from his friend in Paris yesterday .
2.The moon ………………………………………. around the earth .(go)
3.What ………………… your teacher …………………………… like ? (look)
4.She wasn’t old enough ……………………………………. in my class .(be)
5.Hoa ……………………………………………….. in Hue last year .(live)
6.I enjoy …………………………………………….. jokes .(tell)
7.Would you like …………………………………………………. her ? (meet)
8. Bao is lucky enough …………………………………………. a lot of
friends .(have)
Ex5:Put the verbs into correct tenses or forms:( Use the extra - board )
1. You (be) free next Saturday morning?
– No, I (visit) my grand mother.
2. Trang (not be) in her room at the moment. She (cook) in the kitchen.
3. Would you like (have) breakfast with eggs?
4. Lien (not go ) to the movie theater tomorrow. She (stay) at home.
5. The train for Hanoi (leave) at 7.30 tonight.
6. I (know) you (be) busy now.
7.Lan (not have) many new friends in her new school.
8.hung (come) from Vinh, but he (stay) with his relatives now.
9.We (not drive) to work every day. We (go) by bus.
10.Who (talk) on the phone, Nam.
11. What you (think) Nam (do) ?
He (tell) the truth to his parents
12. When I (come) to your house yesterday, noone (be) at home.
13. He (help) you fix your bike as soon as he (finish) his work.
14. What your vacation plan (be) now ?


Tutoring plan English 8

School Year 2022-2023

I (spend) two weeks on a farm.
15. Mai gets used to (stay) up late.
1.My father waters this flower every morning.
2.John invited Fiona to his birthday party last night.
3.Her mother is preparing the dinner in the kitchen.
4.We should clean our teeth twice a day.
5.Our teachers have explained the English grammar.
6.Some drunk drivers caused the accident in this city.
7.Tom will visit his parents next month.
8.The manager didn’t phone the secretary this morning.
9.Did Mary this beautiful dress?
10.I won’t hang these old pictures in the living room.

Kí duyệt ngày 5/9/2022

Tổ Trưởng: Hoàng Thị Hậu

Preparing date: 11/9/2022
Lesson 2:

(REGUND (V-ing) + Verbs + to inf )



Tutoring plan English 8

School Year 2022-2023

GERUNDS: Danh động từ
I. FORMATION (Cách thành lập)
Danh động từ (gerund) được thành lập bằng cách thêm ING sau động từ thường.
Ex: to go - going; to think – thinking; to read - reading; to swim - swimming, etc...
II. USES (cách dùng)
1. Subject (Danh động từ làm chủ ngữ)
Ex: Going to the cinema is fan.
Reading books is my hobby.
2. Stand after a preposition (Đứng sau giới từ)
Ex: I am thinking about going camping in the mountain.

She is afraid of going there.
Một số động từ và tính từ có giới từ theo sau bởi danh động từ.
To look forward to (trông mong); surprised at (ngạc nhiên); busy (bận rộn); to insist on
(khăng khăng, nài nỉ); to be interested in (thích thú).
3. Object (Danh động từ làm tân ngữ sau một số động từ)
Ex: He likes swimming.
I have finished doing my homework.
Một số động từ được theo sau bởi danh động từ:
to finish, to prevent (ngăn cản), to avoid (tránh), to delay (hỗn lại), to enjoy (thích), to
deny (chối bỏ), to dislike, to consider (cân nhắc), to imagine (tưởng tượng), to risk (liều
lĩnh), to support (ủng hộ), to suggest (đề nghị), to quit (từ bỏ)...
 Chúng ta cũng có thể đặt “not” trước “gerund” để chỉ nghĩa phủ định.
 Một số động từ dùng với cả “to infinitive” và “gerund” (ing -form). Nghĩa của chúng
sẽ khác nhau.







I don’t remember posting the letter.
(Tôi không nhớ là đã gửi thư rồi.)
I must remember to post the letter.
(Tôi phải nhớ gửi lá thư.) (<=> chưa gửi.)
I don’t like getting up so early.
(Tơi khơng thích dậy sớm.)
I don’t like to wake him up so early.
(Tôi không muốn đánh thức anh ấy dậy sớm.)
She stopped singing. (Cô ấy ngừng hát.)
She stopped to sing. (Cơ ấy ngừng lại để hát.)

1. NHĨM PHỤ ÂM /br/
Để phát âm nhóm phụ âm /br/, ta cần lần lượt phát âm âm /b/ đến âm /r/.
Âm /b/
Âm /r/


* bride /braɪd/
(n.) (cơ dâu)



Tutoring plan English 8

School Year 2022-2023
Đầu lưỡi nâng lên, hơi uốn cong vào phía trong. Hai
bên lưỡi hơi chạm hai hàm răng trên.
Đẩy hơi ra. Khi phát âm, dây thanh rung lên.

2. NHÓM PHỤ ÂM /pr/
Để phát âm nhóm phụ âm /pr/, ta cần lần lượt phát âm âm /p/ đến âm /r/.
Âm /p/
Âm /r/

* prawn /prɔːn/ n.
* princess /ˌprɪn
ˈses/ n. (công

Đầu lưỡi nâng lên, hơi uốn cong vào phía trong.
Hai bên lưỡi hơi chạm hai hàm răng trên.
Đẩy hơi ra. Khi phát âm, dây thanh rung lên.


Complete the words under the pictures with /br/ or /pr/. Then practise saying them

0. __pr__omise

1. ____acelet

2. _____awn

3. _____oom

4. _____ain

5. _____incess

6. _____ison

7. _____icks

8. _____ay



Tutoring plan English 8

School Year 2022-2023

9. _____ead

10. _____esent

11. _____inter

12. _____idege

13. _____ince

14. _____occoli

15. _____ess

16. ____ide

17. _____own

18. _____ey
19. _____ize
20. _____ush
I - Choose the best option to comptete the following sentences
E.g.: Linda likes_________ out with her family at weekends.
A. eating
B. to eat
C. eat
D. Both A & B are correct
My father enjoys_________jogging and my mother loves_________yoga.
A. doing - to do

B. doing - doing
C. do – do
D. Both A & B are correct
Dad detests_________two hours every day travelling to work and back.
A. spending B. to spend
C. spend
D. Both A & B are correct



Tutoring plan English 8

School Year 2022-2023

Zoe enjoys_________golf with her husband whenever they have days off.
A. play
B. playing
C. to play
D. Both B & C are correct
He doesn’t like_________in the park alone.
A. walking
B. to walk
C. walk
D. Both A & B are correct

Daughter, do you fancy_________crafts with me tomorrow afternoon?
A. making
B. to make
C. make
D. Both A & B are correct
Her grandpa likes_________newspapers in the morning.
A. reading
B. read
C. to read
D. Both A & C are correct
7. I don’t mind_________a dog in the house so long as it’s clean.
A. have
B. to have
C. having
D. Both B & C are correct
Julia adores__________her free time making online shopping for clothes.
A. spending B. spend
C. to spend D. Both A & C are correct
We dislike_________this museum because the artefacts here are not impressive at all.
A. visiting
B. visit
C. to visit
D. Both A & C are correct.
10. I hate_________in the crowded streets because it may be dangerous.
A. skateboarding
B. skateboard

C. to skateboard
D. Both A & C are correct.
II- Put the verbs in the brackets into the correct form.
E.g.: Simon loves (hang) __hanging/to hang__out with his wife.
She adored (collect) _________stamps when she was a child.
I like (do) _________DIY because it helps me relieve stress after a hard-working day.
Christine hates (read) _________a novel because it takes her too much time to finish.
They enjoy (go) _________shopping to refresh their mind after studying hard for exams.
Do you fancy (visit) _________our relatives with me this Saturday, sweetie?
Richard doesn’t like (learn) _________a new language. He believes that nothing will be as
useful as his mother tongue.
7. I dislike (communicate) _________with my friends through social network sites. I prefer (meet)
_________them face-to-face.
8. My son hates (read) _________books. He prefers (play) _________computer games.
III- Complete the following sentences with the correct form of the verbs in the box.
rea watch learn help listen travel teach
E.g.: She dislikes __teaching__English to beginners.
1. I love_________around the world alone.
Susan enjoys_________
the fireworks.
I don’t mind_________you with the housework if you don’t have time.

Linda adores_________to Korea pop music in her free time.
She prefers_________stories with an elaborate plot and true-to-llfe characters.
My children hate_________History. They find it difficult to memorize specific events.
I- Complete each of the following sentences using the cues given. You can change the cues and use
other words in addition to the cues to complete the sentences.
my opinion/ best/ leisure activity/ teenagers/ reading.
→ ________________________________________________________
Firstly/ reading/ help/ teenagers/ increase/ creativity/ imagination.
→ ________________________________________________________
Secondly, reading/ give/ children/ the opportunity/ develop/ better vocabulary/ writing skills.


Tutoring plan English 8

School Year 2022-2023

→ ________________________________________________________
addition/ reading/ can/ help/ your children/ reduce/ the stress of exams.
→ ________________________________________________________

these/ reason/I/ think/ parents/ encourage/ children/ read.
→ ________________________________________________________
II - Write a short paragraph (80-100 words) to answer the following question. Do you think it’s
important for people to have hobbies?
You can use the following questions as cues:
• Do you agree with that opinion?
• Why do you agree/ disagree with that opinion?

duyệt ngày 5/9/2022

Tổ Trưởng: Hoàng Thị Hậu

Preparing date: 18/9/2022
A. MỤC TIÊU – Objectives
* TỪ VỰNG – Vocabulary
Sử dụng từ vựng liên quan đến cuộc sống ở nông thôn

* NGỮ PHÁP – Grammar


Tutoring plan English 8

School Year 2022-2023

Sử dụng dạng so sánh hơn của trạng từ chỉ thể cách
* KỸ NĂNG ĐỌC – Reading skills
Đọc để biết thông tin cụ thể về một lối sống khác thường ở nông thôn: Cuộc sống du mục của
người Mông cổ
Viết về những thay đổi ở nơng thơn.
a. Có 3 dạng so sánh hơn của tính từ
Ví dụ:
Jane is more generous than Tom.
more + tính từ dài + (than) (Jane hào phóng hơn Tom.)
Ann is more beautiful than Sarah.
(Ann xinh đẹp hơn Sarah.)
Ví dụ:
A rabbit is smaller than an elephant.
tính từ ngắn + er + (than)
(Một con thỏ nhỏ hơn một con voi.)
tính từ ngắn + er + danh từ

He wants to be a richer man.
(Anh ấy muốn là người giàu có hơn.)
Ví dụ:
Jack is less intelligent than Tom.
less + tính từ + (than)
(Jack khơng thơng minh bằng Tom.)
The air in the city is less pure than in the countryside.
(Khơng khí ở thành phố ít trong lành hơn nơng thơn.)
b. Dạng so sánh hơn của tính từ bất quy tắc
good (tốt)
far (xa)
farther/ further
bad (tồi, tệ)
old (già, cũ)
older/ elder
many/ much (nhiều) more little (ít, bé nhỏ)
c. Cách chuyển tính từ sang dạng so sánh hơn
* Tính từ 1 âm tiết là tính từ ngắn, chỉ cần thêm “er” Ví dụ:
vào sau tính từ.
sweet (ngọt) → sweeter
cold (lạnh) → colder
* Tính từ 2 âm tiết tận cùng là “y” coi như tính từ Ví dụ:
ngắn. Chuyển -y thành -i rồi thêm “er” vào sau tính happy (vui vẻ) → happier
funny (hài hước) → funnier
friendly (thân thiện) → friendlier
busy (bận rộn) → busier

* Tính từ 2 âm tiết tận cùng là -ow, -et, -le, -er có hai Ví dụ:
hình thức so sánh của tính từ ngắn và dài.
narrow (hẹp) → narrower/ more narrow/ less
quiet (yên tĩnh) → quieter/ more quiet/ less quiet
simple (đơn giản) → simpler/ more simple/ less
clever (thơng minh) → cleverer/ more clever/
less clever
* Các tính từ 2 âm tiết cịn lại có dạng so sánh hơn Ví dụ:
của tính từ dài, thêm more (hơn) vào trước tính từ.
modern (hiện đại) → more modern
complex (phức tạp) → more complex
ancient (cổ, cũ) → more ancient
peaceful (yên bình) → more peaceful
* Tính từ 3 âm tiết trở lên là tính từ dài, thêm more Ví dụ:
(hơn) vào trước tính từ.
comfortable (thoải mái) → more comfortable


Tutoring plan English 8

School Year 2022-2023

convenient (tiện lợi) → more convenient
Chú ý:
Ví dụ:

* Tính từ tận cùng là “e” chỉ thêm “r”.
nice (tốt) → nicer, ripe (chín) → riper
* Tính từ tận cùng là 1 nguyên âm + 1 phụ âm → gấp big (lớn) → bigger, hot (nóng) → hotter
đơi phụ âm cuối và thêm “er” vào sau tính từ.
Ví dụ:
more/ less + trạng từ +
His store is situated more
conveniently (thuận tiện) →
conveniently than mine.
với hầu hết các trạng từ chỉ thể
more/ less conveniently
(Cửa hàng của anh ấy có vị trí thuận
cách kết thúc bằng đuôi -ly
tiện hơn cửa hàng của tôi.)
fast (nhanh) → faster
Ví dụ:
Trạng từ + er + (than)
early (sớm) → earlier
với các trạng từ chỉ thể cách
John works harder than I do.
late (muộn) → later
có hình thức giống với tính từ
(John làm việc chăm chỉ hơn tôi.)
hard (chăm chỉ) → harder
Trạng từ bất quy tắc

well (tốt) → better

badly (tệ) → worse

Ví dụ:
He raises cattle better than them.
(Anh ấy chăn nuôi gia súc tốt hơn họ.)

I – Choose the best option to complete each of the following sentences.
E.g.: It is very_________to pay by credit card.
A. convenient B. dangerous C. unusual
D. illegal
There are many horses grazing on the_________.
A. pasture
B. grassland
C. street
D. Both A & B are correct.
In my village, people usually graze their_________on the common land.
A. fruit
B. cattle
C. crop
D. rice
If you get up early, try not to_________everyone else.
A. comfort
B. destroy
C. disturb
D. assist

When Trung was young, he usually helped his mother_________the buffalo.
A. collect
B. feed C. check
D. herd
She_________some flowers in the garden and arranged them into a beautiful bouquet.
A. bought
B. picked
C. planted
D. watered
When I was a little girl, I usually helped my father_________chicken eggs every morning.
A. collect
B. acquire
C. pickD. watered
His grandfather is very_________. He often buys things for other people.
A. brave
B. selfish
C. confident D. generous
A_________fighter never shrinks from danger in executing an assignment.
A. careful
B. strange
C. brave
D. violent
II - Complete the following sentences using the given words/ phrases in the box. There is one extra
word/ phrase.

nomadic buffalo-drawn cart
racing motorist paddy fields nomad
harvest time
E.g.: The dogs are used by the__nomadic__tribe to pull sleds and herd reindeer.
You can enjoy beautiful rice fields during__________in the countryside.
My brother wants to become a__________in the future as he loves the speed.
There is a collection of__________on this tree.
The__________are protesting about the latest government regulations.
At this time of the year, __________paddy fields in the countryside are ripening.
Electrical__________not only make life simpler but also add style to your home.


Tutoring plan English 8

School Year 2022-2023

A__________is a means of transportation used since ancient times in many parts of the world.
It’s very interesting to cycle through the__________and enjoy the fresh air of the countryside.

I - Underline and correct the mostakes in the following sentences.
E.g.: Life in the countryside is much peaceful than in the city. → more
The air in the city isn’t as fresh than in the countryside.
I think the accident rate in the countryside is more low than in the city.
It is safer to drive in the countryside than in the city because the countryside has less vehicles.
House prices in the city are much more expensive as those in the countryside.
I think it’s more healthy to live in the countryside because the air is fresh there.
Trang’s village doesn’t have good facilities to entertain. It’s not more interesting as my city.
Many people migrate to bigger cities is to find more good job opportunities.
The healthcare and education facilities in the city is modern than in the countryside.
II - Choose the best option to comptete the following sentences
E.g.: You should drive________, otherwise you will cause an accident.
A. more deliberately B. more deliberate
C. less deliberately D. less deliberate
1. The manager didn’t behave________as his employees.
A. as politely as
B. more politely than C. as politely D. more politely
2. The test was________than I expected.

A. easier
B. more easily C. easy
D. easily
3. I can’t understand what vou are saving. Please, speak________
A. more clearly
B. more clear C. less clearly D. less clear
4. Your performance sounds good but Caroline performs even________
A. more perfect
B. as perfect C. as perfectly D. more perfectly
5. John plays football________me.
A. less skillfully than B. skillfully than
C. less skillfully
D. skillfully
6. The locals have reacted________to the news than before.
A. less angry B. angry
C. less angrily D. angrily
7. She worked than her elder sister.
A. more assiduous
B. more assiduously C. as assiduously
D. as assiduous
8. The first candidate answers the questions________than the others.
A. the most confident B. as confidently
C. more confident
D. more confidently
9. I think sharks are________than lions.
A. more dangerously B. more dangerous C. as dangerously
D. the most dangerous
10. The new secretary deals with the correspondence
________than the old one.
A. less efficiently

B. less efficient
C. as efficiently
D. as efficient
11. The roads in this city are________in my village.
A. dangerous than
B. dangerous C. more dangerous D. more dangerous tha
12. The city has________ options for transportation than the countryside.
A. better
B. more good C. best D. as good
13. You will get there________ if you take the train.
A. as fast
B. more fast
C. faster
D. Both B & C are correct.
14. Mrs. Johnson talks a bit ________her husband.
A. less loudly B. loudly
C. loudly than D. less loudly than
15. Mary sings________her sister does.
A. more beautifully B. more beautifully than
C. beautifully than D. beautifully
16. Linda dances________than other members in her club.
A. more gracefully B. as graceful as
C. more graceful
D. as gracefully as
17. My new colleagues work________my old ones.
A. harder
B. harder than C. more hard D. more hard than
18. At night, you should drive________during the day.


Tutoring plan English 8

School Year 2022-2023

A. less slowly B. more slowly
C. less slowly than D. more slowly than
19. We remember things________when we get older.
A. less easily B. easier
C. more easily D. less easy
20. The cost of living in the countryside is much________than in the city.
A. more low B. lower
C. as low
D. the lowest
21. This city has a lot of restaurants and places for entertainment. It’s much________my hometown.
A. more convenient B. more convenient than C. convenient than D. convenient
22. Susan can run________Jennifer.
A. quickly
B. more quickly
C. quickly than
D. more quickly than
23. You should study________for the final exam.
A. less hard B. more hard C. harder
D. All are correct.
24. Jack recovered________than the doctors expected.
A. more rapid B. more rapidly
C. as rapidly D. as rapid
25. He has caused four traffic accidents this year. He drives________than he used to.

A. more carelessly
B. as carelessly
C. less carelessly
D. carelessly
26. Can’t you drive________? We’re going to be late!
A. as fast
B. more fast
C. faster
D. Both B & C are correct.
27. She plays this role________ the previous one.
A. competently
B. competently than
C. more competently
D. more competently than
28. He hit the ball________ than his competitor.
A. less powerfully
B. less powerful
C. as powerfully
D. as powerful
III- Complete the following sentences with suitable comparative forms of adverbs in brackets.
E.g.: My friends arrived much__earlier than__I expected (early)
Daniel works________than any other member in his team (hard)
Jessica’s brother drives the car________than her. (carefully)
The Vietnamese athlete ran________than the other runners (fast)
My younger brother usually goes to bed________at weekends (late)

Christine speaks English________than my sister, (well)
The waiters In this restaurant serve customers________than before (attentively)
After moving to the new house, we have lived________. (happily)
Our new teacher explains the exercises________than our old teacher (badly)

If you like privacy, living in the country works well - particularly if your home is situated in a
remote area and you don’t have neighbors for miles.

The countryside is generally quiet and peaceful - certainly not as contaminated with toxic
pollutants as the city. There isn’t as much traffic or smog or pollution from industry.
• In the country, you have more space. If you want to build on your home, you have the room to do it. If
you want to construct a shed or a barn or an art studio, you have the room.

Outdoor aficionados may prefer the country because they have ready access to hiking, climbing,
bike riding, camping, fishing, hunting and numerous places where you can do just about anything that
you want.
I - Read the following passage and do the tasks below.
Last week, Nick and some of his classmates went to the countryside. They went to visit a farm of Nick’s
uncle. They left early in the morning and went there by bus. Nick’s uncle, Mr. Brown, met them at the
bus stop and took them to his farm. Uncle Brown showed them the field of wheat and vegetables. At that
time, some tractors were running up and down, ploughing and breaking soil, distributing manure and
planting potatoes.



Tutoring plan English 8

School Year 2022-2023

After lunch, they all wentfor a walk. In the large yard of the farm, they saw some farm machines.
Among them is the biggest machine which is called a combine harvester. They were told that this
machine can cut and thresh corn at the same time.
In the afternoon, they went to the place where cattle such as horses, sheep and cows were raised. They
were very excited to see how cows were milked by the workers there. Uncle Brown also spoke about
many interesting things in the countryside. After having some fruits and cakes, they said goodbye and
went home.
(English within your reach)
Part 1: Choose the correct heading for the passage.
A. How to milk a cow
B. The advantages of living in the countryside
C. A trip to the countryside
D. Different types of farm machines
Part 2: Answer the following questions.
How did Nick and his friends go to meet Uncle Brown?
What does his uncle grow on his farm?

What can the tractors on Uncle Brown’s farm do?
What can a combine harvester be used?
What kinds of cattle are raised in Uncle Brown’s farm?
II - Read the passage and choose the best option to answer each of the following questions.
As with anywhere, living in the country has its drawbacks. You may crave the open air and large plots of
land, but think about all of the elements before selling yourself on the idea of moving to the country.
Living in the country takes more time when it comes to planning activities and arriving at places on
time. When you live in the countryside, it may take you substantially longer than your friends who live
in the city to get places. Often you must leave earlier to get to events, including school or work.
Those who live in the country may have more problems when it comes to pests. Because you are
isolated from the city, you are more likely to encounter wildlife that could potentially prey on your pets.
You also are likely come into contact with more bugs or snakes, depending on your location. Be ready
for the critters if you are making a move to the beautiful countryside.
It can be easy for people who live in the country to become isolated. People often find it inconvenient to
drive into town. Likewise, their friends may find it bothersome to drive out for visits. This type of
behavior could potentially take a toll on your relationships if you let it come to that.
What is the main idea of the passage?
A. The countryside and its animals
B. How much time to move to the countryside
C. The isolated countryside
D. The disadvantages of living in the countryside
In paragraph 2, the author mentioned “leaving earlier to get to events” as an example

A. longer travel time
B. bigger events
C. events farther than usual
D. importance of being punctual
What does the phrasal verb “prey on” in paragraph 3 mean?
A. be hunted and killed by other animals
B. hunt and kill another animal for food
C. feed wild animals regularly
D. kill wild animals for food
According to paragraph 3, why should people be ready for the critters when moving to the
A. It is too near the city.
B. There are many animals to hunt.
C. It is more likely to encounter wildlife.
D. Life depends much on the location.
Living in the countryside may have a bad effect on your relationships because_______ .


Tutoring plan English 8

School Year 2022-2023

A. It’s difficult to have a car to drive. B. It’s very convennient to drive into town.
C. It’s dificult for friends to visit you.


D. It’s high-risk

Kí duyệt ngày: 18/9/2022

Tổ Trưởng: Hồng Thị Hậu


Preparing date: 25/9/2022
Lesson 4:
PRONUNCIATION: /bl/, / cl/
MỤC TIÊU – Objectives
* NGỮ ÂM – Pronunciation
Phát âm chính xác các từ chứa nhóm phụ âm /bl/ và /cl/
* KỸ NĂNG NĨI – Speaking skills
Nói về những gì bạn thích hoặc khơng thích về cuộc sống ở nông thôn
* KỸ NĂNG VIẾT – Writing skills
Viết về những thay đổi ở nơng thơn.
1. NHĨM PHỤ ÂM /bl/
Để phát âm nhóm phụ âm /bl/, ta cần lần lượt phát âm âm /b/ đến
* blood /blʌd/ (n.) (máu)
âm /l/.

* blue /bluː/ (adj.) (màu xanh)
Âm /b/
Âm /l/



Tutoring plan English 8

School Year 2022-2023

Đầu lưỡi chạm chân răng cửa trên
Miệng mở tự nhiên
Hạ lưỡi xuống và đẩy hơi ra

2. NHĨM PHỤ ÂM /pl/
Để phát âm nhóm phụ âm /pl/, ta cần lần lượt phát âm âm /p/ đến âm * plan /plæn/ (n.) (máy bay)
* plant /plɑːnt/ (n.) (thực
Âm /p/
Âm /l/

Đầu lưỡi chạm chân răng cửa
Miệng mở tự nhiên

Hạ lưỡi xuống và đẩy hơi ra

I - Rearrange the letters to find the words.

0. crovle →__clover__

1. lube →_______

2. cothsle → _______

3. cwonl→_______

4. blnid → ________

5. cnlea → _______



Tutoring plan English 8

School Year 2022-2023

6. cbalk → ________
7. cfif →________
8. bslosom → _________
II - Complete the words under the pictures with /bl/ or /cl/. Then practise saying them.

E.g. closet

1. _____oud

2. _____anket

3. _____ock

4. _____ast

5. _____assroom

6. _____ock

7. _____ood

8. ______ap



Tutoring plan English 8

9. _____ender

School Year 2022-2023

10. _____imb

Talk about an enjoyable day you spent in the countryside.
You can use the following questions as cues:

When did you go?

Whom did you go with?

What did you do there?

Why do you enjoy the day?
Useful languages:
Useful vocabulary

on summer vacation, holidays, in the winter, at

with family members, friends, relatives, neighbours

cycling, going fishing, flying a kite, herding buffaloes,
go camping

beautiful scenery, friendly people, delicious food, fresh

11. _____ow


Useful structures
My family decided to visit...
We have dediced to go to...
We started the journey at...
It took us about...to get there by
We spent...travelling to...by...
After visiting..., we...
We had lunch at...
Our lunchtime was...
The visit was...
It was... for me to...

Complete the notes:
Structures of the talk
When did you go?

Your notes

Whom did you go with?
What did you do there?
Why do you enjoy the __________________________________________
Now you try!
Give your answer using the following cues. You should speak for 1-2 minutes.
My family decided to visit...
We started the journey at...
It took us about...to get there by ...
After visiting..., we...


Tutoring plan English 8

School Year 2022-2023

We had lunch at...
The visit was...
7. It was... for me to...
Now you tick!
Did you ...
❑ answer all the questions in the task?
❑ give some details to each main point?
❑ speak slowly and fluently with only some hesitation?
❑ use vocabulary wide enough to talk about the topic?
❑ use various sentence structures (simple, compound, complex) accurately?
❑ pronounce correctly (vowels, consonants, stress, intonation)?
Let’s compare!
Finally, compare with the sample answer on page 151.
I- Complete each of the following sentences using the cues given. You can change the cues and use
other words in addition to the cues to complete the sentences.
1. Life/ the city/ be/ busy/ than/ that/ countryside.
→ ________________________________________________________
The countryside/ offer/ few/ employment opportunities/ than the city.
→ ________________________________________________________
The traffic/ the City/ be/ congested/ than/ that/ the countryside.
→ ________________________________________________________
The countryside/ usually/ have/ a/ small/ population/ than/ the city.

→ ________________________________________________________
I think/ countryside dwellers/ friendly/ than/ city ones.
→ ________________________________________________________
- Write a short paragraph (80-100 words) to talk about the difference between city life and
country life. You can use the following questions as cues:
• What is the difference in the job opportunities?
• What is the difference in the facilities?
• What is the difference in the atmosphere?

Kí duyệt ngày: 26/9/2022

Tổ Trưởng: Hoàng Thị Hậu



Tutoring plan English 8

School Year 2022-2023

Preparing date: 2/10/2022
Lesson 5:
A. MỤC TIÊU – Objectives
* TỪ VỰNG – Vocabulary
Sử dụng các từ vựng liên quan đến các nhóm văn hóa của Việt Nam
* NGỮ PHÁP – Grammar
Hỏi và trả lời các loại câu hỏi khác nhau
Sử dụng mạo từ a, an và the
* KỸ NĂNG ĐỌC – Reading skills

a. Câu hỏi Có/ Khơng (Yes/ No Questions)
Câu hỏi Có/ Khơng là dạng câu hỏi được trả lời bằng: “Có, phải.” hoặc “Khơng, khơng phải.”
Cấu trúc:
Động từ to be + Chủ ngữ
Trợ động từ (be/ do/ have...) + Chủ ngữ + Động từ
b. Câu hỏi có từ để hỏi (Wh- Questions)
Câu hỏi có từ để hỏi bắt đầu bằng các từ hỏi: What, When, Where, Who, Whom, Which, Whose,
Why và How.
Cấu trúc:
What/ Who/ Which/ Whose + Động từ?
Từ hỏi + Động từ to be + Chủ ngữ?
Từ hỏi + Trợ động từ (be/ do/ have/...) + Chủ ngữ + Động từ?



Được dùng để hỏi về người.

Được dùng để hỏi cho tân ngữ chỉ
Được dùng để hỏi về sự sở hữu.

Who called you? (Ai đã gọi bạn vậy?)
It’s Thomas. (Là Thomas.)
Who is Thomas? (Thomas là ai thế?)
He’s my friend. (Cậu ấy là bạn tôi.)
I met Tom last night. (Tối qua tớ đã gặp Tom.)
Whom did you meet? (Cậu đã gặp ai cơ?)
Whose bike is that? (Kia là xe đạp của ai?)



Tutoring plan English 8
(Của ai/ Của
cái gì?)
Được dùng để hỏi về sự vật, sự việc.

(Cái gì/ Việc

School Year 2022-2023
Tony’s. (Của Tony.)

What happened? (Chuyện gì đã xảy ra vậy?)
There’s an accident. (Đã có một vụ tai nạn.)
What are they arguing about? (Họ đang tranh cãi
việc gì thế?)
About compensation. (Về khoản tiền bồi thường.)
Đưực sử dụng thay cho who và what
Which shirt will you wear? (Cậu sẽ mặc chiếc áo
(Ai/ Cái gì/ khi có một số lượng lựa chọn giới hạn. nào?)
Việc gì?)
The red one. (Cái màu đỏ ấy.)
Được dùng để hỏi thời gian.
When will we start our journey? (Khi nào chúng
(Khi nào?)
ta sẽ bắt đầu chuyến đi?)
In one hour. (Một tiếng nữa.)
Được dùng để hỏi địa điểm, vị trí.
Where will you spend your vacation? (Cậu sẽ
(Ở đâu?)
dành kì nghỉ ở đâu?)
In Paris. (ở Pari.)

Được dùng để hỏi về nguyên nhân.
Why did you get up late? (Tại sao con lại dậy
(Tại sao?)
Because I stayed up late. (Vì con đã thức khuya.)
* Được dùng để hỏi về đặc điểm, tính How was your day? (Ngày hôm nay của bạn thế
(Như thế chất, cách thức,...
* Có thể kết hợp với tính từ hoặc trạng It’s great. I went fishing and caught a fish. (Tuyệt.
Tôi đã đi câu và câu được một con cá.)
How heavy is it? (Nó năna bao nhiêu?)
1 kilo. (1 kí.)
How often do vou ao fishina? (Bạn thường xuyên
đi câu như thế nào?)
Twice a month. (Hai lần một tháng.)
a. Mạo từ bất định a và an
Ví dụ:
* Được sử dụng trước danh từ đếm được số ít.
a strawberry (một quả dâu tây), an apple (một quả
* Được dùng với nghĩa ‘bất kì, mỗi một, mọi’.
* Được dùng trước một danh từ được nhắc đến sần A Caterpillar turns into a butterfly. (Sâu bướm thì
đầu hoặc chưa xác định.
biến thành bướm.)
I have a dog. (Tơi có một chú chó.)

Đứng trước một danh từ bắt đầu bằng một âm phụ âm.

Đứng trước một danh từ bắt đầu bằng một
âm nguyên âm
a man /ə mỉn /
an owl /ən aʊl/
(một người đàn ơng)
(một con cú)
Chú ý:
Ví dụ:
* Việc sử dụng a và an phụ thuộc vào phát âm, không an hour /ən ˈaʊə(r)/ (một giờ đồng hồ)
phải chữ cái.
an heir /ən eə(r)/ (một người thừa kế)
a uniform /ə ˈjuːnɪfɔːm/
(một bộ đồng phục)
a university /ə juːnɪˈvɜːsəti/
(một trường đại học)
b. Mạo từ xác định the
Ví dụ:
• Được sử dụng trước hầu hết mọi loại danh từ: Danh từ the mango (quả xoài), the flowers (những
đếm được ở số ít, số nhiều và danh từ khơng đếm được.
bơng hoa), the money (tiền bạc)
• Được dùng trước một danh từ đã được đề cập đến từ The dog is lovely.
trước hoặc đã xác định.
(Chú chó này dễ thương.)


Tutoring plan English 8

School Year 2022-2023

• Được dùng để chỉ một danh từ mang tính duy nhất, hoặc The Earth goes around the Sun. (Trái Đất
độc nhất một cách hiển nhiên.
quay xung quanh Mặt Trời.)
• Được dùng trước tính từ và trạng từ so sánh nhất.
the tallest (cao nhất), the smallest (nhỏ nhất)
I – Choose the best option to complete each of the following sentences.
E.g.: The old system was quite_________whereas the new system is really very simple.
A. smooth
B. easyC. basic
D. complicated
Bravery is a_________quality of Vietnamese people.
A. basic
B. insignificant
C. unimportant
D. minor
2. The traditional_________ of Viet Nam is the Ao Dai, coupled with the Non la.
A. speciality B. language C. costume D. custom
Each ethnic___________
in Vietnam has typical customs to welcome the New Year.
A. collection B. team
C. group

D. cluster
4. She wrapped the___________around her shoulders.
A. bracelet
B. ring C. shawl
D. necklace
With different 54 ethnic groups, Viet Nam has___________clothing styles.
A. strange
B. diverse
C. variant
D. dissimilar
Com (Green sticky Rice) is indeed a___________in Viet Nam.
A. speciality B. tradition C. costume D. custom
The UNESCO has designated eight world___________sites in Vietnam.
A. asset
B. estate
C. convention D. heritage
Trang An Landscape Complex has been___________by UNESCO as a world heritage site.
A. allowed
B. admitted C. permitted D. recognized
Her problems seemed pretty___________compared to her brother’s.
A. harmful
B. insignificant
C. convenient D. helpful
10. Beliefs and religions of the Vietnamese___________minority groups were also disparate from each

A. national
B. ethnic
C. native
D. local
11. In Viet Nam, the Kinh is in the___________, comprising 86% of the population.
A. priority
B. minority C. majority D. limitation
12. Ethnic minority people use___________to deliver water from the lower rivers or streams to the
higher fields.
A. shawls
B. stilt houses C. terraced fields
D. waterwheels
II - Complete the folfowmg sentences using the given words/ phrases in the box. There is one extra
word/ phrase.
stilt houses unique gathering tradition
multicultural diversity customs ancestors hunting
E.g.: Vietnamese __customs__of weddings, funerals, holidays and rituals all are attached to village
Traditionally, Vietnamese families set an altar to worship their___________
at the most
solemn place.
I’m___________to learn more about the marriage customs of ethnic minority people in Viet
Each region in my country has its own___________local specialties.
The Thai live in___________in which their culture and lifestyle are preserved.

Prehistoric people primarily lived by___________ and___________.
By___________, at Tet, Vietnamese people usually go to the pagodas to pray for health, peace
and happiness.
From its tropical forests to its mountains, Vietnam is home to an amazing___________of plants
and animals.



Tutoring plan English 8

School Year 2022-2023

Viet Nam is a___________country with 54 ethnic groups living together in S-shaped strip of
- Insert a question word to complete each of the following sentences.
E.g.: -__Who__broke this vase?
- Linda did.
1. - ___________of them will help me clean the house?
- Susan will.

- ___________is it from the school to the train station?
It’s about four kilometres.
-___________would you like to have for dinner?
Rice and beef, please.
-___________ethnic group has a smaller population, the Tay or the Muong?
The Muong does.
-___________do the Tay people live?
They live in northern Viet Nam.
-___________do I have to wait for the next bus to Ha Noi?
- Aboutfifteen minutes.
-___________are you going to graduate from high school?
Next year.
8. -___________would it cost to hire a car for a fortnight?
It depends on what type of car you want to rent.
9. -___________one do you prefer, the red shawl or the blue one?
- I prefer the red shawl.
10. - ___________do you pay for these two concert tickets?
40 dollars.
11. -___________is it from your home to the nearest cinema?
Approximately 2 kilometers.
12. -___________is better exercise, swimming or tennis?
- I think swimming is better.
II - Fill in the blanks with a or an.
E.g.: __a__shawl

1. ______
award 6. ______idea
11. ______elementary school
2. ______company
7. ______building
12. ______open-air market
3. ______engineer
8. ______hour
13. ______stilt house
4. ______festival
9. ______university 14. ______honest woman
5. ______umbrella
10. ______uniform 15. ______delicious meal
III - Choose the best optoon to complete each of the following sentences.
E.g.: There is______green English book on the desk.
A. an
B. the C. a D. ∅
1. My father gave me______doll as a birthday present
doll is very adorable.
A. a-A
B. a - The
C. the - A
D. the - The
2. The culture of______Tay is diverse with traditional songs, dances and music.
A. an
B. a C. the D. ∅
3. Mount Everest is______highest mountain in the world.
A. an
B. a C. the D. ∅
4. Would you like______cup of coffee?

A. an
B. a C. the D. ∅
5. Eating______apple a day is good for you.
A. an
B. a C. the D. ∅
6. I want to buy______new dress to attend my sister’s wedding next week.
A. an
B. a C. the D. ∅
7. ______H’Mong is one of______largest ethnic groups in Vietnam.


Tutoring plan English 8

School Year 2022-2023

A. A-a
B. A-the
C. The – a
D. The - the
There is
traditional festival in my village. ______festival is held every year.
A. an-A
B. a-The
C. the-A
D. a - An

Do you think Mary will be______fastest runner in the race?
A. an
B. a C. the D. ∅
10. During the eclipse, the Moon passed between______Sun and______Earth.
A. a - the
B. the - the
C. a – a
D. the - a
11. I’ve just interviewed______applicant for the manager’s job. ______applicant speaks English very
A. an-The
B. an-An
C. the-An
D. the - A
12. I think Simon is______most talented singer in this competition.
A. an
B. a C. the D. ∅
13. My house is______tallest one in our neighborhood.
A. a
B. an C. the D. ∅
14. May I have______glass of cold water, please?
A. an
B. a C. the D. ∅
15. I just bought______dress. ______dress is really gorgeous.
A. a-A
B. the-A
C. a-The
D. the - The
16. ______Thai have an exceptionally rich heritage of myths and ancient legends.
A. A

B. The C. An D. ∅
17. You can’t make______omelette without breaking eggs.
A. an
B. a C. the D. ∅
18. She must be______happiest person in______world.
A. a - the
B. the - a
C. the – the D. a - a
19. ______Earth revolves both around______Sun and on its own axis.
A. An - the
B. The - a
C. An – a
D. The - the
20. To check how a word is spelled, look it up in______dictionary.
A. a
B. an C. the D. ∅
21. I’m looking for______apartment on the east side of the city.
A. the
B. a C. an D. ∅
22. ______Muong follow patriarchy where the husband’s role is promoted.
A. A
B. An C. The D. ∅
23. This is______most interesting book I have ever read.
A. a
B. an C. the D. ∅
24. It’s Important to protect your skin from the harmful effects of______Sun.
A. an
B. the C. a D. ∅
25. Jupiter is______biggest planet in our solar system.
A. an

B. a C. the D. ∅
26. There is______ exhibition of old photographs in the town. ______exhibition attracts a lot of visitors.
A. an – An
B. a – the
C. an – the
D. the - An

The Tay are the second-largest ethnic group in Vietnam, and you’ll find picture-perfect Tay
dwellings in Vietnam’s northern provinces.

Unlike the Hmong, most Tay settled in valleys where land is flat and fertile. Tay houses are
raised, made mostly of wood, and built next to rivers, streams, and lakes.
• Proximity to water has made wet farming an important component of Tay crop production, and wild
fishing is a common skill among the Tay.
• To learn more about Tay traditions, pay a visit to Ba Be Lake, six hours from Hanoi. Here you can
spend a few days in a Tay village, and learn fishing and boating first-hand from your host family.
I - Read the following passage and do the tasks below.



Tutoring plan English 8

School Year 2022-2023

The Muong have a population of around 1 million who live mainly in northern provinces like Hoa Binh
and Thanh Hoa. In a Muong hamlet, stilt houses shelter in the shade of big trees, huddle against the
mountain, and look out on vast paddy fields. A Muong house is designed to maximize convenient use
and air ventilation to counter the warm, humid mountain climate.
The Muong’s costume is special. Men often wear a round-neck shirt which opens in the front and has
two pockets. Their pants have large trouser legs. The Muong women wear a long, black dress and a
white shirt with a line of buttons in the front and long sleeves. They wind a white or indigo headscarf
around their head. The highlights of the Muong costume are embroidery on the dress hem and belt.
The Muong have diverse folk arts including folk songs and poems, tales, proverbs, lullabies, and riddle
songs. The gong is the most popular musical instrument along with the flute, the two-string violin, and
the drum.
(The voice of Viet Nam - VOV World)
Part 1: Choose the best answer to each of the following questions.
What is the passage mainly about?
A. The population of the Muong
B. The typical culture of the Muong
C. The traditional costume of the Muong D. The popular musical instruments of the Muong
The most outstanding part of the Muong costume is its___________.
A. materials B. embroidery patterns
C. sizes
D. colour combinations
Which musical instrument is NOT popular with the Muong people?
A. the gong B. the flute
C. the drum D. the piano
Part 2: Answer the following questions.

Where do the Muong primarily live?
→ _____________________________________
What does the design of the Muong stilt house benefit?
→ _____________________________________
What do the Muong men usually wear?
→ _____________________________________
Do the Muong women wind a red headscarf around their head?
→ _____________________________________
II - Read the passage and decide whether the statements are True (T) or False (F).
According to legend, the first Vietnamese people were descended from the dragon King Lac Long Quan
and the fairy Au Co. The dragon and the fairy married and produced one hundred eggs, from which
hatched Hung Vuong, the first Vietnamese King.
The reality, unsurprisingly, is rather less poetic. The population of Viet Nam is an eclectic mix of
cultures, languages and religions, encompassing at least 54 ethnic groups. The majority of the country,
however, is dominated linguistically and culturally by the ethnic Vietnamese - also known as the Viet, or
Kinh - who make up nearly 90% of the population and are thought to have originated in an area now
occupied by southern China and northern Viet Nam.
The only areas in which the ethnic Vietnamese do not form the majority are the far northern regions of
the country, where a diverse collection of ethnic groups maintain lifestyles and cultures quite different
from the mainstream. These minority groups can often be recognised by their distinctive traditional
dress and unique local customs. The largest of these groups are the Tay, Tai, Muong, Khmer Krom, Hoa,
Nung and Hmong.

1. Hung Vuong is one of Lac Long Quan’s sons.
There is an eclectic mix of cultures, languages and religions in the population of Viet Nam. ❑

The ethnic Vietnamese are thought to have originated in southern Viet Nam.
The ethnic Vietnamese form the majority everywhere in the whole Viet Nam.

Each of minority groups has its own traditional dress and unique local customs.

Kí duyệt ngày: 3/10/2022



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