Sensors and Actuators B 60 1999 71–77
Influence of binders on the sensing and electrical characteristics of
WO -based gas sensors
Jong-In Yang
, H. Lim
, Sang-Do Han
Department of Electronic Engineering, Ajou UniÕersity, Suwon 442-749, South Korea
Korea Institute of Energy Research, Taejon 305-600, South Korea
Received 27 April 1999; received in revised form 3 May 1999; accepted 7 May 1999
The effects of various binders added in the solidification process, such as polyvinyl alcohol PVA , silica sol and Al O , on the
sensing and electrical characteristics of WO -based n-type semiconductor gas sensors are investigated. Grain sizes show a slight variation
according to the employed binders. In the case of WO films fabricated with silica sol or Al O binder, some residue of binders at grain
boundary and agglomerates of WO grains are observed. The electron concentration of WO film around room temperature and the
3 3
temperature dependence of film resistance in normal air do not show any systematic dependence on the employed binders. In NO gas,
however, the optimum operation temperature and the sensitivity of WO sensors at that temperature are observed to depend greatly on the
employed binders. The resistance of the WO films shows an exponential temperature dependence in NO gas in the temperature range of
110–3758C, and the increase of film resistance in NO gas is observed to depend greatly on the binders added in WO films. Sensitivity
to various ambient gases does not show any systematic variation. All these results mean that the binders affect the sensing characteristics
of WO -based gas sensors mainly through the modification of chemical conditions at grain boundary rather than the modification of grain
size and electron concentration. q 1999 Elsevier Science S.A. All rights reserved.
Keywords: WO NO gas sensor; Grain boundary barrier height; Binder effects
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1. Introduction
The semiconductor gas sensing devices are based on the
conductivity change of the semiconductor material due to
its interaction with gas. When gas molecules are adsorbed
on the surface of a semiconductor, electron transfer occurs
between the semiconductor and the adsorbates. If the
electron affinity of the adsorbates is larger than the work
function of the n-type semiconductor, the adsorbates ac-
cept electrons from the semiconductor. In the opposite
case, the semiconductor accepts electrons from the adsor-
bates. This electron transfer continues until the Fermi level
of the gas-adsorbed semiconductor surface becomes equal
to that of the bulk. As a result of this electron transfer, a
depletion or accumulation of charges occurs near the semi-
conductor surface. Then the accompanying variation of
surface potential barrier induces a change in the electrical
conductivity or resistivity 1 . Therefore, under the ambi-
Corresponding author
ence of oxidizing gas such as NO , electrical resistivity of
a polycrystalline n-type semiconductor film is increased
due to the increase of the potential barrier height at the
surface andror grain boundary GB of the polycrystal. In
the ambience of reducing gas such as CO and H , electri-
cal resistivity decreases.
WO is an n-type semiconductor whose electron con-
centration is determined mainly by the concentration of
stoichiometric defects such as oxygen vacancy like any
other metal oxide semiconductors. The first work on the
feasibility of WO films as a gas sensor was reported by
Shaver 2 , who observed that the conductivity of WO
films changed greatly upon the exposure to the H ambi-
ent. Following this pioneering work, many works have
been performed on the structural and electrical properties
and sensing characteristics of WO films made by various
methods such as sol–gel coating 3 , magnetron sputtering
wx wx wx
4 , thermal evaporation 5 , chemical vapor deposition 6 .
Recently, WO -based gas sensor has exhibited an excellent
sensing characteristic for NO gas irrespective of the WO
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0925-4005r99r$ - see front matter q 1999 Elsevier Science S.A. All rights reserved.
PII: S0925-4005 99 00248-8
J I. Yang et al.r Sensors and Actuators B 60 1999 71–7772
structure whether it is amorphous or polycrystalline 3–8 .
It has also demonstrated a good selective detectability for
the NO gas with an excellent cross-sensitivity for the
interference gases such as CO and CH 5 . In general, the
sensing characteristics, such as sensitivity and selectivity,
of the polycrystalline sensor depend greatly on the mi-
crostructural properties of the polycrystal and the metal
impurities doped as catalysts 8,9 . In the case of sol–gel
coated WO films, the binders are commonly added to
enhance the solidification. The binders also influence the
sensor characteristics 3,10 , since the microstructure of
sol–gel coated WO can be affected by the binders 3 . For
example, the grain size of WO film decreases as the
amount of SiO binder is increased 3 . Thus the addition
of a suitable amount of SiO in WO sol–gel is believed
to increase the porosity of the composite film and in turn
the sensitivity of the sensor 3 . To our knowledge, how-
ever, the origin of the binder effects on the sensing charac-
teristics of WO films has not been clarified, since most of
the studies are concerned with the sensing characteristics
related with fabrication methodology andror microstruc-
ture of the polycrystals.
In this paper, we have investigated the effects of binders
on the sensing characteristics and the structural–electrical
properties of WO films. The physical properties of WO
films, such as grain size and the electron concentration
around room temperature, show little dependence on the
employed binders. But the sensing characteristics and the
electrical resistance in NO gas depend greatly on the
binders. It is concluded, from these facts, that the property
mostly affected by the binders is GB barrier heights in the
ambience of gas and this phenomenon is related to the
chemical nature at GB. It is also discussed that optimum
operation temperature of the sensors for NO gas is simply
determined by the ratio of electrical resistances in NO gas
to that in normal air rather than the temperature depen-
dence of adsorptionrdesorption kinetics of NO gas.
2. Grain boundary potential barrier and sensitivity
The operation of a semiconductor gas sensor is realized
through the change of the surface andror interface poten-
tial barrier due to the adsorbed radicals. Although an actual
WO polycrystal has a random GB potential barrier net-
work, suppose that it has a planar type interface for the
simplicity of discussion. As a result of gas adsorption at
GB, electrons are depleted from the GB region, and the
potential barrier height V at GB is given by
qN W
V s 1
under the depletion approximation. Here, q is the elec-
tronic charge, N the donor concentration, W the depletion
region width, and
is the permittivity of the semiconduc-
tor. From the charge neutrality condition between the
interface charge Q and the space charge in depletion
regions, we obtain
Q sy2qN W.2
In actual polycrystalline films with rather small grain
size like ours, the extent of the space-charge layer depends
on the Debye length given by
L s 3
and the contacting shape of GB between grains 1,11 .
Here, k, T, and n are the Boltzman constant, absolute
temperature, and the electron concentration in the grain,
respectively. Even in this case, the charge neutrality condi-
tion should always be satisfied, and the electrons are filled
up to the so-called neutral surface Fermi level 12 . Ac-
cording to Tersoff, the sp hybrid energy the dangling
bond energy plays the role of neutrality level for the
intimate contact between covalent semiconductors 13 .
The interface formed on an etched semiconductor surface
andror on the GB of a polycrystal is not an intimate
contact, and the neutral surface Fermi level of this non-in-
timate contact varies according to the species and the
amount of adsorbed atoms 14 . This fact means that the
potential barrier height of the GB of a given material may
depend on the material processing or the chemicals used. It
also indicates that the gas molecules adsorbed at the GB
can change the interface charge Q and the potential
barrier height V by changing the distribution of interface
states and the electron occupation on them. In some cases,
even the concentration of the adsorbed gas ions can be
measured from the change of potential barrier 15 .
The potential barrier at the GB of the polycrystal im-
pedes the flow of the electrons between the grain. Then,
due to the potential barrier at GB, the conductance of a
polycrystal has an activation form as 1
G sG exp , 4
gb o
where G is the conductance of the grain itself. When an
oxidizing gas like NO is diffused into the GBs of WO
x 3
film, the absolute value of interface charge Q increases
and thus the GB barrier height changes from V to V q DV .
ii i
Therefore, the resistance between two electrodes in NO
gas is given by
R s R exp , 5
gas o
where R is the resistance when the GB potential barrier is
absent. Therefore, when the sensitivity S is defined as the
J I. Yang et al.r Sensors and Actuators B 60 1999 71–77 73
ratio of the resistance in NO gas to that in normal air, S is
given by
gas i
Sssexp . 6
Thus, the influence of binders on the sensitivity of the
WO gas sensors can be studied by observing DV in a
given gas ambient for each of the employed binders.
3. Experiments
In this study, WO powder mixed with 4 wt.% TiO
were prepared by the sol precipitation method from the
appropriate mixture of TiCl and WCl . The film with this
composition has been observed to show the best sensitivity
to NO gas in various WO films doped with different
x 3
species and amount of catalysts 10,16 . The powder mixed
with methanol was then ball-milled for 30 min without
binder or with the binder of polyvinyl alcohol PVA ,
silica sol, and Al O , respectively. The concentration of
the added binders was 5 or 10 wt.%. Finally the sensor
material paste was screen-printed on the alumina substrate
and then annealed at 8008C for 2 h in an air flow condi-
tion. For the electrodes of the sensor, interdigitized Au
contacts were formed on the front surface of the alumina
substrate before the paste printing. Pt was also deposited
on the back surface of the substrate as a heating resistor
for the sensor. Fig. 1a shows the cross-sectional view of
the sensor used in this work.
The microstructural analysis of the samples was per-
formed using a Philips 515 scanning electron microscope
Ž. Ž.
Fig. 1. a Cross-sectional view of the employed film gas sensors and b
the measurement circuit.
SEM and an H-7100 transmission electron microscope
TEM . Source NO gas was obtained by mixing NO gas
and NO gas with the volume ratio of nine to one. The
desired NO gas ambience was provided by injecting the
prescribed amount of NO gas to a chamber with the
dimension of 40= 25=18 cm
and then stirring the gas
mixture with a small fan for 3 s. The sensing character-
istics of the samples were measured in this closed chamber
using the circuit shown in Fig. 1b. The sample resistance
was measured with the control voltage of V s 10 V, and
the sensitivity S of the sample was defined as the ratio of
the resistance in gas to that in normal air, R rR .
gas air
Sensor temperature was controlled by varying the heater
voltage V in Fig. 1b and was measured using a Minolta
IR 0506C spot thermometer. The temperature dependence
of the sample resistance, in NO gas or in normal air, was
measured by an HP 4194A RLC meter with the probing
signal of 100 kHz and 20 mV. Before the measurement of
the temperature-dependent sample resistance in NO gas,
the samples were maintained long enough time in NO
ambience at the predetermined optimum operation temper-
ature see Fig. 3 for the stabilization of gas adsorption.
Then the resistance was measured raising the sample tem-
perature after the samples had been cooled down to room
4. Results and discussion
From the Hall measurements performed in normal air,
the room-temperature electron concentration of all the
samples was found to be about 1= 10
with a
slight sample-to-sample variation. However, we could not
find any systematic influence of employed binders on the
carrier concentration. Electron concentration was observed
to increase slightly in the temperature range of 80–2308C
after a rather fast increase between 30 and 808C. Electron
concentration is thus believed to be mainly determined by
the concentration of oxygen vacancies like any other metal
oxide semiconductors. The rather fast increase of electron
concentration around 808C observed in some samples might
be due to the electron emission from the interface traps
andror some deep defects. The average grain size, deter-
mined by the TEM observation on the sintered samples,
was 61 nm for the samples fabricated without binder and
56, 58, and 61 nm for the samples fabricated with 5 wt.%
binders of PVA, silica sol and Al O , respectively. The
SEM observation revealed that the grain sizes were dis-
tributed more homogeneously in the samples fabricated
without binder or with a PVA binder compared with those
fabricated with silica sol or Al O binder. We also ob-
served from the energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy that
about 3% of SiO and 3.5% of Al O remained at the
grain edges of the samples fabricated with silica sol and
Al O binders, respectively. We could not find any PVA
J I. Yang et al.r Sensors and Actuators B 60 1999 71–7774
residue in the samples fabricated with PVA binder which
had the smallest grain size. The added PVA is thus be-
lieved to have almost completely evaporated in the sinter-
ing process at 8008C.
Typical sensing characteristics are shown in Fig. 2 for
the samples fabricated without binder and with 5 wt.%
PVA binder. One can note that the sensor fabricated with
PVA binder has better response to NO gas in sensitivity
and response time compared with the one fabricated with-
out binder. One can also notice that the WO film resis-
tance is decreased in CO gas since it provides a reducing
gas ambience. However, the response of WO films to CO
gas is very small compared with that to NO gas Note the
differences in ambient gas concentration and output volt-
ages . It is therefore clear that these sensors, especially the
one fabricated with PVA binder, can selectively detect
NO gas from the mixture of NO and CO.
Fig. 3 shows the temperature dependence of the sensi-
tivity in 15 ppm NO gas for the samples that are different
in species and amount of binders. As can be seen in this
figure, the sensitivity S and the optimum operation temper-
ature T depend on the binders used. For the employed
binders, the samples fabricated with 5 wt.% binders show
better sensing characteristics i.e., lower T and higher S
value compared with the samples with 10 wt.% binders
except for the case of the sensitivity of the silica sol added
film. The sample fabricated with 5 wt.% PVA binder
shows best sensing characteristics, i.e., it shows highest S
value at lowest TSs375 at T s 1808C . But adding
silica sol or Al O binder reduces the sensitivity of
WO :TiO film to NO gas. Table 1 shows the response
32 x
time and the recovery time of the samples in the same NO
gas concentration. One can note that the samples fabricated
with binders respond faster to the NO gas than the one
Fig. 2. Typical output voltage responses of the sensors at various concen-
trations of NO and CO gases.
Fig. 3. Operation-temperature dependence of the sensitivity in 15 ppm
NO gas for the samples fabricated with different species and amount of
binders. The WO :TiO film with 5 wt.% PVA binder shows best
sensing characteristics.
fabricated without binder. But the samples fabricated with
PVA binder, which show highest sensitivity, recover most
slowly in the normal air.
Hereafter, we consider the WO films fabricated with 5
wt.% binders only, since they show better sensing charac-
teristics than the ones fabricated with 10 wt.% binders.
The dependence of sensitivity on NO concentration is
shown in Fig. 4. As can be seen in this figure, the sensor
fabricated with the PVA binder shows the highest sensitiv-
ity consistently for all the employed NO concentration.
One can also note that the sensitivity of the samples
fabricated with binders increases steeply up to 30 ppm of
NO and then increases much slowly, while that of the
sample without binder increases rather steadily. Sensitivity
is related to the variation of GB barrier height according to
Eq. 6 . Therefore, the saturation of sensitivity around 30
ppm of NO , observed especially in the samples with
binders, means that the GB barrier height does not increase
further above this NO concentration presumably due to
the consumption of available sites at GB for the NO
molecule adsorption. In this context, a slow increase of the
Table 1
Response and recovery times of the studied sensors in 30 ppm NO gas at
each T
Binders wt.% None PVA Silica sol Al O
5 10 5 10 5 10
Response time min 3.5 2.3 2 2 1 1 1
Recovery time min 5 6 6 6 4.5 4.5 4.5
J I. Yang et al.r Sensors and Actuators B 60 1999 71–77 75
Fig. 4. Dependence of sensitivity of the WO :TiO films with different
binders on the NO concentration at optimum operation temperatures.
sensitivity of the samples with SiO binder and without
binder for the NO concentration higher than 30 ppm
might be due to a further penetration of NO gas deep
from GB under the ambience of high NO concentration.
As described in Section 2, sensitivity is mostly related
to the difference in the effective GB potential barrier in
gas and in normal air due to the adsorptionrdesorption of
gas molecules at GB interface. The effective potential
barrier height hindering electron transport is affected by
the grain size and the Debye length 9 . In our case, the
electron concentration does not show a large sample-to-
sample dependence. Thus the influence of Debye length on
the binder-dependent sensing characteristics should be
marginal. One may imagine that the grain size affects
some sensing characteristics of our samples since the NO
sensitivity of WO film with small grain size can be larger
than that with large grain size 8 . For example, the
samples fabricated with PVA binder show highest sensitiv-
ity and longest recovery time. Since these samples have
the smallest grain size in our samples, the ratio of surface
area to volume should be largest. Moreover, small pores
would be created as the PVA binder evaporates in the
annealing process at 8008C. Thus these samples may show
a higher sensitivity compared with any other samples. NO
gas would be desorbed in normal air rather slowly after
being adsorbed at the GB andror small pores that lie deep
from the sample surface. A similar reasoning might also
explain why the sample with PVA binder responds to the
NO gas more slowly compared with the samples with
silica sol and Al O binders. However, the dependences of
optimum operation temperature and GB barrier heights in
NO gas on the employed binders Figs. 3 and 5 cannot
be explained by the grain size effects.
The influence of binders on the sensor characteristics is
investigated more systematically by directly measuring the
temperature dependence of sensor resistance as described
in Section 3. Fig. 5 shows the temperature dependence of
the samples fabricated without binder or with binders in
normal air with 50% relative humidity and in 30 ppm NO
gas, respectively. As can be seen in this figure, all the
samples show similar temperature dependence in normal
air, and the film resistance shows an exponential tempera-
ture dependence only in a narrow temperature range. The
samples have a rather high electron concentration of the
order of 10
. Electrons can then easily tunnel
through the small and narrow GB barriers. Thus the scat-
tering mechanism other than GB scattering can be impor-
tant especially at high temperatures. The fast variation of
electron concentration at about 758C is believed to affect
the variation of resistance in this temperature range. Be-
cause of these phenomena, the film resistance would show
an exponential temperature dependence only in a narrow
temperature range. The GB barrier height in normal air is
estimated to be about 0.17–0.25 eV from the resistance
values in the temperature range of 100–2008C. In 30 ppm
NO gas, the sample resistances increase by more than one
order of magnitude. They also show exponential tempera-
ture dependences in a wider temperature range above
1108C. These facts clearly indicate that the GB barrier
heights are increased due to the adsorption of oxidizing
NO gas, i.e., the anionic adsorption of NO molecules,
Fig. 5. Variation of resistance as the sample temperature is varied in
normal air condition and in the ambience of 30 ppm NO . In the case of
normal air, the relative humidity was 50% at room temperature. The film
resistance is increased and shows an exponential temperature dependence
above 1108C in 30 ppm NO gas.
J I. Yang et al.r Sensors and Actuators B 60 1999 71–7776
and maintained up to a rather higher temperature. The
non-exponential temperature dependence below 1108Cin
NO gas might also be related to a rather fast variation of
electron concentration in this temperature range. If the
decrease of sensitivity above the optimum operation tem-
perature T see Fig. 2 is due to the desorption of NO
o x
gas, then the resistance should decrease with the increase
of temperature faster than the exponential one since the
desorption effect adds on the exponential temperature de-
pendence given by Eq. 5 . But the decrease of film
resistance is faster than the exponential one only above
3758C in some samples. Therefore, the decrease of sensi-
tivity in the temperature range of 200–3508C observed in
Fig. 3 is not due to the desorption of NO gas. The
decrease of sensitivity due to the desorption of NO gas, if
it exists, should appear only above 3758C where the resis-
tance decreases faster than the exponential one in some
One can also notice in Fig. 5 that the increase of
resistance in NO gas is different for the samples fabri-
cated with different binders. For example, the samples
with PVA silica sol binder that shows the smallest
largest resistance values in normal air show largest
smallest resistance in NO gas. The values of GB poten-
tial barriers deduced from the exponential temperature
dependence of resistance in the temperature range of 110–
3758C are given in Table 2 for the ambience of 30 ppm
and 120 ppm NO gases. One can see that the GB barrier
heights in NO gas depends quite on the choice of binders.
As mentioned earlier, the grain size of WO :TiO poly-
crystals has little dependence on the choice of binders.
Moreover, Debye length is comparable in all samples.
Thus the origin of the observed difference in GB barrier
heights in NO gas should be due to the dependence of
anionic adsorption at GB on the employed binders. An-
ionic adsorption can occur differently due to the different
chemical compositions at GB when different binders are
employed. This is quite possible since some binders can
remain at GB as observed in the samples fabricated with
silica sol or Al O binder, and then the different choice of
binders would result in the different oxygen deficiency at
GB. For example, the sample with the PVA binder may
have a larger oxygen deficiency at GB compared with the
samples with Al O or SiO binder and thus can provide
23 2
more sites for the NO adsorption. Since the composition
at GB depends on the binders, the distribution of interface
states that affect the GB barrier height would do so, too.
We can thus safely say that the binders influence the
Table 2
Typical values of GB potential barriers in meV in the ambience of 30
and 120 ppm NO gases
Binders None PVA Silica sol Al O
30 ppm NO 410 460 410 350
120 ppm NO 590 660 520 430
Fig. 6. Histogram for the sensitivities of the WO :TiO films with
different binders in various ambient gas conditions. The sensitivity scale
is shown in left and right axes for NO gas and other gases, respectively.
Sensors fabricated with binders show better selectivity to NO gas.
sensing characteristics of the polycrystalline WO sensors
mainly through the chemical nature of GB and the distribu-
tion of interface states.
Fig. 6 shows the variation of sensitivity according to the
various binders and ambient gases employed. For the gases
other than NO , a high gas concentration had to be main-
tained to see a slight difference in sensitivity. Each sensi-
tivity value is measured at the relevant optimum operation
temperature for each sample and ambient gas. Noting the
difference in the sensitivity scales for NO gas and others,
we can see that the WO films, especially the ones fabri-
cated with binders, show a really excellent selectivity to
NO gas. One can also notice that the sensors do not show
any systematic trend in sensitivity except that the sensors
fabricated with binders have a lower sensitivity than the
one fabricated without binder for the ambient gases except
NO . If the binders affect the sensitivity through the
physical properties of the polycrystal, such as grain size
andror electron concentration of the grain, the sensitivity
is expected to show a general trend to the binders, since
the above physical properties would systematically affect
the electrical resistance. Thus the results in Fig. 6 is
another evidence showing that the binders affect the sens-
ing characteristics of WO film mostly through the chemi-
cal nature of GB rather than the modification of physical
properties of polycrystals.
5. Conclusion
The origin of binder effects on the sensing character-
istics of WO gas sensors is investigated for the PVA,
silica sol, and Al O binders. The binders are observed to
J I. Yang et al.r Sensors and Actuators B 60 1999 71–77 77
influence little the physical properties of sintered WO
films such as grain size and electron concentration around
room temperature. They are, however, observed to affect
greatly the sensing characteristics of films for various
ambient gas and the electrical resistance in NO gas. It is
discussed, from these facts, that the binders affect the gas
sensing characteristics of WO film through the modifica-
tion of the chemical nature of the GB rather than the
modification of physical properties of the polycrystal. It is
also discussed that the optimum operation temperature of
WO gas sensor to NO gas is not determined by the
3 x
adsorptionrdesorption kinetics of NO gas but by the
simple temperature dependence of R rR ratio.
gas air
Parts of this work was supported by the BSRI program
98-015-D00056 of the Korean Ministry of Education.
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Jong-In Yang received the B.E. degree from Kangnung National Univer-
sity and M.E. degree from Ajou University in electronic engineering in
1997 and 1999, respectively. He is now working as a development
engineer in Korea LPE Products. His current research activities are on the
development of III–V LEDs and sensors.Han-jo Lim was born in Kyung-
buk, Korea in 1947 and obtained M.S. degree in physics from Seoul
National University, Korea in 1974. He received the PhD degree in solid
state physics from the University of Montpellier II, France in 1982. He
was appointed as an assistant professor in the electronic engineering
department of Ajou University, Korea in the same year. His research field
includes semiconductor physics, semiconductor devices and material
characterization, and electron device reliability. He has published about
80 papers on the international journals and 30 papers in the domestic
journals.Sang-Do Han received his PhD degree in solid state chemistry,
University of Bordeaux, France in 1994. He worked at LG semiconductor
for 1978–1980, and is currently working at Korea Institute of Energy
Research since 1980. His main research interests are the electronic
materials, chemical sensors and their applications. He serves as the editor
of Journal of the Korean Sensors Society.