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synthesis and characterization of conductive polypyrrole multi-walled carbon

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Synthesis and characterization of conductive polypyrrole/multi-walled carbon
nanotubes composites with improved solubility and conductivity
Tzong-Ming Wu
, Hsiang-Ling Chang, Yen-Wen Lin
Department of Materials Science and Engineering, National Chung Hsing University, 250 Kuo Kuang Road, Taichung 402, Taiwan
article info
Article history:
Received 16 September 2008
Received in revised form 14 December 2008
Accepted 17 December 2008
Available online 25 December 2008
A. Nano composites
A. Polymers
B. Electrical properties
D. Transmission electron microscopy
Multi-walled carbon nanotubes
High conductivity and solubility of polypyrrole (PPy)/multi-walled carbon nanotubes (MWCNT) compos-
ites has been successfully synthesized by in situ chemical oxidation polymerization using various con-
centrations of cationic polyelectrolyte poly(styrenesulfonate) (PSS) and ammonium peroxodisulfate
(APS). Raman spectroscopy, FTIR, EPR, FESEM and HRTEM were used to characterize their structure
and morphology. These images of FESEM and HRTEM showed that the fabricated PPy/MWCNT compos-
ites are one-dimensional core-shell structures with the average thickness of the PPy/MWCNT composites
without PSS is about 250 nm and considerably decreases to 100–150 nm by adding the PSS content. The
results of Raman spectrum, FTIR and UV–Vis indicate the synthesized PPy/MWCNT composites are in the
doped state. The conductivities of PPy/MWCNT composites synthesized with the weight ratio of PSS/pyr-
role monomer at 0.5 are about two times of magnitude higher than that of PPy/MWCNT composites with-
out PSS. These results are perhaps due to the part of cationic electrolyte served as a dopant can be
incorporated to the PPy structure to improve the conductivity of fabricated PPy/MWCNT composites.

Ó 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
1. Introduction
Carbon nanotubes (CNTs) have recently attracted considerable
interest in consequence of their potential applications in field
emitters, nanoelectronic devices, probe tips for scanning probe
microscopies and nanotube-based composites due to their excel-
lent structural, mechanical and electronic properties [1–4]. Exper-
imentally introducing CNTs into a polymer matrix could
significantly improve the mechanical and electrical properties of
the neat polymer matrix [5,6]. Many reports have also shown that
the formation of polymer/CNT composites can be considered as a
useful approach for the fabrication of polymer-based devices
[7,8]. Among these polymer/CNT composites, a lot of studies have
focused on the combination of CNT and intrinsic conducting poly-
mers (ICPs) for forming hole-conducting layers in organic light-
emitting diodes and highly efficient photovoltaic cells.
Among these ICPs, polypyrrole (PPy) has potential uses in syn-
thesizing polymer/CNT composites due to its environmental stabil-
ity and excellent electrical conductivity [9,10]. PPy can be prepared
by chemical or electrochemical oxidation of pyrrole in various or-
ganic solvent and in aqueous media [10–12]. Although electro-
chemical polymerization leads to formation of a conductive PPy
thin film on the working electrode, it is not appropriate for the
mass production. In contrast, chemical oxidative polymerization
is simple, fast, cheap, and easily scaled up. In a typical chemical
oxidative polymerization of PPy, many oxidants, such as ferric per-
chlorate, ferric chloride and ammonium peroxydisulfate, have been
used [13]. The properties of fabricated conducting polymers are
strongly dependent on the preparation conditions and various
additives introduced into reaction mixture [14,15]. Nevertheless,

it is necessary to point out that chemically and electrochemically
synthesized PPy generally contains very poor solubility. It is almost
insoluble in all common organic solvents and in water that re-
stricts its processibility. Many investigations have been made to
enhance the solubility of PPy by designing colloidal forms using
surfactant and the protonation with an organic acid [16–18].Ina
previous report [18], the chemically synthesized PPy doped with
a bulky anion of dodecylbenzenesulfonic acid (DBSA) was soluble
in m-cresol. The conductivity of PPy was about 1 S/cm. After disso-
lution in a polar solvent, the conductivity reduced into 10
when cast into a film. Several reports also reveal that the physical
properties of fabricated PPy strongly depend on the types of surfac-
tants/organic acids [19,20]. Nevertheless, conductive PPy with one-
dimensional nanostructure are seldom mentioned among these
A most effective method of fabricating one-dimensional nano-
structure is using the template-directed synthesis in which reac-
tant materials are located within or in the immediate vicinity of
the templates [21]. Many appropriate nanoscale templates have
been reported, including channels in porous inorganic material
and existing nanowires served as hard templates and block copoly-
mers or self-assembled organic surfactants served as soft tem-
plates [22–24]. CNTs served as hard templates have recently
0266-3538/$ - see front matter Ó 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
* Corresponding author. Tel.: +886 4 2287 2482; fax: +886 4 2285 7017.
E-mail address: (T M. Wu).
Composites Science and Technology 69 (2009) 639–644

Contents lists available at ScienceDirect
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been used to generate one-dimensional nanomaterials with nano-
tubelike morphologies [25,26].
In previous studies [27,28], we have synthesized conducting
polyaniline (PANI)/carbon nanotubes (CNTs) composites without
surfactant. In order to improve the solubility of the CNTs in solu-
tion, the as-prepared CNTs were chemically treated to contain car-
boxylic functional groups at the defect sites. Structural analysis
using FESEM and HRTEM showed that PANI/CNT composites are
core (CNT)-shell (PANI) one-dimensional tubular structures. On
the other hand, PPy/CNT film or nanoparticles are synthesized by
miniemulsion/inverse microemulsion polymerization with anionic
surfactant or by in situ electropolymerization [29,30]. Some results
reveal that the physical properties of synthesized PPy/CNT com-
posites significantly depend on the types of surfactants/organic
acids or preparations [31,32]. Nevertheless, it is necessary to point
out that the fabricated PPy/CNT composites is approximately insol-
uble in all common organic solvents and in water that limits its
In this study, we reported a simple procedure for the fabrication
of high-conductivity PPy/multi-walled carbon nanotubes
(MWCNTs) composites with well-dispersion in ethanol by in situ
chemical oxidative polymerization with the presence of various
amount of cationic electrolyte poly(styrenesulfonate) (PSS) and
milder oxidant ammonium peroxodisulfate (APS). The effect of
electrolyte PSS on the conductivity, morphology and structure of
chemically synthesized PPy/MWCNT composites was also

2. Experimental
2.1. Synthesis of PPy/MWCNT composites
2.1.1. Synthesis of PPy
The MWCNTs were prepared by ethylene chemical vapor depo-
sition using Al
supported Fe
catalysts. The diameter of
MWCNT is about 40 nm and the purity of MWCNTs is higher than
90%. Pyrrole monomer (98%, Aldrich Chemical Co.) was purified by
distillation under reduced pressure. Other reagents, including
poly(styrenesulfonate) (PSS) and ammonium peroxodisulfate
(APS), were used without further purification.
The polypyrrole (PPy)/MWCNT composites were synthesized
using in situ chemical oxidative polymerization. In a typical syn-
thesis experiment, various weight ratios of PSS was prepared in
distilled water in a reaction vessel containing a magnetic stirring
bar and the 1 wt% MWCNT was then mixed with the surfactant
solution and ultrasonicated (240 W) over 3 h to form PSS/
MWCNT template in solution. The freshly distilled 0.5 g of pyr-
role monomer was slowly added dropwise into the stirred solu-
tion and continuously stirred for 30 min. The 2.04 g of APS was
first dissolved in 10 ml distilled water and then slowly added
into the solution. Therefore, the polymerization was carried out
for 3 h below 5 °C with constant mechanical stirring. The synthe-

sized PPy/MWCNT composites was filtered and rinsed several
times with distilled water and methanol. The powder thus ob-
tained was vacuum dried at 40 °C for 24 h. The electron para-
magnetic resonance (EPR) spectra of the conducting polymer
PPy were performed on a Bruker EMX-10 spectrometer operating
at X-band (
= 9.6 GHz), with 100 KHz field modulations. The EPR
g-value of the unknown sample can be determined from g = g

, where
H is the separation of the centers of the two
spectra, H
is the strength of the applied external field, and g
the g-value of the reference sample. The spin-spin relaxation
process is the energy difference (
E) transferred to neighboring
electrons, and the relaxation time (T

) can be determined from
the peak-to-peak linewidth according to
where b is the Bohr magneton (9.274 Â10
erg G

linewidth (in G) at half-height of the absorption peak, ⁄ a constant
(1.054 Â 10
ergs). The A/B value is the ratio of the height of posi-
tive to the negative peak and the EPR spin number (N
) was calcu-
lated as the product
ph, where h is peak-to-peak height [33].
2.2. Structural and morphological analysis
The molecular structures of the resulting PPy/MWCNT com-
posites were measured by FTIR, Raman and UV–Vis spectrosco-
pies. FTIR spectra were recorded on a Perkin–Elmer Spectrum
One spectrometer with the resolution of 4 cm
. The samples
were pressed into tablets with potassium bromide (KBr). Raman
spectra were analyzed with a TRIAX 550 Jobin-Yvon monochro-
mator equipped with a liquid nitrogen cooled CCD detector,
using a He–Ne laser operating at 633 nm as the excitation
source. The Raman signals were collected through a long-work-
ing distance 50 Â objective. UV–Vis spectra were obtained with
a Hitachi U-3010 double beam spectrophotometer using a

quartz cell and deionized water was used as a blank. The peak
position of the Raman, FTIR and UV–Vis spectra was determined
using the peakfit software package. The presented spectrum is
an average of three spectra measured at different regions over
the entire sample range. Thermal stabilities of the resulting
PPy/MWCNT composites were performed from 50 to 800 °Cat
a heating rate of 10 °C/min using a Perkin–Elmer thermogravi-
metric analysis (TGA) and all experiments were operated under
a nitrogen atmosphere at a purge rate of 100 ml/min. All spec-
imens weighed about 6 mg. Linear h/2h X-ray intensity scans of
these specimens were recorded using a Mac MXT III diffractom-
eter with Ni-filtered Cu K
radiation in the reflection mode. The
morphology of all samples was characterized by field-emission
scanning electron microscopy (FESEM) and high-resolution
transmission electron microscopy (HRTEM). FESEM measure-
ments were conducted at 3 kV using a JEOL JSM-6700 F field-
emission instrument. HRTEM experiments were performed on
a JEOL JSM-2010 instrument with an accelerating voltage of
200 kV. The samples for HRTEM images were prepared by cast-
ing a drop of the sample suspended in ethanol on a copper grid
covered with carbon.
2.3. Electrical properties
The samples of MWCNT, PPy and PPy/MWCNT composites were
pressed into pellet form under 20 MPa. Furthermore, the conduc-
tivity at room temperature was measured by a programmable DC
voltage/current detector with four probe method. The data shown
here are the mean values of measurements from at least three

3. Results and discussion
3.1. Morphological analysis of PPy/MWCNT composites
Fig. 1 shows the photos of vials for the synthesized PPy/MWCNT
composites with various PSS content in ethanol solution. For com-
parison, the vial of PPy/MWCNT composites without PSS is also
shown in this figure. It can be seen that the resulting solution of
fabricated PPy/MWCNT composites with the presence of PSS re-
mained well-dispersed in ethanol for at least 24 h. There is no sed-
imentation or aggregation of PPy/MWCNT composites observed in
these samples. By contrast, we were unable to prepare stable PPy/
MWCNT composites suspensions without PSS. Our results demon-
640 T M. Wu et al. /Composites Science and Technology 69 (2009) 639–644
strate the fabricated PPy/MWCNT composites with the presence of
PSS show better solubility compared to that without PSS. Fig. 2
shows the FESEM images of PPy/MWCNT composites synthesized
by in situ chemical oxidative polymerization using various concen-
trations of cationic polyelectrolyte PSS and MWCNT served as tem-
plate for the formation of one-dimensional PPy/MWCNT
nanostructure. The average thickness of fabricated one-dimen-
sional PPy/MWCNT composites without PSS is about 250 nm and
significantly decreases to hundreds of nanometer with increasing
PSS contents. It is necessary to point out that the synthesis of
PPy/MWCNT composites with the presence of PSS is a size-control-
lable process, which is strongly dependent on the content of PSS.
Closer inspection of HRTEM images of PPy/MWCNT composites
shown in Fig. 3 reveals that the resulting PPy/MWCNT composites
have one-dimensional core-shell structures. Moreover, the average
thickness of the PPy/MWCNT composites without PSS is about
250 nm and considerably decreases to 100–150 nm by adding
the PSS content. The above data exhibits the formation of amor-

phous PPy layer on the surface of MWCNT can be influenced by
various contents of PSS.
3.2. Physical properties of PPy/MWCNT composites
The molecular structure of the resulting PPy/MWCNT compos-
ites synthesized by cationic polyelectrolyte PSS was characterized
using Raman and IR spectra. Fig. 4 exhibits the Raman spectra of
PPy/MWCNT composites with various concentrations of PSS. All
data demonstrate that the synthesized PPy/MWCNT composites
with the presence of PSS have approximately identical peak posi-
tions associated with the structure of the PPy. The peaks at 935
and 1080 cm
have been attributed to the quinonoid bipolaronic
structure and those at 970 and 1055 cm
with the quinonoid
polaronic structure, exhibiting the presence of the doped PPy
structures [34]. The peak at 1240 cm
is considered to the anti-
symmetrical C–H in-plane bending and the C@C stretching peak
at 1600 cm
is related to be an overlap of the two oxidized struc-
ture. Fig. 5 shows the FTIR spectrum of PPy/MWCNT composites
with various concentrations of PSS. Normally, this spectrum shows
a rich-band fingerprint region, revealing seven strong intensity
bands [35]. All results demonstrate almost the same peak positions
of the main IR bands which are associated with the structure of the
Fig. 1. Vials (6 mL) containing aqueous dispersion of 1 wt% PPy/MWCNT composites synthesized with weight ratio of PSS/pyrrole monomer of (b) 0.1, (c) 0.3 and (d) 0.5. For

comparison, the vial of (a) primary PPy/MWCNT composites is also shown in this figure.
Fig. 2. FESEM images of 1 wt% PPy/MWCNT composites synthesized with weight ratio of PSS/pyrrole monomer of (c) 0.1, (d) 0.3 and (e) 0.5. For comparison, the FESEM image
of (a) pure MWCNT and (b) primary PPy/MWCNT composites is also shown in this figure.
Fig. 3. HRTEM image of 1 wt% PPy/MWCNT composites synthesized with weight ratio of PSS/pyrrole monomer of (c) 0.1, (d) 0.3 and (e) 0.5. For comparison, the HRTEM
image of (a) pure MWCNT and (b) primary PPy/MWCNT composites is also shown in this figure.
T M. Wu et al. /Composites Science and Technology 69 (2009) 639–644
PPy. The peaks at 1545 and 1455 cm
could be attributed to C–N
and C–C asymmetric and symmetric ring-stretching, respectively.
Additionally, the strong peaks near 1170 and 900 cm
the doping state of polypyrrole, the peak at 1040 cm
is attributed
to C–H deformation and N–H stretching vibrations, and the broad
band at 1300 cm
demonstrates the C–H and C–N in-plane defor-
mation vibration, respectively.
UV–Vis spectroscopy was performed to ascertain the interfacial
interaction of PPy/MWCNT composites and PSS. Fig. 6 exhibits the
spectra of PPy/MWCNT composites with various contents of PSS.
There is no absorption peak in the 300–900 nm range for MWCNT
sample. The typical absorption peak of the PPy/MWCNT compos-
ites without PSS at approximately 494 nm is attributed to the tran-
sition from the valence band to the anti-bonding polaron state
[36], showing that the synthesizing PPy/MWCNT composites are

in the doped state. The typical absorption peaks of PPy/MWCNT
composites slightly shift to 492 nm as the loading of the weight ra-
tio of cationic electrolyte PSS/pyrrole monomer at 0.1. While the
structure of PPy was continuously doped with high content of
PSS, the absorption peak associated with the polaron-
was significantly shifted to a smaller wavelength with increasing
the PSS content. These results exhibit the possible interaction be-
tween the quinoid rings of PPy and SO

ion of PSS.
The thermal stability of the PPy/MWCNT composites prepared
in the presence of PSS was studied by TGA analysis. Fig. 7 presents
the curves of weight loss versus temperature of PPy/MWCNT com-
posites with various concentrations of PSS. For comparison, the
TGA analysis of PSS and MWCNT are also shown in this figure.
The first significant weight loss PPy/MWCNT composites which
corresponds to polymer degradation starts at about 200 °C.
Although these curves of PPy/MWCNT composites symthesized
with various concentrations of PSS have the same shape, PPy/
MWCNT composites with high PSS content seems to be slightly
more stable if we compare its TGA curve with the curve of PPy/
MWCNT composites with low PSS content in the whole tempera-
ture range. This data demonstrates that the addition of high ther-
mal stability of PSS is more stable for the all temperature range
of measurement. Clearly, the 10% loss temperature (T
) of the

PPy/MWCNT composites fabricated with various contents of PSS
is higher than that of PPy fabricated without any addition of PSS.
Fig. 4. Raman spectroscopy of 1 wt% PPy/MWCNT composites synthesized with
weight ratio of PSS/pyrrole monomer of (b) 0.1, (c) 0.3 and (d) 0.5. For comparison,
the Raman spectroscopy of (a) primary PPy/MWCNT composites and (e) MWCNT is
also shown in this figure.
Fig. 5. FTIR spectrum of 1 wt% PPy/MWCNT composites synthesized with weight
ratio of PSS/pyrrole monomer of (b) 0.1, (c) 0.3 and (d) 0.5. For comparison, the FTIR
spectra of (a) primary PPy/MWCNT composites and (e) cationic polyelectrolyte PSS
are also shown in this figure.
Fig. 6. UV–Vis spectrum of 1 wt% PPy/MWCNT composites synthesized with weight
ratio of PSS/pyrrole monomer of (c) 0.1, (d) 0.3 and (e) 0.5. For comparison, the UV–
Vis spectrum of (a) MWCNT and (b) primary PPy/MWCNT composites is also shown
in this figure.
Fig. 7. TGA data of 1 wt% PPy/MWCNT composites synthesized with weight ratio of
PSS/pyrrole monomer of (b) 0.1, (c) 0.3 and (d) 0.5. For comparison, the Raman
spectroscopy of (a) primary PPy/MWCNT composites, (e) cationic polyelectrolyte
PSS and (f) MWCNT is also shown in this figure. (Inserted the temperature scale in
the range of 200–350 °C of each curve).
642 T M. Wu et al. /Composites Science and Technology 69 (2009) 639–644
The T
of PPy/MWCNT composites without PSS is 249.5 °C and
extensively increases to 261.3 °C as the loading of the weight ratio
of cationic electrolyte PSS/pyrrole monomer at 0.1. As the addition
of the weight ratio of PSS/pyrrole monomer at 0.3 and 0.5, the T
continuously increases to 279.1 and 298.1 °C, respectively. This re-
sult demonstrates that introduction of PSS into PPy/MWCNT com-
posites can improve the thermal stability of PPy due to the

presence of high thermal stability PSS and MWCNT.
The electrical conductivities of PPy/MWCNT composites were
measured using the standard four-probe method. The room-tem-
perature conductivities of MWCNT and PPy/MWCNT composites
without PSS were 28.4 and 40 S/cm. In the meantime, the conduc-
tivity of PPy/MWCNT composites with various contents of PSS at
room temperature clearly depends on the contents of PSS. By add-
ing the weight ratio of cationic electrolyte PSS/pyrrole monomer at
0.1, the conductivity at room temperature slightly increases from
40 S/cm to 49 S/cm. With the continuous increase in the loading
of PSS, the conductivities at room temperature continuously in-
crease from 49 Scm for the PPy/MWCNT composites with the
weight ratio of cationic electrolyte PSS/pyrrole monomer at 0.1
to 73 and 91 S/cm for these synthesizd PPy/MWCNT composites
with the weight ratio at 0.3 and 0.5, respectively. It is necessary
to point out that all conductivities of PPy/MWCNT composites pre-
pared with the presence of PSS are in the range between 50 S/cm
and 90 S/cm, which is at least one order in magnitude higher than
those synthesized PPy/MWCNT composites reported in the litera-
tures [37,38]. The conductivities of PPy/MWCNT composites fabri-
cated with the weight ratio of cationic electrolyte PSS/pyrrole
monomer at 0.5 at room temperature are about two times of mag-
nitude higher than that of PPy/MWCNT composites prepared with-
out PSS, perhaps because the part of cationic electrolyte can be
incorporated to the PPy structure served as a dopant to enhance
the conductivity of synthesized PPy/MWCNT composites. Increas-
ing PSS content in these conducting polymers also improves their
conductivities and these results may be due to the decrease in
the thickness of PPy with the presence of high content of PSS.
In order to understand the role of PSS during the formation of

PPy/MWCNT composites, EPR analysis has been performed for all
specimens. Fig. 8 shows the EPR spectra of PPy/MWCNT compos-
ites with various contents of PSS. The EPR parameters (
, g fac-
tor, A/B ratio, T
, and N
) obtained from Fig. 8 are illustrated in
Table 1. The EPR spectra exhibit a single narrow and symmetric
EPR signal revealing that the free electron existed. The g value of
the EPR signal is a function of the molecular motion, the paramag-
netic properties and the symmetry of ion [39]. The g factors of PPy/
MWCNT composites were almost constant ($2.0025), suggesting
that the spins are delocalized over a few carbon atoms of the rings,
since the g value of an electron near a carbon–hydrogen bond is
2.0031. The A/B asymmetric ratio obtained from EPR spectra of
PPy/MWCNT composites remains constant ($1.07) for all PPy/
MWCNT composites samples, revealing that the spins are free elec-
tron type [40]. The width of the EPR signal was directly attributed
to the interaction of the spins with their environment and to their
motion. It is known that the line width is related to the extent of
delocalization of unpaired electrons along the polymer chain; i.e.
the higher the extent of delocalization, the smaller the line width.
In this study, the values of

of the PPy with various contents of
PSS were larger than that of the PPy, while the T
was reverse [41].
These results reveal that PPy/MWCNT composites with various
contents of PSS has lower polaron mobility, which coincides with
more hydrogen bond between PPy and PSS, while higher polaron
mobility of PPy/MWCNT composites without PSS indicates less
hydrogen bond between PPy and PSS. But the N
of the PPy/
MWCNT composite with various contents of PSS were larger than
that of the PPy/MWCNT composite without PSS, indicating an in-
crease in spin concentration for PPy with various contents of PSS.
These results can be assigned to more polaron formation for PPy
with various contents of PSS [42]. Therefore, we can conclude the
conductivity of PPy is dominant by the number of polaron forma-
tion during the in situ polymerization by adding H
to the b-posi-
tion of pyrrole ring during the in situ doping polymerization of
pyrrole [37].
4. Conclusions
High-conductivity polypyrrole (PPy)/multi-walled carbon nano-
tubes (MWCNTs) composites with well-dispersion in ethanol has
been successfully synthesized by in situ chemical oxidation poly-
merization using various concentrations of cationic polyelectrolyte
poly(styrenesulfonate) (PSS) and ammonium peroxodisulfate
(APS). These images of FESEM and HRTEM showed that the fabri-

cated PPy/MWCNT composites are one-dimensional core-shell
structures with the average thickness of the PPy/MWCNT compos-
ites without PSS is about 250 nm and considerably decreases to
100$150 nanometers by adding the PSS content. The results of
UV–Vis indicate the synthesized PPy/MWCNT composites are in
the doped state. All conductivities of alcohol-soluble PPy/MWCNT
composites are in the range between 50 S/cm and 90 S/cm, which
is at least one order in magnitude higher than those reported in
the literatures. The conductivities of PPy/MWCNT composites syn-
Fig. 8. EPR spectrum of 1 wt% PPy/MWCNT composites synthesized with weight
ratio of PSS/pyrrole monomer of (b) 0.1, (c) 0.3 and (d) 0.5. For comparison, the EPR
spectrum of (a) primary PPy/MWCNT composites is also shown in this figure.
Table 1
EPR data of the conductive 1 wt% PPy/MWCNT composites synthesized with the presence of various amounts of PSS.
Sample Weight ratio of PSS/
pyrrole monomer
(G) g Factor A/B ratio T
s) N
Conductivity (S/cm)
PPy1/MWCNT 0 2.35 2.0026 1.05 13.94 1.75 Â 10
PPy2/MWCNT 0.1 4.01 2.0025 1.05 8.17 2.97 Â10

PPy3/MWCNT 0.3 5.67 2.0025 1.07 5.78 4.30 Â 10
PPy4/MWCNT 0.5 9.38 2.0024 1.08 3.49 6.06 Â 10
T M. Wu et al. /Composites Science and Technology 69 (2009) 639–644
thesized with the weight ratio of PSS/pyrrole monomer at 0.5 are
about two times of magnitude higher than that of PPy/MWCNT
composites without PSS. These results are perhaps due to the part
of cationic electrolyte served as a dopant can be incorporated to
the PPy structure to improve the conductivity of fabricated PPy/
MWCNT composites.
The financial support provided by National Science Council
through the Project NSC96-2212-E-005-049 is greatly appreciated.
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