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B Ludwig van Beethoveneethoven's importance lies not only in his
work, but also in his life (Tames, 4). Included in my report is proof that
Beethoven was one of the greatest composers of the Romantic era. In
this proof is a brief description of his life. This will help you understand
how he felt when he wrote his music. Also, there will be a description of
all his
_______ Mozart On December 16 or 17, 1770, (date uncertain) at 515
(now 20) Bonngasse Bonn, Germany Beethoven, like Mozart, was born
into a small family (Comptons, 1). He took his first lessons on March 26,
1778, (Schmit, 10). In 1787, he went to Vienna to study with Mozart, but
he went back to Bonn due to the nature of his mother's sickness (Schmit,
15). This would be the composers last visit to Bonn. Hayden After
his mother's death on July 17, 1787, Beethoven went back to Vienna to
study with Hayden in November of 1792, where he lived for 35 years
(Tames, 14). He was unsatisfied with Hayden because he was
preoccupied and commonly missed many mistakes made by Beethoven
(Schmit, 17). Beethoven, then, went to Neffe who himself started
composing at the age of 12. In the late 1700's, Beethoven began to
suffer from early symptoms of deafness, and by 1802, Beethoven was
convinced that the condition was not only permanent but was getting
much worse. The cause of his deafness is still uncertain (Comptons, 1).
He was determined to prove that deafness was not a handicap to him
(Thompson, 25). Beethoven's deafness started to be noticeable, and by
1818 Beethoven was completely deaf (Schmit, 28). In the year of 1812,
Beethoven fell in love with the "Eternally Beloved." Nobody knew her
name except Beethoven, who did not mention it in any letter or to
___________________________Music___________________ Under
his first patron, Prince Karl Lichnowsky, Beethoven wrote his first

symphony. The first symphony was wrote in 1795, and was a set of three
Trios. Beethoven believed that his income came from the successful sale
of these works, but it actually came from Lichnowsky (Tames, 12). This
symphony was reflective of the classical era. He did not publish this
symphony until he was 31. In 1802, Beethoven wrote a second
symphony. Beethoven named this symphony "Grande Sinfonie" while in
Hiligenstadt where he wrote the symphony (Schmit, 35). The second
symphony is a work noted for sunny and optimistic tone (Tames,
15).Napoleon Bonaparte Beethoven's third symphony, made in 1803, is
the one where he started writing his style which was quite recognizably
his own, rather than based on a previous composer (Tames, 16). The
third symphony, originally called Bonaparte, was named after Napoleon
Bonaparte. Later, Beethoven changed the name to "Sinfonia Eroica"
(Schmit, 36). Two times as long as any one of Mozart's or Hayden's
symphonies, the third symphony challenged the idea of what a symphony
is. The fourth Symphony was written in 1807. This symphony shows
Beethoven as a good humored person (Schmit, 39). This symphony was
smaller and more appealing than the third symphony, and had a more
lively style (Thompson, 25). In the year of 1808, he wrote the fifth
symphony. He went with Hayden to Esterházy Palace at Eisenstadt. His
fifth is one of his most famous symphonies. Work on the fifth was started
before the fourth and was published after the fourth. This is one of the
most popular symphonies of all time, and was performed on the 22 of
December 1808. (Schmit, 41) This symphony was made popular
because he used many instruments that were not normally use in
orchestral works at that time (Thompson, 26).
The sixth
symphony, is in a class of its own. Named "Sinfonia Pastrella," this
symphony is based on scenes from the country, and expressed
Beethoven's love for the nature that surrounded him (Schmit, 41). This

piece started the bridge between the Classical era and the Romantic era
(Thompson, 28). The seventh symphony was written in the summer of
1811, and the start of 1812, and was performed on December 8, 1813, at
the University of Vienna (Schmit, 42). This is a smaller piece, and
presented a very happy mood reflecting dance like rhythms (Thompson,
33-35). The eighth symphony, named "Sinfonia-Linz," was
composed during 1812, while at the spas in Bohemia. This was
performed on the 27 of February 1814. At first, the eighth received little
notice, but then it gradually began to get the fame it deserved (Schmit,
42-44). The ninth Symphony (completed in 1823) was his best and
his last symphony. By this time he finally understood his own mind
speaking: "I carry out my thoughts about with me for a long
time before I set them down my memory is so faithful to me that I am
sure not to forget a theme which I have passed. I make many changes,
reject and re-attempt until I am satisfied. Then the working-out begins in
my head It rises, grows upward, and I hear and see the picture as a
whole take shape and stand before me as though cast in a single piece,
so that all that is left is the work of writing it down" (Tames, 25). He
performed the ninth at the Kärntenerthor Theater. When he directed the
performance his back was to the audience (Thompson, 41). When the
audience went wild, the alto soloist had to tug at his sleeve so that he
could turn and see the ovation he had earned (Mlt. Beethoven) The
famous "Ode to Joy" (coral) is included in this symphony. Beethoven's
works include nine symphonies, one opera, two coral masses, 48
sonatas, ten overtures, and dozens of trios, quartets, and songs. Many of
these works were sketched out during long walks (Tames, 12). "His
greatest breakthroughs in composition came in instrumental work,
including his symphonies" (Comptons, 1). Beethoven had a great
influence on music. Not only did he create a bridge between the
18th-century classical period and new beginnings of Romanticism, but he

started a new era of
______________________________ Beethoven's last years were
marked with illness. On March 24, 1827, Beethoven died in Vienna. A
crowd of almost 30,000 people attended his funeral and burial at Vienna
Central Cemetery (Schmit, 31). The bicentennial of his death was
celebrated with performances and recordings of all the masters' works
(Comptons, 2). At the funeral, Beethoven's friend wrote a moving
address which stated: "We, the representatives of an entire nation,
come to mourn the passing of the gracious mouth by which music spoke,
the man who inherited and enriched the immortal fame of Handel and
Bach, of Hayden and Mozart. He was an artist, and who shall stand
beside him? Because he shut himself off from the world, they called him
hostile and callous He withdrew from his fellow-men after he had given
them everything, and received nothing in return. But until his death, he
preserved a father's heart for mankind. Thus he was, thus he died, thus
he will live to the end of time!" (Thompson, 46).

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