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What is urban? -Define the following:Urban - Rural - Urbanization -Urban
fringe -Q. a, b, copy 15.3, 4a) 3 provinces, highest population 1n 1991*
British Colombia* Alberta* Ontario 3 provinces, lowest population in 1991*
P.E.I* Nova Scotia* New found landb) Provinces which become more
urbanized in 1971 - 1991* British Columbia * Alberta* Saskatchewan*
Manitoba* P.E.IQ.4Toronto6,210,654Montreal
Site selection - Q. 10, 12, 1310 a)City Reason (#)Niagara falls, ON(6) a
location of particular scenic beautyHalifax, NS(4) A point where rivers
meet is a good place to tradeCalgary, AB(8) A center position in
agricultural region good for service center - gaptownThunder bay, ON(5)
goods can be transportedRegina, SK(8) A center position in agricultural
region good for service center - gaptownWinnipeg, MB(5) goods can be
transportedSudbury, ON(3) resourceVancouver, BC(7) deep harbors
good portTomson, MB(3) resourceKingston, ON(9)Montreal, PQ(9)St.
John(3) resource 10 b) Transportation is manipulated by hills because
it is hard to go over, too long to go around, the hills.10 c) The
transportation is mainly on the west side of the harbor because there are
less hills.The growth of settlements -Define the following:Service-centers
-Low order products -middle order products - high order products
-Threshold population -Q. 16, 1716) ProductHow LongPriorityAir
plane2 - 3 yearshigh order productsBike2 - 3 yearsMiddle order
productsMilk2 - 3 daysLow order productsCD3 - 4 weeksMiddle order
productsMovie3 - 4 weeksMiddle order productsDress1 - 2 monthHigh
order productsWind surf board4 - 5 yearsHigh order productsRestaurant1
a weekMiddle order productsNews paper1 a weekLow order products17)
The computer store would sell less than a hardware store because a
computer you buy 1 in about 4 -5 years, where as the hardware would
sell 1-2 a month.18)Community PopulationNumbers of storesPopulation

0E100,000520,000F160,000532,000Community Distribution -Define the
following:Service hierarchy -Zone of influence -Q. copy 15.14 and 15.15,
25 MetropolitanCitiesTownsVillagesfig-15.14Metropolitan centerover
100,000Citybetween 10,000 & 100,00Townbetween 1,000 &
10,000Villagebetween 100 & 1,000Hamletless than 100
peoplefig-15.15Q25 a)VillagesDistance to nearest
well3.25Stoneywood7.25Q25 b) the average between all villages are 4.8
kmQ25 c)TownsDistance to nearest town (km)Mount
fored15Marriston10Arthur23Palmerston10Q25 d) the average between
all towns are 14.5 kmTown forming-serving -Define the
following:Town-forming -Town-serving -Q. 26, 28Q 26)* Food* Banks*
Grocery store* Shopping mall* Computer storeQ 28)1. Police officer -
town serving2. School custodian - town forming3. Oil refinery engineer -
town forming 4. Long - distance trucking driver - town forming5. City hall
clerk - town serving6. Computer chip manufacture - town formingCore
and Periphery-Q. 34, please refer to map for Q,35Q.34 the people who
live in the core would have a more luxury than the people who live in the
periphery because the core is more urbanized then the periphery.

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