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television and the internet

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Having already done my fair share of internet surfing, I was excited to
finally have the opportunity to do a research paper that involved this vast
and seemingly boundless electronic world. It is easy to passively interact
with the rest of the world and scan effortlessly through millions of pages
of information, some of which is useful, some of which simply takes up
space; the problem that many researchers and interest groups face is
making sense of the whole thing. What effects does the internet have on
people? This question is no doubt an immense one. In this paper I will
attempt to explore the effects the internet has on one major aspect of our
everyday lives: television. The internet is not only linked to television in
the sense that they both convey vast amounts of information, but they
both seem to complement each other. The internet is presenting vast
amounts of information about our favorite television shows as well as
providing an arena for discussion about the programs. I will present to
you what is available out there and hypothesize how this can enhance or
alter one's experience with television. Included in this paper will be actual
responses from individuals around the world who responded to a survey I
posted on various internet newsgroups devoted to specific television
shows. The most relevant responses are attached as an appendix at the
end of this paper. I will first briefly define the terms that I will use to
avoid any ambiguities. When I refer to the internet, I refer to the vast
encyclopedia of information presented through a graphical interface as
pages, or web sites. Newsgroups refer to a different aspect of the
world-wide web. They consist of over ten thousand separate and specific
forums or centers where people post comments or remarks and read
other's replies or comments. Each newsgroup is devoted to a different
theme. For example, there are over two hundred devoted to television;
one or two for Friends, one for Party of Five, one for the CBC, etc. Chat
groups are an interactive aspect of the world-wide web in which people
can talk in real time. There is an unlimited number of channels one can
speak on, although there are more popular ones with specific themes; for

example, the channel alt.tv.simpsons is a popular channel for Simpsons
fans to discuss the show. These are the main aspects of the world-wide
web which can handle affairs dealing with television. The broadest, of
course, is the internet. I will refer to those who browse the internet as
"surfers." (Please note that most of the information I am presenting refers
to The Simpsons since it is by far the most popular television show
portrayed on the internet, having what appears to be the most web sites,
by far the most newsgroup postings, and the most chat lines) The
amount and variety of information available on the internet is beyond
comprehension. Television guides from around the world (including
TVGuide) are all on the internet in their entirety, in a searchable form
including descriptions of the episodes, reviews etc. Features include the
ability to search TVGuide for all shows in the next two weeks that have
the any given word in it, "shark" for example. This not only increases the
amount of television one watches (i.e. they don't miss interesting shows
they would otherwise not know about), but most likely enhances the
experience of watching the show since they can learn much about the
episode beforehand. For example, in the description of the show they
might link you to a site that gives you extra background information on
sharks. All major networks have their own sites with complete time grids
for the week, descriptions of shows and actors and various additional
information, such as David Letterman's Top Ten Lists. Countless web
sites are also devoted to specific television shows. For example, while
performing a search for the show X-Files (a unique name), I came up with
over 20,000 direct references to the show. The sites essentially expand
on the experience of television for the viewer. Any individual can find any
information they require about a series, specific episode, or character.
The information on characters can include both their fictional roles and
their real-life situation. (Sites devoted to some of the better looking actors
and actresses seem to be a very popular attraction). Therefore, if

someone wanted to inquire about an aspect of a series, which will most
likely enhance his or her experience for the show, the information is
available in minutes. For example, I was curious as to who wrote one of
my favorite Simpsons episodes, The Monorail. Within one minute, I had
discovered that Conan O'Brien had written it, enhancing my appreciation
for both The Simpsons and his talk show. Most "official" sites, either
sponsored by the show or the network, provide scripts to past episodes
and details on, or clues to, future episodes; often explaining the
motivations and/or hidden agendas behind many of the episodes. People
from around the world can either follow a show that they don't have
access to (see responses 5, 15), perhaps in a different country, or read
the summaries of episodes that they have missed. Included in these sites
are popular images and sounds of the characters, trivia based on the
episode, internet "treasure hunts," as well as other interactive elements;
all promoting increased interest in the show as well as rampant
discussions on the chat lines and newsgroups. One of the most popular
interactive events on the internet was a "Who Shot Mr. Burns?" contest.
In the season finale of The Simpsons, Mr. Burns was shot and a long
series of deliberately intricate and ambiguous clues were presented in the
episode. Throughout the summer, the "official" web site held a contest.
Each week new clues were presented and a new suspect analysed while
surfers were allowed to cast their votes. The contest ended when the
season premiere revealed the shooter. This method for enhancing
viewers' interests in a series has grown in popularity, with similar contests
appearing at other programs' web sites. Another interesting interactive
aspect of the internet has been a "cyber-series" of Homicide, the series.
An entire season of the show, which is actually a pseudo-spin-off of the
series, was presented on the internet. Each week a new episode added
to the series, with short movies, pictures, and text, all in an interactive
context. As you can see, the internet has provided not only the viewer

with all the information he needs to enhance his experience and interests
in the series, it has provided the networks and/or producers a medium to
advertise the program and stimulate interest in the show in a unique,
engaging, and seemingly effective manner. The newsgroups and chat
lines provide the most interactive and by far the most absorbing facet of
the internet which is having an effect on our experience with television.
This is where the fans (or non-fans ) can express themselves and learn
about the interests of others. The newsgroups are filled with questions,
comments, remarks, and replies every day pertaining to an array of
issues surrounding their series of choice. Typically each television-related
newsgroup gets between 100 to over a thousand posts a day from fans
around the world. Some sample numbers of posts per day include: 155
for Friends, 324 for Party of Five, 310 for Seinfeld, 800 for X-Files, and
1106 for The Simpsons (data collected once a day for three days). The
newsgroups and chat lines are where the true uses and gratifications of
television are enhanced. The diversion that television provides is
augmented, while the maintenance of personal relations and social
interactions are no doubt the main feature of these services. They allow
viewers with common interests who live down the street, or on the other
side of the planet, to bond with each other and reinforce or reconsider
each others opinions. Para-social interactions no doubt arise as well. In
response number 3, the fan believes he has established a relationship
with one of the Beverly Hills 90210 characters. Assuming this person is
serious (which can never be safely assumed), we quite noticeably see the
extent to which the internet has elevated viewers' experiences with
television. The topics presented in newsgroups and chat lines are
tremendously diverse and at the same time quite interesting. Common
themes that come up include: favorite episode, favorite line (from any
character or one in particular), who dresses the best, ideas for future
shows, and hidden messages or meanings in any given episode, or in the

series in general. The endless search for hidden messages or alternative
interpretations is the most intriguing aspect of the internet that has
shaped or enhanced our experience with television. Producers typically
convey a dominant ideology in mind when creating a series or episode; a
meaning or message that they want to communicate to the audience. The
true message transmitted by any given episode or series is determined by
the way we decode the semiotics or messages that are portrayed to us
either through text, sound, or image. What happens in newsgroups and
on chat lines is that hundreds or thousands of individuals come together
to discuss the series or episode, typically soon after it airs. The result of
this negotiated-reading is the unveiling of new meanings, some intended
by the producers, some unintended. This type of analysis is of great
interest to most, as it allows for a deeper involvement into the series that
you love. Other chat lines and newsgroups are more simplistic. The
newsgroup for Beverly Hills 90210, for example, usually consists of fans'
remarks about how good Valerie looked or how upset they are that Steve
said what he said about Brandon. Either way, these facets of the
world-wide web allow for people who truly love the show to get together
and discuss it, in whatever fashion they choose. The end result is the
same: interest in the show is augmented and the uses and gratifications
derived from the show are enhanced. The viewers, however, are not the
only ones to benefit from the opportunities the internet provides.Networks
and producers have gained an immediate link to the audiences that they
are seeking to interpret and satisfy. Producers, writers, executives, and
presidents are uninhibited from anonymously going onto these chat lines
or newsgroups and asking questions and reading comments or feedback.
(To prove this fact, when I posted my question on the internet for this
essay, I received two replies from executives from Due South (Story
Department Coordinator) and an unspecified show who both wanted a
copy of this paper or some sort of showing as to how people responded.)

All major networks and television shows provide special nights on
selected chat lines in which a writer, producer, or actor will appear on the
line to answer questions in real-time. Networks and most "official"
television series sites also have e-mail addresses which are directly
linked to the head offices. Viewers can therefore send comments or
suggestions, or questions (direct answers are rare however), to the
executives. This also increases viewers' interest in a program since he or
she might feel that they have had a say in what is happening in future
episodes. With all the benefits that the internet provides, surfers must be
aware that the internet has its drawbacks. The most obvious problem that
has recently become a reality is the fact that there is simply too much out
there. When you want to access specific information it is often difficult to
find it very efficiently. There are many official sites, yet there many out
there who are simply fanatics of the program and post personal
information about themselves and what they like about the show. The
potential problems with this are twofold. Firstly, copyright laws are virtually
ignored on the on-line world. This may not concern us, but for the
networks and producers this is of primary importance. Countless images
and sounds are distributed at will by die-hard fans. This may promote the
television series to a certain extent, but copyright laws are no doubt being
infringed upon. Secondly, there is no limit to the amount of false and
misleading information that can circulate on the internet, newsgroups, or
chat lines. For whatever reason imaginable, some people get a kick out of
starting rumors or misleading people with respect to an aspect of a
program. Therefore, with all its benefits and enhancements, one must
always be cautious as to how they interpret the information they are being
doused with. I hope that I have provided a broad enough scope of the
internet in this short space to allow you to realize the powerful impact that
it has had on our experience with television. I did not directly include all
the responses to my question in this paper, as it would have taken up too

much space. Rather, I attempted to use their opinions as support for my
hypothesis, and instead included a selection of the responses in an
appendix for you to read. The world-wide web and its many facets have
no doubt been exploited by television viewers to enhance the uses and
gratifications that television provides them with. The reason the
world-wide web has become so popular is not simply because there is so
much information out there, but because it appeals to the individual.
Whatever you personal interests may be, however strange or uncommon,
chances are that you can seek refuge in this vast electronic universe.
Whether you are looking for simple textual facts, a picture of Courtney
Cox, what Homer said to Bart right after he stole his wallet on last night's
episode, or simply looking for someone to share your interests with, the
internet provides it for you in the comfort of your own home. In
conclusion, the internet a complex and interactive medium that, as I have
shown, greatly enhances one's personal experience with television.

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