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WR 121Paper #2The Breakdown of Community In Ray Oldenburg's
"The Problem of Place in America" and Ishmael Reed's
"MyNeighborhood" the authors express thier dissatisfaction with the
community. Oldenburgfocuses on the lack of a "third place" and the
effects of consumerism on the suburbs, whileReed recalls his experience
with prejudice communities. Their aim is to identify problemsin our
society that they find to be a problem. Although neither of these authors
offersolutions, the fact that these problems are addressed is enough.
Some basic similarities between these two authors is they are both
attempting toidentify problems in our society today. There are many that
are ailing our society at thistime, yet I agree with them in their deductions.
It seems that they have addressed two ofthe main ills today, prejudice
and consumerism. These keep our communities frombecoming unified.
Fear is one of the prevalent themes in both essays. In Oldenburg'sessay
the suburbanite fears the unknown, his neighbors. People feel
threatened by the sizeof the communities and they do not know anyone.
These is due partly to consumerism,which keeps people indoors. Reed
was feared because of the color of his skin. Dogswould bark at him as he
walked by, cops would enter his own home to harass him, peoplewould
yell racial slurs, and he was even watched closely to make sure that he
did notabduct a child off the street. These fears are a result of the media
and our society tellingus to fear certain types of people. Television often
portrays the black man as a dopedealing slander who hangs out on
corners with a forty of "Old E." Soon people begin tobelieve all that they
hear and begin to discriminate against others. One glaring difference in
the two authors essays is that they both address the sameproblem yet
they touch on differing aspects. Oldenburg talks about the deterioration
ofthe suburbs. One reason is that there is no third place. This is where
we come to gripswith our lives, relax, and reflect. This could be a
community center, a secluded spot in thewoods, or a coffee shop at the
corner. The problem is that these places simply do notexist in the