eBook Available
Beginning C# 2005 Databases:
From Novice to Professional
VB 2005 Databases
Companion eBook
Thousands of C# programmers have become database professionals through
the first two editions of this book. This third edition is even more comprehensive, but, as always, it assumes only basic knowledge of C#-and absolutely no
experience with databases. Everything you need to know to get off to the fastest
start in database programming is clearly explained by examples you can use in
professional, real-world programs.
Database proficiency requires basic understanding of relational concepts,
reasonable competence with the database language SQL, and clear knowledge
of how to interface between C# programs and databases. We introduce all concepts carefully, in the order in which you can best learn them, and then we
gradually use them in concert to reinforce your understanding.
You’ll learn how to define, query, and manipulate database data with T-SQL
and how to manage SQL Server Express databases with SQL Server
Management Studio Express. You’ll learn about ADO.NET and how to use it to
access databases from C#. You’ll even learn how to write stored procedures and
call them from C# programs. You’ll learn much more besides. Our focus is
always on fundamental concepts and techniques that won’t change even when
database technology does.
The major changes to this edition are due to new technology. We cover the
new XML data type and show you how to use it and other T-SQL features to
manipulate XML-techniques that many experienced T-SQL programmers often
don’t know well. The most dramatic change is the new final chapter, which introduces Language-Integrated Query (LINQ), a powerful alternative to traditional
ADO.NET programming that promises to be the future of all data access in .NET.
So, whatever your database background or programming needs, we’re sure
you’ll find in here all you need to become a highly proficient database programmer. We believe you’ll have as much fun learning database programming
as we have doing database programming.
Jim Huddleston
See last page for details
on $10 eBook version
C# 2005
From Novice to Professional
What every C# programmer needs to know about
SQL Server 2005, T-SQL, ADO.NET 2.0, and LINQ
Pro C# 2005 and the .NET
2.0 Platform, Third Edition
Expert C# 2005 Business
Objects, Second Edition
ISBN 1-59059-777-X
US $39.99
Shelve in Programming
89253 59777
Beginning C# 2005
User level:
C# 2005 Databases
Dear Reader,
Author of
James Huddleston
Ranga Raghuram, Syed Fahad Gilani,
Jacob Hammer Pedersen, and Jon Reid
9 781590 597774
this print for content only—size & color not accurate
spine = 0.998" 528 page count
2:31 PM
Page i
Beginning C# 2005
From Novice to Professional
James Huddleston, Ranga Raghuram,
Syed Fahad Gilani, Jacob Hammer Pedersen,
and Jon Reid
2:31 PM
Page ii
Beginning C# 2005 Databases: From Novice to Professional
Copyright © 2006 by James Huddleston, Ranga Raghuram, Syed Fahad Gilani, Jacob Hammer Pedersen,
and Jon Reid
All rights reserved. No part of this work may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means,
electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage or retrieval
system, without the prior written permission of the copyright owner and the publisher.
ISBN-13 (pbk): 978-1-59509-777-4
ISBN-10 (pbk): 1-59059-777-X
Printed and bound in the United States of America 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1
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Lead Editor: Jonathan Hassell
Technical Reviewer: Vidya Vrat Agarwal
Editorial Board: Steve Anglin, Ewan Buckingham, Gary Cornell, Jason Gilmore, Jonathan Gennick,
Jonathan Hassell, James Huddleston, Chris Mills, Matthew Moodie, Dominic Shakeshaft, Jim Sumser,
Keir Thomas, Matt Wade
Project Manager: Elizabeth Seymour
Copy Edit Manager: Nicole Flores
Copy Editors: Nicole Abramowitz, Liz Welch
Assistant Production Director: Kari Brooks-Copony
Production Editor: Janet Vail
Compositor: Linda Weidemann, Wolf Creek Press
Proofreader: April Eddy
Indexer: Kevin Broccoli/Broccoli Information Management
Cover Designer: Kurt Krames
Manufacturing Director: Tom Debolski
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2:31 PM
Page iii
To Jared, Quinn, and Tess
I love you.
—Jim Huddleston
2:31 PM
Page iv
2:28 PM
Page 499
Unhandled Exceptions, 124. See also error
messages; exceptions
UNION joins, SQL, 311–312
uniquridentifier data type, 63
Unknown connection option in
connection string, 102
untyped datasets, 225–226
Update method, 212
UPDATE statement
updating data, 57
using transactions, 359
UpdateCommand property, DataAdapter
persisting changes to database, 200–201
propagating changes to data source,
updating data, 57–58, 217–218
User ID clause, connection string, 103
using directives, 75, 82
var type, 470
varbinary data type, 62, 404
varchar data type, 61, 404
VCSE, 1–5, 17, 30–35
Find it faster at />
tables. See also relationships
creating, 252
using SQL, 255–257
using SSMSE, 252–253
data integrity
entity integrity, 265–266
overview, 265
referential integrity, 267–273
derived, 280
overview, 258
with SQ., 259–261
with SSMSE, 258–259
used in example AAA, 412
getting data about, 161–164
normalization, 274–275
overview, 251
relationships between, 261–263
Tables property, 185
TargetSite property, 346
tempdb database, 19
text and binary data
overview, 403
retrieving data from text columns,
retrieving images from database,
storing images in database, 404–412
storing text data, 419–425
types, 403–404
TextBox control, 230
Third normal form (3NF), 275
time data types, 62
Timeout clause, connection string. See
Connection Timeout clause
timestamp data type, 63
tinyint data type, 61
ToDataTable method, 478
BOL, 35–39
SSMSE, 17–28
VCSE, 30–35
ToQueryable( ) method, 479
Transact SQL (T-SQL), 17, 362–373
ACID properties, 360–361
atomicity property, 360
in ADO.NET, 373–377
overview, 361
in T-SQL, 362–373
coding in SQL, 365, 367
committing SQL transaction example,
durability property, 361
nested, 378
overview, 359
relationship to connections, 376
when to use, 359–360
TRUNCATE TABLE statement, 60
try block, 76, 78
T-SQL (Transact SQL), 17, 362–373
tuples, 251
typed accessor methods, 150–156
typed datasets, 225–226
2:28 PM
Page 500
vcssetup.exe, 2
version attribute, 434
views, 313
WHERE clause, 57, 471, 473
combining predicates, 52
operators of, 49–51
overview, 48–49
where clause, C# 3.0, 473
Windows Authentication, 75
Windows forms applications
data binding
complex data binding, 231–238
data-bound controls, 238–239
overview, 227
simple data binding, 228–230
synchronizing controls with data
source, 240–244
data grids, 244–249
Windows integrated security, 102
WITH clause, 446, 449, 456
Workstation ID clause, connection string
key details, 103
setting WorkstationId property, 111
WorkstationId property, SqlConnection
class, 110
WriteLine method, Console class, 121
opening and closing connections, 99
tab character, 108
WriteXml( ) method, 435
WriteXmlSchema method, DataSet class,
218, 226
XHTML (Extensible HTML), 432
XML (Extensible Markup Language), 66
and ADO.NET, 67
and datasets, 218–221
generating edge table, 447–448
overview, 442–443
using, 443–445
overlapping elements, 432
overview, 431–432
understanding XML declaration, 434
understanding XML documents,
working with XML in ADO.NET, 218
FOR XML clause
AUTO mode, 440–441
creating sample data, 435–437
overview, 434–435
RAW mode, 438–439
xml data type
creating table to store XML, 450
overview, 449
storing and retrieving XML
documents, 450–451
using element-centric schema with
OPENXML, 454–455
using OPENXML with XML columns,
XML documents
declarations, 434
elements, 433, 438
overview, 434
xml data type, 449
XML Path Language (XPath), 432
XML vocabulary, 432
xml2edge stored procedure, 449
xml2tbl stored procedure, 444, 447, 454
xmlcity table, 437
xmltest stored procedure, 450, 452
XPath (XML Path Language), 432
XSL (Extensible Stylesheet Language), 432
XSLT (XSL Transformations), 432