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Pro C# 2008 and the .NET 3.5 Platform, Fourth Edition
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Pro C# 2008 and the
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Pro VB 2008 and the
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Pro WPF in C# 2008
ISBN-13: 978-1-59059-884-9
ISBN-10: 1-59059-884-9
US $59.99
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and the
.NET 3.5
Andrew Troelsen
Microsoft MVP, Visual Developer—Visual C#
Take care and enjoy,
Author of
The first edition of this book was released at the 2001 Tech·Ed conference in
Atlanta, Georgia. (I honestly can’t believe it was that long ago!) Since that time,
this text has been revised, tweaked, and enhanced to account for the changes
found within each release of the .NET platform (1.1, 2.0, 3.0, and now 3.5).
.NET 3.0 was more of an augmentative release, essentially providing three new
APIs: Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF), Windows Communication
Foundation (WCF), and Windows Workflow Foundation (WF). As you would
expect, coverage of the “W’s” has been expanded upon a great deal from the
previous Special Edition of this text.
Unlike .NET 3.0, .NET 3.5 provides dozens of new C# language features and .NET
APIs. This edition of the book will walk you through all of this new material using
the same readable approach (at least that is what I have been told!) as found
in the prior editions. Rest assured, you’ll find detailed coverage of Language
Integrated Query (LINQ), the C# 2008 language changes (automatic properties,
extension methods, anonymous types, etc.), and the numerous bells and whistles
of Visual Studio 2008.
If you’re checking out this book for the first time, understand that it targets
experienced software professionals and/or students of computer science (so
please don’t expect three chapters devoted to “for loops”). The mission of this
text is to provide you with a rock-solid foundation in the C# 2008 programming
language and the core aspects of the .NET platform (OOP, assemblies, file IO,
Windows Forms/WPF, ASP.NET, ADO.NET, WCF, WF, etc.). Once you digest the
information presented in these 33 chapters, you’ll be in a perfect position to
apply this knowledge to your specific programming assignments, and you’ll be
well equipped to explore the .NET universe on your own terms.
For a limited time,
get the free, fully searchable
eBook—a $30 value!
Fourth Edition
See last
last page
page for
for details.
Offer ends
ends June
June 30,
30, 2008.
C# 2008
.NET 3.5 Platform
Exploring the .NET universe using curly brackets
Fourth Edition
Andrew Troelsen
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9:45 AM
Page i
Pro C# 2008 and the
.NET 3.5 Platform
Fourth Edition
Andrew Troelsen
9:45 AM
Page ii
Pro C# 2008 and the .NET 3.5 Platform, Fourth Edition
Copyright © 2007 by Andrew Troelsen
All rights reserved. No part of this work may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means,
electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage or retrieval
system, without the prior written permission of the copyright owner and the publisher.
ISBN-13: 978-1-59059-884-9
ISBN-10: 1-59059-884-9
Printed and bound in the United States of America 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1
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9:45 AM
Page iii
This edition of the text is dedicated to Mikko the wonder cat, life at 412, and my wonderful
wife, Amanda, who patiently waited for me to finish yet another book.
5:51 PM
Page 1369
WindowHeight property, 76
WindowLeft property, 76
<Window.Resources> element, 1149
Windows collection, 1016
Windows Communication Foundation (WCF), 867
Window’s constructor, 1060
Windows Distributed interNet Applications
Architecture (DNA) deficiencies, 5–6
Windows Forms, 556–557, 999
Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF), 955,
1318. See also Application type; Window
overview, 1005
role of Application class, 1006
role of Window class, 1006–1011
building WPF applications using Visual Studio
2008, 1044–1048
building XAML-free WPF applications
creating simple user interface, 1013–1015,
extending Window class type, 1013
overview, 1011–1013
controlling content layout using panels, 1108
Extensible Application Markup Language
attached properties, 1038–1039
Browser Applications (XBAPs), 1004
defining application object in, 1023, 1033
defining MainWindow in, 1022–1023
elements and attributes, 1035
experimenting with using XamlPad, 1032
markup extensions, 1039–1041
overview, 1021–1022
processing at runtime, 1048–1052
processing XAML files via msbuild.exe,
property-element syntax, 1036–1037
type converters, 1039
motivation behind
overview, 999–1000
providing optimized rendering model, 1001
providing separation of concerns via XAML,
separation of concerns using code-behind files,
transforming markup into .NET assembly
mapping XAML to C# code, 1025–1026
overview, 1025
role of Binary Application Markup Language
(BAML), 1026–1028
XAML-to-assembly process summary,
1028–1029, 1052
Windows property, Application type, 1006
Windows Vista operating system, 1001
Windows Workflow Foundation (WF)
assemblies and core namespaces, 924
brief word regarding custom activities, 951–952
Find it faster at />
WcfTestClient.exe application, 915
web applications in ASP.NET, 1203–1204, 1207
web controls in ASP.NET, 1207–1209
web enhancements, .NET 3.5, 1178
web page code model, ASP.NET, 1179, 1181
web paradigm, 1177
web parts, 1178
Web Service Description Language (WSDL), 895
Web Services Enhancements (WSE) 3.0, 873
Web Site template, 1190
web-centric primer, 1177
Web.config, ASP.NET, 1204, 1269–1270
Web.config file, 878, 913–914, 1163, 1178, 1188,
1191, 1203–1204, 1271–1272, 1274
WebControl class properties, ASP.NET, 1213
WebDev.WebServer.exe utility, 1166–1167, 1178,
WebMethod attribute, 543, 870
WebService directive, 871
WebServiceFaultActivity, WF, 921
WebServiceInputActivity, WF, 921
WebServiceOutputActivity, WF, 921
website administration utility, ASP.NET, 1205–1206
website directory structure, ASP.NET, 1190
Web.sitemap file, 1219
where keyword, generics, 335
Where( ) method, 461
where operator, 463, 466
Where<T>( ) method, 461
While activity, 928–930
while loop, 101, 795
WhileActivity, WF, 921
widening, 95
widgets, 1169, 1248
Width member, 1061
Width property, 1085, 1137, 1213
Width value, 1087
Win 32 binaries (*.dll or *.exe), 11
Win32 file header in assemblies, 482
Window class
overview, 1006–1007
System.Windows.Controls.ContentControl base
class, 1007–1008
System.Windows.Controls.Control base class,
System.Windows.DependencyObject base class,
System.Windows.Media.Visual base class, 1010
base class, 1011
System.Windows.UIElement base class, 1010
Window object
closing of, 1018–1019
lifetime of, 1017–1018
Window type, 1083, 1094, 1103, 1113, 1118
<Window> element, 1022, 1032, 1084, 1113, 1154
Window1 type, 1108
Window-derived type, 1121
5:51 PM
Page 1370
building blocks of
getting into flow of workflow, 925–926
integrated services of WF, 919
overview, 918–919
role of sequential workflows and state
machine workflows, 921–923
WF activities, 920–921
building reusable code library, 948–951
building simple workflow-enabled application
adding Code activity, 927–928
adding custom start-up parameters, 931–935
adding While activity, 928–930
initial workflow code, 926–927
overview, 926
WF engine hosting code, 930–931
invoking web services within workflows,
motivation behind, 917–918
overview, 917
Windows Workflow toolbox, 920
Windows XP Home Edition and ASP.NET,
WindowsBase.dll assembly, WPF, 1005
Windows.Forms coding, 977
WindowsFormsDataTableViewer application, 799
WindowState property, 972
WindowTop property, 76
WindowWidth property, 76
WinFormsClientApp.cs file, 1328
Wizard definition, 1229
Wizard web control, 1228
worker thread, 562
WorkflowCompleted event, WorkflowRuntime, 931
workflow-enabled application, 918
WorkflowInstance core type, 930
WorkflowRuntime core type, 930
WorkflowTerminated event, WorkflowRuntime, 931
WrapPanel control, 1056, 1085, 1088
<WrapPanel> element, 1114
Write( ) method, 676, 678, 682, 1189, 1199
WriteAllBytes( ) method, 674
WriteAllLines( ) method, 674
WriteAllText( ) method, 674
WriteFile( ) method, 70, 153, 678, 1199
write-only class properties, 171
WriteOnly keyword, 165, 171
write-only property, 171
WriteTextToIsoStorage( ) method, 707
WriteXml( ) method, 796
WriteXmlSchema( ) method, 796
writing to a text file, 679
wsdl utility, 1322
wsdl.exe command-line tool, 872
WSDualHttpBinding class, 882
WSDualHttpBinding option, 881
WSFederationHttpBinding class, 882
WSFederationHttpBinding option, 881
WSHttpBinding class, 905
WSHttpBinding option, 881
WSHttpBinding protocol, 882, 901
X or x string format, .NET, 78
X property, 976
*.xaml file, 1024, 1028, 1055, 1129
XamlPad, 1031–1032
XAttribute member, 859
XAttributes object, 859
x/COL/Type markup extension, 1151
XComment member, 859
Xcopy deployment, 499
XDeclaration member, 859
XDocument member, 859
XDocument type, 860
XElement member, 858
XElement parameter, 864
XElement type, 860
XElement.Descendants( ) method, 863
XElement.Load( ) method, 863
XElements object, 859
and ADO.NET, 731
/doc compiler flag, 179
documentation elements, 177
documenting VB 2005 source code via, 176–180
source code documentation, 176–177
*.xml file, 179, 1114
XmlDataProvider type, 1114
XmlElement type, 1115
xmlns attribute, 1168
XmlReader/XmlWriter models, 858
XmlSerializer, 716, 720–722
XName/XNamespace member, 859
XPath bindings, 1114
xPos member variable, 437
xsd utility, 1322
xsp2 utility, 1322
y operators, 448
Y property, 976
yetAnotherPoint variable, 437
yield keyword, 292–293
yPos member variable, 437